Wootton WI was formed in April 1918 and celebrated its centenary birthday in 2018. Our archives since 1947 have been stored at Northants Record Office, now at Wootton Hall Park, plus we keep scrapbooks to record all our activities. We currently have more than 40 members, some of whom have been members for a long while and others less than a year. We meet on the second Wednesday of every month exce
pt August, at 7:30pm in the Memorial Hall, Wootton. Doors open at 7pm. We usually start our monthly meeting with approximately half an hour of ‘business’, talk about recent and forthcoming events and any relevant news. An invited ‘speaker’ then usually joins us for about an hour and a member gives a vote of thanks. Afterwards we enjoy a social time together with refreshments served by members on a rota basis. A committee is elected annually to organise the running of our WI including the programme and social events. We often form sub-committees and welcome any involvement or special skills. Our visitor’s fee is £4.00 and includes tea, coffee and biscuits and you may visit three times before you join us as a member. The WI year now runs from April to March. The annual membership subscription includes National, County and local WI membership, plus a regular copy of ‘WI Life’ magazine. Members can join on a pro-rata basis during the membership year.