guidl’s suite of Roman history tours is growing, with Professor Catherine Fletcher’s ‘The Roads to Rome’ tour joining the Rest is History Tom Holland’s tour of Roman London.
Dive back in time as you explore London or Rome, either in person or from your sofa. All you need is the guidl app (free to download) and a pair of comfy headphones.
Go on a voyage of discovery for £4.99, support your favourite historian and expand your horizons today.
#romanhistory #londinium #romanlondon #roma #romanroad #roadtorome #latin
Imagine exploring a new city with your favourite expert historian* in your ears.
That’s the dream behind guidl. It’s the app that launched this summer, giving you access to over 200 fascinating people taking you on audio tours of fascinating places.
Join guidl and see the community grow, as a tour creator, listener, or both! The first stop on every tour is free.
*or author, geologist, artist, professional guide, sports star, podcaster, actor… if you can imagine it - you can guidl it.
#audiotour #tourism #app #techtourism #guide #discover #oxford #oxfordbusiness
If you’ve ever been to a place with lifeless information plaques, a dry audio guide or simply no way of uncovering its stories at all - guidl is for you.
It’s the app that allows brilliant historians, authors, guides and creators to upload audio guides and tours of the places that make them come alive, and users to listen and marvel at the fascinating stories around them.
Victorian London, Tudor palaces, life or death battlegrounds, the places that shaped the most significant figures in history…
All this and more is waiting on the guidl app, and its community is growing by the day. It’s free to download or to become a creator. Comment below to discover more!
#guidl #audiotour #historian #history #museum #discover #getoutside #historylover #ww2
You know the feeling: you’ve come across an amazing landmark, some intriguing landscape, a piece of history… but you know little to nothing about it.
Join Hannah on a walk across London as she describes how a little app in your pocket is the companion you’ve been looking for, with on-demand audio tours from fascinating people about the fascinating places that surround us.
Join the guidl adventure as a tour creator or a user today. You never have to miss out on the magic of a place again. Links in bio!
#newapp #discovermore #audiotour #discoverglobe #ukhistory #londontour #londontourism #southken #history
guidl is an app to buy and listen to audio tours by fascinating people of fascinating places.
You’ve had that feeling - we know you have. Walking past an amazing building, happening upon a historic site, and wishing there was quick, entertaining information on-hand bringing what you’re looking at to life. And that’s what guidl is all about. With just your smartphone, you can browse through hundreds of tours by experts, and see the world through their eyes. Whether it be a military historian talking to you about a famous battlefield, a geologist bringing to life an ancient burial ground or a musician taking you on a musical tour of Venice, it’s all possible with guidl.
Hear guidl CEO @lyman.robert sum up the app’s origin story. Then download guidl for free and get exploring today.
#guidl #triggernometry #triggerpod #founder #techfounder #appdevelopment #newapp #audiotour
guidl proudly presents @the_wandering_winds and a beautiful new Musician’s Walking Tour of Venice. 📱 🎧 🎶
Be guided round one of the most romantic cities in the world, following in the footsteps of great composers. Katy and Miles, the team behind the Wandering Winds, are talented musicians themselves - no better people to whisk you away on a voyage of discovery, armed with just your phone and a pair of headphones.
Download the guidl app today and search ‘Venice’ to get started!
#wanderingwinds #venice #italy #composer #concerto #walkingtour #musicaltour #italianmusician #guidl #audiotour
guidl is so proud to host a brand-new tour by artist and writer Ian Davis.
Based on his stunning book, Experiencing Oxford, the tour is available to buy now for £4.99 and yours to keep forever.
What is guidl? It’s the audio tour app for those who want to explore differently. See the world through the eyes of artists, historians, authors, geologists and expert guides with their voices in your ears.
guidl is free to download in your App Store. So whether you want to discover WW1 Ypres, the places that defined Princess Diana, the history of medicine in London or the secret history of Hampton Court, you can.
guidl. Step into stories.
#audiotour #oxford #history #discover #oxfordartist #getoutside #guidl
@drhelenfry’s guidl tour of Trent Park reveals hidden history you won’t find on a regular visit - put simply, the only way to discover its full contribution to wartime intelligence is with #guidl!
This sums up so beautifully what guidl offers to so many sites of note.
We’re thrilled to have Helen on the app - an expert on women in intelligence, espionage and spies. What could be more thrilling? Check out her two guidl tours of Trent Park and the wartime history of the Tower of London today! 🕵️♀️
#trentpark #espionage #intelligence #wartime #spies #ww2 #helenfry #audiotour #worldwartwo #womanatwar
This is #guidl - incredible historians and experts building audio tours of their favourite places and taking YOU with them on a voyage of discovery.
If you’d like access to hundreds of amazing audio experiences like this in your pocket, download the guidl app for free today. Pay as you go for tours that suit! From the Tudors and Stuarts to the battlefields of Ypres, via Waterloo or Westminster, the world is waiting!
#audiotour #historylover #history #getoutside #restishistory #independentcompany #wehaveways
The brilliant @mirandamalins loves #guidl. Eavesdrop on our chat where she tells us why her first guidl tour had to be a rarely acknowledged but crucial slice of Hampton Court’s history.
If you learned something in this two-minute chat, imagine what you’d learn from Miranda on a day out around the palace, or by skipping expensive tickets and listening on a walk around the parkland surrounding it.
We could listen to Miranda all day - and in fact did so on a wonderful trip out to listen to her tour. It’s just £4.99 - why not try it out, or another fantastic guidl tour, today?
#hamptoncourt #olivercromwell #englishcivilwar #cromwell #tudor #mirandamalins #bushypark
What do users think about guidl?
Alex downloaded guidl after hearing about it on Twitter and loved it so much that he then tweeted some lovely reviews himself. @lyman.robert from the guidl team jumped on a call with him to hear why guidl is the perfect tool for history lovers, and why guidl is the app Alex has been waiting for forever to bring history to life.
If Alex’s experience resonates with you, why not give guidl a go too? The app is free to download - the links are in our bio!
Thanks so much to Alex for his time - this is an edited version of a longer conversation and Alex’s feedback has been invaluable to the team.
#appreview #battlefieldtour #guidl #tourguide
We love hearing what people think of guidl!
These reviews all came from people sharing their guidl experiences on Twitter - and we’re glad both users and creators enjoy it so much.
We have so many improvements and developments in mind for the app, so all feedback is always welcome as we continue to grow. Thank you all for coming along for the ride.
#startup #productreview #guidl #guidedtour