What has Yvonne seen. Keep watching to find out. We hope this cheers everyone up after a miserable night, lets hope everyone has the lights back on soon.
Beth mae Yvonne wedi ei weld. Daliwch i wylio i ddarganfod. Gobeithiwn y bydd hyn yn codi calon pawb ar ôl noson ddiflas, gadewch i ni obeithio y bydd pawb yn cael y goleuadau yn ôl ymlaen yn fuan.
Santa comes to town.
Christmas is in the air, the signs are all around, today there was a very special visitor at Pethau Olyv. Thanks to everyone who came out to support Santa and Mrs Claus with their collection for LATCH.
Mae'r Nadolig yn yr awyr, mae'r arwyddion o gwmpas, heddiw roedd ymwelydd arbennig iawn yn Pethau Olyv. Diolch i bawb ddaeth allan i gefnogi Siôn Corn a Mrs Claus gyda'u casgliad ar gyfer LATCH.#latch #latchwales #charity #Santa
Here we have the 3 amigos, all getting ready for the cold blast that has been forecast. Long jackets from Cream and Sunday, with some warm scarves, bobble hats and gloves.
Yma mae gennym y 3 amigos, i gyd yn paratoi ar gyfer y chwyth oer a ragwelwyd. Siacedi hir o Cream a Sunday, gyda rhai sgarffiau cynnes, hetiau bobble a menig.#wintercoats #creamclothing #sunday #scarves #scarf #bobblehats #gloves
There is a cold spell forecast and what is more practical than a scarf to keep out the cold from your neck and shoulders. Beautiful designs in gorgeous soft fabrics, different weights to suit any situation. Hundreds to choose from.
Mae rhagolygon cyfnod oer a beth sy'n fwy ymarferol na sgarff i gadw'r oerfel allan o'ch gwddf a'ch ysgwyddau. Dyluniadau hardd mewn ffabrigau meddal hyfryd, pwysau gwahanol i weddu i unrhyw sefyllfa. Cannoedd i ddewis ohonynt.#scarf #scarves #shawls #winterwarmers
Here are Olive and Yvonne with some more gift ideas, remember 10% off everything tomorrow and the shop is open until 7pm. Nightwear not included as they are all half price.
Dyma Olive ac Yvonne gyda mwy o syniadau am anrhegion, cofiwch 10% oddi ar bopeth yfory ac mae'r siop ar agor tan 7pm. Ni chynhwysir dillad nos gan eu bod i gyd yn hanner pris. #christmasgifts #christmasgifts2024 #10percentoff #10percentoffsale #jewellery #bags #winterwoolies
Don't be alarmed by the black screen, I had to reverse into the clothes rail to get the ladies in the frame. Only one more chance to get 10% off your shopping, Pethau Olyv is Open until 7pm on Monday night. There is 10% off everything so if you have a party, a winter wedding or just looking for gifts,hurry on down to the shop on Monday. Excluding items already half price.
Peidiwch â chael eich dychryn gan y sgrin ddu, roedd yn rhaid i mi facio i mewn i'r rheilen ddillad i gael y merched yn y ffrâm. Dim ond un cyfle arall i gael 10% oddi ar eich siopa, mae Pethau Olyv ar agor tan 7pm nos Lun. Mae yna 10% oddi ar bopeth felly os oes gennych chi barti, priodas gaeaf neu ddim ond yn chwilio am anrhegion, brysiwch i lawr i'r siop ddydd Llun.Heb gynnwys eitemau sydd eisoes yn hanner pris.#10percentoff #10percent #christmasgifts #jewellery #bags #fashionclothing
Our ladies have got dressed after their pyjama party and are ready to face the frosty weather. Fabulous capes, ponchos, shawls, beautiful hats, gourgeous gloves teamed with lovely bags. Find your perfect colour combination or a gift for a friend, don't delay 10% off everything until the 2nd December.
Mae ein merched wedi gwisgo ar ôl eu parti pyjama ac yn barod i wynebu'r tywydd rhewllyd. Capes, ponchos, siolau, hetiau hardd, menig gourgeous ynghyd â bagiau hyfryd. Dewch o hyd i'ch cyfuniad lliw perffaith neu anrheg i ffrind, peidiwch ag oedi 10% oddi ar bopeth tan 2 Rhagfyr.#ponchos #shawls #scarves #capes #gloves #woolyhats #bags
Great news.
The Pethau Olyv ladies have some great news for you all. Nightwear and items already at half price are not included in the 10% discount offer.
Mae gan ferched Pethau Olyv newyddion gwych i chi i gyd. Nid yw dillad nos ac eitemau sydd eisoes am hanner pris wedi’u cynnwys yn y cynnig gostyngiad o 10%.#latenightopening #latenightopening #10PercentOff #10percentoffsale #10percentoffeverything #10percentoff
Cosy nightwear, half price don't be a sleepy head and miss out on this great bargain.
Dillad nos clyd, hanner pris peidiwch â bod yn ben cysglyd a cholli allan ar y fargen wych hon.#halfpricenightwear #nightwear #dressinggowns #pyjamas #pyjamas
Tick-tock, it's time to rise and shine, the lovely Pethau Olyv ladies have been caught in their nightwear. Of course they are really showing you these lovely dressing gowns and pyjamas which are now half price. Sizes and stock are limited so please don't delay.
Tic-toc, mae'n amser codi#dressinggowns, mae merched hyfryd Pethau Olyv wedi'u dal yn eu dillad nos. Wrth gwrs maen nhw wir yn dangos y gynau gwisgo a'r pyjamas hyfryd hyn i chi sydd bellach yn hanner pris. Mae maint a stoc yn gyfyngedig felly peidiwch ag oedi. #pjs #pyjamas #nightwear #halfprice #halfprice
Poncho time, these add a stylish layer to keep out the cold without too much weight. A large of selection of faux fur and knitted, as well as some lovely capes.
Amser poncho, mae'r rhain yn ychwanegu haen stylish i gadw'r oerfel allan heb ormod o bwysau. Detholiad mawr o ffwr ffug a gwau, yn ogystal â rhai clogynnau hyfryd.#poncho #ponchos #ponchostyle #fauxfurPoncho #capes
Jack Frost has been out with Frosty the Snowman last night and they have both been very busy. So ladies it is time to think about keeping warm and the great news is that Pethau Olyv have winter weight Robell trousers with a fleecy lining in a choice of 4 colours and a full range of sizes. Come on down.
Mae Jack Frost wedi bod allan gyda Frosty’r Dyn Eira neithiwr ac mae’r ddau wedi bod yn brysur iawn. Felly ferched, mae'n bryd meddwl am gadw'n gynnes a'r newyddion gwych yw bod gan Pethau Olyv drowsus Robell pwysau gaeaf gyda leinin cnu mewn dewis o 4 lliw ac ystod lawn o feintiau. Dewch i lawr.#robell #wintertrousers #fleecylined