This should be good.
News from Challacombe Farm – Wildflower meadow walks and more
Art & Energy at Challacombe Farm this Sunday
This Sunday (the 16th) we’re teaming up with the lovely ladies at the Art & Energy Collective (https://www.artandenergy.org/ ) to host ‘Making and restoring the Moor’ which will be arty activities and a guided wildlife walk with a moss focus with Andrew Branson from the British Bryological Society, and an easy farm walk to take in some of our wild flower meadows and wetlands – which at the moment are full of orchids. Afterwards there will be tea and cake and a chance to see (and add to) their Mossy Carpet art project (https://www.artandenergy.org/the-mossy-carpet ) .
The event runs between 12 and 4, and although not essential, if you’re planning to come, please book a free place through Eventbrite (https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/creative-activities-farm-tour-at-challacombe-farm-with-art-and-energy-tickets-884991462287 ) as then we’ll know how much cake to make.
Moor Meadows – open meadows
If you can’t make Sunday, as part of Moor Meadows Open Meadows programme, we are once again having a self-guided trail, through our flower rich haymeadows, and past the wet rhos pasture between 10am and 5pm from Saturday 15th through to Friday 21st June. No booking is required, just park in the field by the house, and follow the orange marker tape & posts around the fields and back. The route is about ¾ mile with one steep hill (about 150ft of climbing) and some uneven ground.
Lamb & beef
If you’re heading up our way, and would like to stock-up on some of our delicious, organic, 100% grass fed lamb or beef, if you order it advance on the website we’ll have it ready for you. In anticipation of BBQ season, we’ve got some lovely lamb steaks and chops.
See the farm on Disney+
Some of you may remember that we hosted a film crew a few summers ago, who spent weeks filming our swallows. A small part of their footage they took has now made it into Episode 6 of ‘Incredible Animal Journeys’ which you can stream on the National Geographic channel on Disney+
All the best
Mark & Naomi