Today Miss Millport and I went down for a little day trip to bring back the last of the things out of Rose Cottage. One thing I definitely wanted was the bench , which Mr Millport Breaks put together with a lot of difficulty about eight years ago, when it graced Cosy Corner garden. None of the holes matched up and there was a *lot* of patient sighing and hitting things with a big mallet.
I said to Miss Millport, we can carry it round to Beside the Bay, and it'll be a lovely bench to sit on in the garden!
The bench was a lot heavier than I remembered. We set off along the road, stopping many times to discuss how best to carry it. Miss Millport declared herself tired and she had a little sit on it. Momentarily we considered leaving it outside the The Newton Bar for drinkers to sit on.
However we plodded on and eventually got it into Beside the Bay garden, and I shall give it a coat of garden paint when the weather warms up.
It'll be perfect to sit on with a coffee, don't you think?