Hi All,
As mentioned a few weeks ago, the 2024 Weald Challenge Trail Half Marathon will be organised by Uckfield Runners, who have assisted us at Trail Running Sussex with organising the Weald Challenge Trail races for all nine previous editions. ENTRIES ARE NOW OPEN FOR 2024. See weblink below.
It is great that Uckfield Runners are now fully organising the race, so runners can continue to gain much satisfaction from completing the scenic but challenging route and also enjoy the friendly supportive atmosphere throughout the day. We at Trail Running Sussex can now 'put our feet up' after having put on 11 running events (9 x Weald Challenge and 2 x High Weald Challenge). All the best with your running. Stuart Mills, 'Retired' Race Director Weald Challenge.
Entries for 2024 are now open on the following website link:
I have just registered for the Weald Challenge Half Marathon Why not join me...