’Illean Bithibh Sunndach / Lads Be Cheerful [Òran na Bliadhna Ùire / New Year Song]
Here, as performed by Donald McColl (as pictured), the composer himself and a native of , is one of his best-known songs. According to the composer, he created the song in in the days of “austerity” after the War and was looking back on his youth in and how the New Year was brought in. The tune was reused by the bard and is adapted from an old local song “’Illean, Bithidh Sunndach A-null air a’ Bhòisde” (Lads Be Cheerful on the Voyage Across), composed when emigrants were leaving from to North . The song was recorded on two occasions by Alan Bruford and Donald Archie MacDonald on visiting the locality in 1964 and 1975.
’Illean Bithibh Sunndach
[Translation below]
Ò ’illean, bithibh sunndach, ’Bhliadhna Ùr a’ tigh’nn oirnn,
Is mise ’n Coill’ a’ Bhùiridh gun sùrd no gun cheòl;
Ò ’illean, bithibh sunndach, ’Bhliadhna Ùr a’ tigh’nn oirnn.
Nan robh mi air anns an fheasgar seo
Na b’ fhaisg’ air Àirigh Bheagaige,
Cha bhithinn seo cho leidideach,
Gun easaraich ’s gun spòrs.
Ò ’illean, bithibh sunndach…
Cha b’ ann sin a chleachd mi bhith,
Nam shuidhe seo cho leacanta,
Ach ’cumail suas nan cleachdainnean
Gu settadh leis a’ chòrr.
Ò ’illean, bithibh sunndach…
Cha robh cnap-starr’ a chaisgeamaid
Bha thaigh gu taigh a’ spaidsearachd,
A’ leum gach dìg is clais a bh’ ann
Gus dèanamaid Ceann Tràgha.
Ò ’illean, bithibh sunndach…
B’ e sinne ’n comann toilichte
A-mach gu ruig nan dorsannan:
Bhiodh cuid a’ tarraing chorcaichean –
Bhiodh popail air gach làimh.
Ò ’illean, bithibh sunndach…
Bhiodh gealbhan mòine ’s connaidh air
’S gach fear mu chuairt ri othail riut,
’S am priobadh bhiodh mu d’ choinneamh
Tobar Mhoire no ’n t-Each Bàn.
Ò ’illean, bithibh sunndach…
B’ ann siud a bhiodh an cridhealas
Le òrain ’s ceòl à innealan,
’S gach fear is tè cho sgiobalta
Ga jiggeadh air na clàir.
Ò ’illean, bithibh sunndach…
Bhiodh pìobaire na dheannaibh ann,
Bhiodh righleadh ann le setteadh ann,
’S gach soitheach air an dreasair
Cur an earrann ris an toirm.
Ò ’illean, bithibh sunndach…
Bhiodh bean an taighe snagarra
A’ cumail fir a’ caganadh:
’S ann a bhiodh na bùird a’ cnagadaich
Le aran do gach seòrs’.
Ò ’illean, bithibh sunndach…
Ach dh’fhalbh na làithean somalta:
Tha nist gach nì cho lomartrach,
Dhiubh ’s e ’s nach e do thogaradh
Tha ’Chollainn dol a-bhàn.
Ò ’illean, bithibh sunndach, ’Bhliadhna Ùr a’ tigh’nn oirnn,
Is mise ’n Coill’ a’ Bhùiridh gun sùrd no gun cheòl;
Ò ’illean, bithibh sunndach, ’Bhliadhna Ùr a’ tigh’nn oirnn.
Lads Be Cheerful
Oh, lads be cheerful, the New Year is almost upon us,
Though I am in Coill’ a’ Bhùiridh with neither mirth nor music;
Oh, lads be cheerful, the New Year is almost upon us.
If tonight I had been
Close to Arivegaig,
I wouldn’t now be so wretched
With no carry-on or fun.
That wasn’t what I used to –
Not sitting here stock still,
But keeping up the customs
And doing as the others did.
No obstacle would stop us
Marching from house to house,
Jumping every ditch and drain on the way
Till we got to Kentra.
What a happy company we were,
Filling the house to the doors:
Some would be drawing corks –
There would be popping on all sides.
There would be a peat fire and logs blazing
And everyone around making a fuss of you;
In an instant you’d have before you
Tobermory (whisky) or White Horse.
That’s where there would be merriment
With songs and instrumental music,
And every man and woman so deftly
Jigging it upon the floor.
There’d be a piper at full swing,
They’d be reeling and set dances
Till all the dishes on the dresser
Added their share to the din.
The mistress of the house would be on her toes
Keeping the menfolk fed:
The tables would be groaning
With baking of every kind.
But those carefree times have gone:
Everything now is so scarce,
Where you like it or not,
Hogmanay is on the decline.
Oh, lads be cheerful, the New Year is almost upon us,
Though I am in Coill’ a’ Bhùiridh with neither mirth nor music;
Oh, lads be cheerful, the New Year is almost upon us.
Recorded by twice by Alan J. Bruford on 25 September 1964 and later still by him and Donald Archie MacDonald on 29 May 1975 (with both recordings have been used for the above transcription) from Donald McColl (Dòmhnall mac Dhòmhnaill Eòghainn Dhòmhnaill mhic Iain mhic Dhòmhnaill, 1901–1977) from Acharcle, Adrnamurchan. As well as being a gamekeeper, he was an excellent bard and singer. The original tape recordings are catalogued as SA1964/73/B11 and SA1975/75/A both of which are available to listen to on Tobar an Dualchais: [http://tobarandualchais.co.uk/en/fullrecord/52600?l=en]; [http://tobarandualchais.co.uk/en/fullrecord/64794?l=en]. For an appreciation of the above bard and seanchaidh, see Alan J. Bruford, ‘Donald McColl’, Tocher, no. 34 (1980), pp. 248–51.