Would you like a free place on our new JUMP project starting in the New Year!?
This course provides families with;
a qualified nutritionist,
an expert activity instructor,
great recipes to try and take home
advice and information about staying fit and healthy within your home and around St Albans
….all that PLUS the chance to win a month’s free membership for your family at a local Fitness Centre.
A parent/guardian and a child between the ages of 7 and 15 can receive their free place by following the simple steps below and contacting Helen Macfarlane before Friday 19th December on 01727 819358 or [email protected]
Step 1: Click on this link http://www.nhs.uk/Tools/Pages/Healthyweightcalculator.aspx
Step 2: Complete the NHS choices calculator
Step 3: If your child’s result is in the 90th percentile or above then contact Helen Macfarlane on 01727 819358 or [email protected]
We look forward to hearing from you and having a happy, healthy 2015!
This NHS BMI calculator checks BMI (body mass index). Use it to calculate adult BMI and child BMI accurately, and get advice and information on healthy weight management. It gives adults a handy healthy weight range and a suggested daily calorie allowance if you're overweight.