Walden Writers is cooperative initially conceived by Saffron Walden authors Amy Corzine and Martin Everett. The Essex-based group includes the published authors listed below but many others have been involved. WW meet regularly to critique one another’s work in a supportive atmosphere. Amy Corzine's publications include a popular science book called "The Secret Life of the Universe: the Quest for
the Soul of Science", a family travel guide called "Take the Kids: Ireland", which contains fiction, a graphic novel for Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre, plays and poems. Jane Wilson-Howarth writes on travel and also uses her experience of working as a GP and expedition doctor to compose travel health guides and travel health information in the form of over 200 features in Wanderlust magazine and others in The Independent. Her books include "A Glimpse of Eternal Snows", "How to Sh*t Around the World" and "Snowfed Waters". She's also published three wildlife-packed adventure stories for children, and her new comprehensive health guide launched in December 2023; www.wilson-howarth.com. Penny Speller writes children’s books and has published books for young children, stories in anthologies and a picture book. She has an MA in Writing for Children, is interested in the academic study of children’s literature and teaches creative writing workshops. Penny writes short stories and fiction and has written about Lewis Carroll, Robert Louis Stevenson and war in children’s fiction. Victor Watson is the editor of "The Cambridge Guide to Children’s Books in English" and has co-edited several critical works on Children’s literature. He also wrote "Reading Series Fiction" and co-wrote "Coming of Age in Children’s Literature". In 2009 he published his first novel for children, "Paradise Barn" and four sequels were published from 2011, starting with "The Deeping Secret". He donated his collection of British annuals for children to Seven Stories, the Centre for Children's Books in Newcastle. He often talks on the history of children’s literature. Rosemary Hayes has written over fifty books for children and young adults, many of which have won or been shortlisted for awards and several translated into different languages. She has been a reader for a well-known authors’ advisory service and runs creative writing workshops for both children and adults. Rosemary has recently written an historical novel
for adults, the award-winning "The King’s Command" about the persecution of a French Huguenot family during the reign of Louis XIV. www.rosemaryhayes.co.uk
Elizabeth Barber is an ex-primary school teacher now running creative writing classes at an adult education centre in Letchworth Garden City. Marrying her love of prehistory with teaching, her debut novel, "Stone Arrows", is an informative and exciting adventure story set in around 7000BCE aimed at readers between the ages of eight and twelve years, but receiving interest from older children and adults. Currently, she is working on the sequel to "Stone Arrows" - "Stone Warriors". https://elizabethbarberwriter.co.uk
Clare Mulley is author of The Woman Who Saved the Children: A Biography of Eglantyne Jebb, which won the Daily Mail Biographers Club Prize. She has written four biographies, is a seasoned speaker at literary and history festivals, bookshops and libraries, and BBC Radio. She talks on her books, and the craft of biography https://claremulley.com. Other local authors who have been active within the group include Martyn Everett, the late Lizzie Sanders, JoJo Moyes, the late Barry Kaufman-Wright, the late Betty Morgan Bowen, Jacqueline Cooper, Jeremy Collingwood, Carol Ann Frazer, Gabrielle Palmer, Ingrid Soren and Rik Gammack.