A Solstice Blessing - by Cameron Broughton
‘Twas the dawn of Solstice, when all around our Earth,
The great creator revealed our eternal worth.
Our Ancestors knew the grand stage was set,
In the North winter’s longest night had been met
Down under the South’s longest day had been had;
As the great cog of the wheel appeared to be mad!
The miraculous unfolding of existence prevailed,
As all living creatures knew to hail,
The unfolding of the turn of the cosmic tide,
Its stillness in action as we abide
The shifting direction on the turn of a dime,
So seamless and with nothing left behind…
We celebrate the great dance of the cosmos
As once again we are reminded of those
Unseen powers that teach us to have faith
That all is in order and filled with grace.
The juxtaposition of the South and the North
The longest night and longest day go forth;
Seemingly holding the key to stability
Which we’ve learned to accept with great humility.
In the longest night we go within to dream
Of the year ahead and all that is unseen;
On the longest day of the year, we act out
The dreams that we had, without a doubt
Of glee and much determination
As those dreams come to fruition!
The wonder of it all has been celebrated
For eons as our Ancestors watched and waited
For the Creators magnificent design to unfold
Enabling us to be bold
As our faith in a power greater than ourselves
Demanded our doubt to be put on the shelf.
From the microcosm to the macrocosm
Adjusting our focus to the algorithm
Of the greatest miracle of life,
We are reminded to release our strife,
To hold fast in our belief that we are a part
Of this grand design as we take heart
That all will be made whole
When we play out our role.
Patience and fear will do their dance
Ultimately our vision will be enhanced
As the new dawn sheds light on the dark
With gratitude we’ve learned to hark!
Sending bright Solstice blessings to one and all,
As we now grow towards the Equinox’s Spring and Fall!