look what I have unearthed? a flash back to 1996 when we started to renovate the barn into "Storey Cottage". Everyone who has visited or it booked in this is how it started out. Note no storey Corner in this either!
Weekday walk number 2
Robinhoods Bay to Ravenscar alon the cinder track and back via the cliff top and beach
Thank you to all our lovely guests for your reviews and recommendations. It means so much to us to have happy customer
Mr Fox back on the trail
Good to see him
Rabbits watch out
Brock the badger
Not seen a badger for some time so nice to see they are passing through again.
No sets on our land but foot prints have started arriving again
Visitors to the farm
A couple of Roe deer caught on camera this week.
Not what I was expecting on the trail cam!!! it would seem we have visiting Red Deer
Even on a dull day the view is so tranquil
Our waterfall looking lovely.
Dippers have been spied nesting near it