Today I spent the day at the online version of the Oxford real farming conference listening to inspirational speakers talking about their connections to the land. Speakers referred to organic farming practices, nature friendly farming and practices which give their animals the highest level of animal husbandry and care - i am back tomorrow to listen to more speakers, but I am humbled by listening to these out of the box thinking and pioneering farmers who are returning to older ways of farming away from pesticides artificial fertilisers genetically modified crops and are farming in harmony with the land and nature. Surely this is the way forward for both the UK and worldwide. These practices are something we adhere to here at Borough farm and have done for the past 22 years, where we have been in ownership of this small corner of Devon but each and every farmer big and small has that responsibility to pass their land onto the next custodian in the best possible condition - if every farmer did that our land rivers and wildlife would be in a much better position than it is currently