🔭 Latest Sightings 🔭
Over the weekend, numerous birds of prey have been sighted including 1 Hen Harrier, 1 Kestrel, 1 Merlin, 5 Marsh Harrier, 1 Buzzard and 1 Barn Owl at Ron Barker hide. 1 Peregrine, 1 Great White Egret, 1 Lesser Black-Backed Gull were seen on the mere.
Today, 1 male and 1 female Marsh Harrier were seen from Harrier hide, where Pochard and Canada Geese are present, and you may also see Reed Bunting
Over 150 Teal and Shovelers can be seen on Vinsons and Sunleys Lakes at Ron Barker hide. A covey of 10 Grey Partridge were sighted in the hedgerows of the cattle field next to the hide, as well as 8 House Sparrows and 1 Fieldfare.
On the Nature Trail, Greenfinch, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Wren, Robins, Blue T**s, Great T**s, Long-Tailed T**s and Song Thrush can be observed.
The Great Spotted Woodpecker is drumming on the trees at Janet Kear hide, where 2 Jay and 1 Little Egret were also spotted this morning.
Oystercatchers, Ruff, Lapwings and Black-Tailed Godwits can be seen on the Mere in good numbers. There are 2 Greater Black-Backed Gulls, the largest member of the gull family, and 3 Cormorants with one starting to show breeding plumage.
Snipe can often be sighted from the viewing platforms, or Rees and Gordon Taylor hide, hiding within the vegetation.
Around 1,000 Pink-Footed Geese have just landed on the fields at the back of the Mere. They typically move around the site all day, often seen on Ploverfield, visible from the bridge near Rees hide.
View all latest sightings: https://ow.ly/f2Kp50UWPhG