Last nights Post Wedding Chef & Shepherd Supper.
A nice little reminder popped up on my phone with these photos. 7 years ago I came back home, it was best decision! Woodcroft House, my wee Hamish, met and married my husband, and Muir Estate have all come along since. Happy Thursday everyone! 💚
Just finished another Chef & Shepherd Supper and it was a delight to have @saltirebeat as entertainment.
Absolutely amazing!!!!
#pipeband #bagpipes #rockmusic
What ever mood I wake up in the morning light and these beauties lift me every time. Just breathtaking. 💕
#morning #morninglight #muirestate #selfcatering #deerfarmingscotland
The deer have new neighbours. 110 tenant sheep arrived at Muir the other day. So nice to see the fields full of lovely beasties.
#sheep #farming #myfarminglife #farminglife #muirestate #highlands #callander #smallholding #croft
“Ok Dad, we’ll wait here!” They do as well! Such good working dogs, show my wee Hamish up!! 😂
#colliedog #workingcollie #collie #colliesofinstagram #quad #myfarminglife #scottishfarming
The deer @muirestate can live off just the grass and what grows in the park but as these 10 ladies are hopefully in calf we feed them some deer nuts to give them an extra boost. These are in pellets or rolls which are designed to provide the energy, minerals and vitamins necessary to ensure mature deer remain in a consistent healthy condition and when we get a stag in August he can nibble on them also as the nuts promote antler development during the winter period.
🦌 🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌
#deerofinstagram #deerfarm #deerfarming #deer #venison #hinds #redhind #scottishfarming #farminglife #thisfarminglife #countryfile #countrylife #countryliving #selfcateringaccommodation #selfcatering #luxuryselfcatering #deerphotography #deerpark #callander #holidayuk #holidays #holidayscotland #scottish #scottishhighlands #stirlingshire #visitscotland #deerstalking #selfcateringholiday #farm holiday #farmholidays
#happymothersday #happymothersday❤️ #mumsday #mumsofinstagram
Sheep, lots of sheep! These mothers to be arrived yesterday and will be with us until about May. You can see our deer in the background. #sheep #farminglife #staycation
Our beautiful 10 red hinds that arrived on Thursday. Hopefully we will have calves by May and a stag by August.
#reddeer #redhinds #wildgame #farmeddeer #fieldtofork #staycation
A wee walk round the estate never disappoints!!! 🦌
#scottishhighlands #staycation #highlands #roedeer #wilddeer #selfcateringaccommodation #lodges