Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service are pleased to invite you to the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Serviceโs special Winter Safety online event hosted by firefighter Steve Fisher. This session will be packed with practical tips to help keep everyone safe during the colder months and festive season.
Event details:
Date: Friday 13th December
๐ Time: 12-1pm
๐ Location: Online (Teams) https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MzRkOGRjNjQtNGM3My00NGUyLWE1NjItNTA3Njg0ODBiNTAz%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%226430a651-4033-4ee1-bc4a-92f76db97848%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2254b84a7e-b260-4f38-ba7b-c793430a887c%22%7d
What to expect:
๐จโ๐ Steve Fisher will cover important topics like:
โข Driving safely in cold, dark conditions
โข Heating your home safely
โข Cooking safety during the festive period
โข Avoiding winter hazards on nights out (like staying safe near water after drinking)
This is a fantastic opportunity to learn, ask questions, and share safety tips that can make this Christmas and winter season safer and more enjoyable for everyone. . www.dsfire.gov.uk