Don’t normally do a pre race meeting update, but we have a few people to thank for getting us to this event I thought I should do one 😊
After the last CRMC meeting at Donnington we had a poorly FZ600, it developed a rattle and to be honest we thought nothing of it and had to get the following weekends meeting out of the way before it could be looked at.
How wrong could we have been! Scott Carson spent every bit of spare time he had checking the engine over, taking it apart and putting it back together again and again. Still nothing.
Last week Scott bought it down to the Allspeed workshop to fit a new head gasket, as it was suspected that was the issue. 9pm that night we started it up and hear it was still rattling, but now getting worse. More investigations and a phone call to the guru of FZ600 engines Alan Cooper confirmed what we didn’t want to hear. The crank was gone. It seems the FZ engine doesn’t like being on its side at times and the crash at Donnington must have staved the crank of oil and started it to break down.
Next day the engine was pulled apart and yes one of the shells had broken up. So, in steps our master mechanic here at Allspeeds Jason. He managed to build another engine from an old spare we had that had top end issues and use what he could from the engine we had been using. We had to wait 24 hours for a new head gasket to arrive, so this took us to last Thursday before it was ready to fire up. Engine sounded sweet, just one issue. It thinks it is a steam train. It smoked like hell, why we don’t know.
A plea on Facebook and another engine was found that has been in someone’s shed for the past 5 years. Also, Derek Cripps contacted me to offer his complete bike for Scott to race. Luckily enough both the bike and the engine were quite close to each other. Saturday we headed down to collect both.
With Scott and I already busy on the Bank Holiday weekend. It was Tuesday evening before we could get back to working on the FZ. Result being at 2am last night we had a running FZ600 to race again at Snetteron! A huge relief, Scott is so close to winning the championship this coming weekend, neither of us were going to let something like no engine get in the way.
Big thanks to Alan Cooper for his advice whilst we tried to find the issue. Jason for trying his best to get an engine together we could race on and a massive thanks for Derek Cripps for the loan of his FZ. We have prepped that as well, so we have a back up plan if anything else goes wrong 😊
Roll on Snetterton and lets get this Championship