Once again some great views of the dolphins today. They were playing in front of the boat for ages. Its been a good show since the new year started and long may it last. There was about 12/15 of them heading south past Seahouses at 2pm. Sorry the video is a bit long but worth it.
#dolphins #farneislands #serenity #bottlenosedolphins #farneislandsboattrip
Dolphins and Rainbows
What a cracking way to start 2023 with a pod of bottlenose dolphins swimming alongside the boat.
I would like to wish everyone a happy new year and thank you for all your support over the last year.
From everyone at Serenity, we wish you all the best for the 2023
A big thank you to the Village Lights Committee for another brilliant display tonight. Have a great night everyone.
I hope you are enjoying the festive period and don't forget that we are still everyday so if you fancy some fresh air and see the seal pups, why not join us.
Looking for a stocking filler this Christmas? Then look no further than our Serenity 2023 calendar. If you fancy one then just email me at [email protected] and I will post one out ASAP. Its £15 including postage.
Its a tad cold. We will be sailing over the festive period if you fancy joining us. Fingers crossed its not as cold as this. Also I'd you are looking for a Christmas present for someone then pop over to our website and buy a gift voucher.
We stopped the boat the other day to look at the new born seal pups at the Inner Farne beach, when we witnessed a seal fight. It was over quick but it just goes to show you how brutal nature can be a times. Thankfully, none of the pups were injured.
We are out with scuba sivers today and a young seal wanted to come onboard and say hello but I think his partner in crime was having none of it and scarpered.
On our way to Holy Island today our guests spotted dolphins in the distance. It would been rude not to stop and say hello, so we did for about half an hour and what a way to finish of our trips to Holy Island for the season. If it was up to me I would have followed them all the way back to Seahouses but that would have been very selfish. Its a bit long but enjoy.
Last chance for a trip by sea to Holy Island this week. Sailing Tuesday and Wednesday at 12.15pm. A trip around the islands first then up to Holy Island for 2 hours, then back along the coastline viewing Bamburgh Castle from the seaward side before heading back to Seahouses.
New Born Seal Pup.
Our crewman Andrew filmed this new born pup which still had umbilical cord attached. It's mother was not to far away so don't worry. Amazing to see.