Work with #TeamTotley
Applications still open for our next superstar groom at Totleywells
The Cavaletti Queen is back… at Totleywells on Sunday 9th March. Book quick on Horsemonkey…
Sunday vibes at our brilliant 🤩 dressage day camp with Gemma and Scott
Sunday vibes at our chilled out Dressage Camp
What a brilliant group of day campers we had at our Dressage Day Camp with Gemma Kennedy and Scott McLellan… new dates coming soon!
Cavaletti Spaghetti - lots of burls and swirls in our pole patterns!
Next clinic 9th Feb
A tiny snapshot of an amazing year … 🤩
Just too many moments to pick a few…
A huge thanks to our amazing #TeamTotley for helping to make memories for all at Totleywells..
A huge thank you from all at #TeamTotley to our team, our coaches, our suppliers, and our clients… and most of all, to our ponies. What a year! Have a great night tonight everyone x
Thank you 2024
A huge thank you from all at #TeamTotley to all who have supported us in 2024! See you on the other side, have fun x
Trek @ Totley 🤩
We’re loving it! Thanks @Rhoda Mcvey for bringing Trek to Totleywells, we can’t wait til next time …
Well Rachel Claus has done her sleigh rounds of all the team and ponies so it must be time to head home and peel the veg! Team, ponies, clients and coaches, and our wonderful supporters from vets and farriers to joiners and electricians and our amazing Groundworks team and fencing suppliers (many of whom are not tangible!) thank you all for all of your support… here’s to 2025 #teamtotley
What a brilliant day we had for our last wee show of the season! Lots of happy Barrier Animal Health Area 19 of the Pony Club and The Pony Club Area 1 Coaches and Training Qualifiers, as well as our open class winners who faced progressively worse weather but were still smiling!