My Name is Louise. I'm 43. I've been qualified as an RGN for 22 years (how is that possible?) I became a nursing sister at the age of 23. I was the youngest sister at the hospital I worked in, that was in 2003. I'm not sure if I still hold that title or not, but what a privilege that was. Since my jump from a staff nurse to sister, I have remained in a senior capacity for the rest of my career. I've been a specialist nurse, nurse consultant, matron, Nurse Practitioner, Business Owner. So my career has been varied, and I've never ever regretted becoming a nurse. It truly was a vocation for me. Is the NHS what it once was? Definitely not!! Is there a bigger world out there where you can utilise your nursing skills and allow it to take you out of your comfort zone for professional and personal development... you bet there is!!
I am a .... friend and luckily for me my friends are mainly old friends. I cherish this so much. They've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. I have friends that I'm close too who I went to playgroup with, Primary school, secondary school, university, my first job, they were my students in the different roles I've had, work colleagues. Friends through my partner.
The best thing ever is that each of my friends are secure in our friendship. We can go hours, days, weeks, months, and sometimes years without being in touch and pic up right where we left off. Forever grateful 🙏
I am a ..... Aunty and Godmother both roles are fabulous gifts and I don't take for granted. I enjoy creating memories and making sure they know they're loved 😍 🥰 ❤️
I am a .... homeowner 🏡 I live alone, and slowly, this is becoming ok. It needs renovating, and I'll slowly be making it my own. Is it difficult? Yes. Will I do it? Of course.
I am a .... surviver 💪🙏❤️ nearly 3 years ago I had an accident at work. This left me with a complete distal humerus fracture (my arm was completely snapped in 2 and not attached at all, apart of soft tissue, of course). This is a rare fracture and a very painful one (trust me). Shall I do a part 2? ...