Afternoon All,
I’ve got a few things I need to tell you and just a few housekeeping bits I want to mention.
First up the mobile number 07717390719 will cease to be used from the end of January. If you need to text me please use 07920423628 but please keep in mind that whilst I’m grooming I can’t always respond immediately and in addition I don’t work weekends so there may be a delay in my response. Please where possible use Facebook messenger.
Second, despite trying to find ways to save on overheads it’s a sign of the times that everything just keeps rising. This means that the cost of grooms will increase from April 1st. I remain very competitive in my pricing.
I don’t charge a set price for a groom, a number of factors are taken into consideration, including but not limited to, frequency, coat type, size of dog/cat, behaviour of dog/cat.
The longer the coat is in most instances the more the groom will cost as it requires more water/shampoo and drying time. Please ask directly for the cost of your groom but please also be aware that if your pet comes in matted there may be additional charges. However, I have not nor would I ever rip you off.
If you pay via bank transfer, I do ask that payment is made by the close of business so that I don’t spend my evenings chasing payments.
Nail clipping will remain from £6
When you collect your pet, please don’t come past the counter, I’ve had a few people of late popping their head over the gate and if I’m grooming and the dog reacts to you it could be dangerous for both them and me. I do have cameras and a door chime so I will see you have arrived.
If you are unable to keep your appointment please give me at least 24 hours notice, ideally more where possible. Leaving it late means I can’t fill the space and lose out on income. Part of the cost of your grooms is determined by the volume of grooms I do. This helps me to keep costs down. This includes weather related cancellations.
If less than 24 hours notice is given then I do ask for a cancellation fee of 50%, if you just fail to turn up I charge the full groom price. I don’t get paid holiday or sick pay so I plan my days to incorporate this.
I do feel very lucky to say that I am fully booked for 2025 but with this brings its own challenges. If people can’t make their appointments due to things cropping up I may request that you swap your appointment for/with them, I try to do this for all my clients and have always been very lucky that you have been accommodating. Please do bear in mind though that I can’t always do this so if you have a date you can’t make let me know asap so I can do my best to swap you.
I’ve not had anytime off sick since opening Animalstylists (15 years…wow) (quickly touches wood) but if that was to happen I would contact you as early as is possible. Please rest assured that if I can work I will as I always have, broken bones and all!
Sorry for the long post it just saves me writing lots of short ones 🤣🤣
Any questions please shout up
Love to you all
Steph xx