Welcome To Sonalyst...
Sonalyst is one of the fastest growing suppliers of technical equipment and services in the UK and Europe. Supplying sound, lighting, audio visual and rigging equipment to all aspects of the entertainment industry. About Us...
Sonalyst is a very diverse one stop shop providing equipment and consultation for concerts, theatres, television studios, outside broadcast, film, e
xhibition, conference, corporate events, parties, balls and installations. We can offer full sound design, lighting design and rigging design and have facilities for set storage and rehearsal space within our 40,000 square foot warehouse facility.
- We stock the latest high quality equipment
- We retain a fine team of technicians and engineers
- We utilize experts in every field
- We operate a rigorous, safety focused maintenance and health and
safety programme
- We take pride in providing our clients with a superior service
Sonalyst is dedicated to building long-term relationships with our
clients & employees. Be it in technical provision, sales support, we
believe that excellence is normal & not the exception, we are all
committed to the same goal: To be the best at what we do. Hire...
Our hire division supplies audio systems for shows, events, tours and music concerts worldwide. Sonalyst sound systems range from small dry hire conference packages to complex line array systems for major events and festivals. Our hire systems include line arrays and speakers by Meyer, Eaw, and L'Acoustics and a wide selection of the most up to date digital consoles - see our sound page for full details. The lighting department offers the latest Robe and Clay Paky intelligent fixtures, i-Pix and Pulsar LED equipment, Avolites dimming and consoles, plus Grand MA and WholeHog control systems. See the lighting page for more detail. Our rigging department has CM LodeStar ½-ton, 1-ton and 2-ton motors and control and a host of Thomas trussing and accessories including a massive stock of gakflex products. Please see our rigging page for details. We also offer video equipment and screen hire with a stock of BARCO and SANYO projectors. Please see our video page for details.