Bottlenose Dolphin Tobermory Lighthouse
Yesterday we had an amazing close encounter wildlife experience at the Rubha nan Gall Lighthouse in Tobermory. A group of at least nine bottlenose dolphins passed very near the rocks where we were standing at around 2.45pm. #bottlenosedolphin #rubhanangalllighthouse #dolphins #mull #wildlife #visitmullandiona #hwdt
Feeding up young hedgehogs
We have two young hedgehogs in the garden that are currently too small to survive hibernation so we are feeding them up with a mixture of cat food and hedgehog food which is much appreciated!
Benefits of lockdown - meadow flowers, butterflies and bees
Time well spent - the meadow flowers we sowed during lockdown are still buzzing with butterflies, bees and many other insects #amazingnature #wildlife #mull #visitmullandiona
White tailed eagles from our boat trip
We had a wonderful boat trip in glorious sunshine yesterday aboard "Birthe Marie" based on Iona, which departs from Fionnphort Pier. We were accompanied for several minutes by two white tailed eagles soaring over the vessel - amazing. #birthemarie #alternativeboathire #visitmullandiona #mull #iona #whitetailedeagle #fionnphort
Young Otter at Achaban
This young otter appeared in our garden this morning, a bit disorientated and very hungry. He gobbled up three fish fillets and then fell asleep on the grass! After seeking advice we took him to the edge of Loch Pottie in the hope he is reunited with his mother. We are keeping an eye on him - could we ask that dogs are kept on a short lead on the Pottie path please. We have contacted the Mull Otter Group in case the mother doesnt return by tomorrow.
Otters in Loch Pottie
Now that the winter storms have left us, the wildlife is out in force! In the past few days we have seen a white-tailed eagle and hen harriers in the garden, a golden eagle over the hill behind the loch and otters in Loch Pottie. The otters were a female and two cubs having a great time playing and feeding in the rushes at the edge of the loch - a real treat to watch. #immerseyoursenses, #ycw2020 #otters #visitmullandiona
Sunrise over Loch Pottie
Our guest Barbara took this time lapse photo from her bedroom window this morning of the sun rising over Loch Pottie #sunrise #visitmullandiona
We have some vacancies in October
As our friendly local cow has highlighted, we have some vacancies for October! So why not plan a break to the Ross of Mull? The sights and sounds of autumn are here with skeins of geese overhead, whooper swans on Loch Pottie, stags rutting on the moor and stunning sunrises and sunsets. Many thanks to our guest Sybille for the video. Check out our October group offer! Visit Mull & Iona Wild About Argyll
The wildlife of Mull is not always large, rare and glamorous
The wildlife of Mull is not all large, rare and glamorous, and it was a treat to watch this common shrew foraging on the lawn in front of Achaban House. Late summer is a good time for wildlife watching as many species are out and about, feeding to build up their strength for the winter and the young are dispersing to find their own territories.
A Highland Coo calf decides to join the tea party
Our Coos at Pottie, having a nice Cupa Ti and a Cabadaich, will be mooving on after the Gala ends.:( This little calf enjoyed participating in the tea party! Ross of Mull & Iona Gala #highlandcoos
With a sizzling weather forecast, why not escape the heat and chill out on a beach with a breeze on the Ross of Mull or Iona - what a choice! Find out more>
Whooper Swans on their spring migration at Loch Pottie
The delightful scene of over 40 Whooper Swans roosting on Loch Pottie, a regular stopover. They are on their spring migration back to their nesting grounds in Iceland, having passed through in late autumn to their winter feeding grounds.