This tour covers the history of radicalism in Oxford, from the Levellers in the English Civil War, through the Ranters, Percy Shelley, Oscar Wilde, both William Morrises (the revolutionary socialist and the Mosley-supporting motor boss), the Irish revolutionary James Connolly's visits at the turn of the last century, the battle against Oswald Mosley's fascists and support for the republican side i
n the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s, strikes and the growth of radical trade unionism in the city's car industry, and the tradition of radical history and politics, especially at Ruskin College, up to the miners' strike of 1984-85 and everything in between. Ciaran Walsh is an experienced and highly engaging tour guide, with a wealth of knowledge and commitment to preserving and continuing Oxford's radical traditions. Tours generally last around two hours and are on Sunday starting at 1pm from the steps of the Clarendon Building on Broad Street (near the Bodleian Library). Advance booking is essential by phoning 01865723604. The recommended price is £10 per person - £5 for unemployed and students, though group rates can also be negotiated. Tours, especially for groups, can also be arranged at other times. Ciaran also does an additional tour of Jericho, the old working class and industrial district of Oxford. Contact 01865723604 for further details.