Keep it Green

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Keep it Green We try to promote Greencastle, Mourne & Carlingford Lough sustainable practices that affect the whole Island of Ireland AONB (no protection)
2. Why?

Greencastle:Keep It Green (GKIG)

In the absence of a public body who will protect Greencastle openly, GKIG was set up to create awareness of this vulnerability, to build a community who care and share the appreciation of what Greencastle has to offer and to use this site to lobby for change within the ethos of GKIG ie

Greencastle has the follow

ing designations:
1. ASSI - Area of Special Scientific Interest
3. SSSI - Site of Special Scientific Interest
4. RAMSAR - protection of habitats for birds
5. Ospar - protection of sites for birds
6. SPA - Special Protected Area

2-5 are International designations who rely on DEFRA in England for data, who in turn, rely on NIEA for their data. The NIEA do not protect Greencastle in that they have not applied for MCZ nor SAC status which would afford Greencastle protection from developments that would put the environment at risk.They do not recognise Green Island as having a seal colony even though we see them breeding there every year and they do not protect or enhance our built heritage in that they do not open it for the public nor protect the surrounding landcape from being spoilt by applications that are not in keeping with Greencastle. Cycle NI does not protect Greencastle even though it is a designated cycle route. Tourism NI does not promote Greencastle in any specific literature - although it is part of a Scottish Castle Heritage Trail! Greencastle has not even been provided with a brown sign to signpost visitors. However, they do come! To find peace and unspoilt surroundings. To kayak, scubadive, photograph landscapes, watch birds and wildlife, walk along the beach, horse-ride, cycle and swim! All through word-of-mouth - not too bad for a tiny hamlet! Greencastle because of its strategic position at the mouth of the Lough now boasts ONLY Royal Castle in NI. However, ironically today, this location is contributing to its demise. It is vulnerable for cross border funding projects as it happens to be the closest point to the International Port of Greenore in the South. The Government will use the ideology of cross-border projects to try and rectify their deficit of spending, making this a priority over any environmental impact. We can work together to make a difference by liking, commenting and sharing on facebook, while using our networks to stop this from happening and be the voice for our environment. Thank you for your interest in the GKIG page and we hope to work together to ensure Greencastle prospers and that all its assets are protected and shared for all to enjoy in the future. GKIG

Our natural heritage being destroyed in the hours of darkness!Shame on all those who took part in the destruction of our...

Our natural heritage being destroyed in the hours of darkness!

Shame on all those who took part in the destruction of our beautiful and much valued trees, they do not understand the power of Nature.

Thank you Eamon! You are a true hero!
Now it is time for eveyone to tie a ribbon around our oak trees to show that we value them. There is no future without trees so why are we letting this happen now?


A lone protestor Eamon Burke holding out on top of a cut down oak at Newry’s oaks, Greenbank Industrial Estate.

In the early hours of this morning contractors moved in and cut down all of the trees with just two oaks remaining.



Geo Parks and the link to Nuclear WasteThe first Geo Park in the UK was eatablished in NI..."Straddling the border betwe...

Geo Parks and the link to Nuclear Waste

The first Geo Park in the UK was eatablished in NI...
"Straddling the border between Co. Fermanagh in Northern Ireland and Co. Cavan in the Republic of Ireland, the Cuilcagh Lakelands Geopark UNESCO Global Geopark was the first area in the UK recognised as a Geopark in 2001 and became the first transnational Geopark in the world in 2008. The geology of the Geopark covers a vast array of geological time, starting with the oldest Precambrian rocks and continuing to the present day with the active formation of cave and karst features."

They go on to mention the "aspiring Geo Park" that is assumed that we want is the Gullion and Mourne area and is wholly sited conveniently (!!) within the new boundary of NMandD Council... See diagram attached which is found at the bottom of this link and atrached to the post...

All seems pretty positive doesn't it. Until you see that the british geological society explains more about their projects here...

At the bottom of this page you will find a section entitled
"Decarbonisation and resource management"
Which when you click it you will see this information...
"The decarbonisation and resource management challenge area fits within the context of the increased need to decarbonise energy and industry, the need to use resources more optimally, intense global competition for resources and a need to expand the delivery of affordable, sustainable energy across the world .

The first link being "Geo-disposal: radioactive waste"
Ie Nuclear waste management is the first link and "Carbon capture storage" is the second.

They have told us that the geology in the Newry area is unique to the world "making this region the only location on the island of Ireland where it is possible to tell the story of the closing of the Iapetus Ocean and the opening of the Atlantic Ocean in the same place. There are currently no other UNESCO Global Geoparks with similar characteristics."

And yet the UK gov are yet to find a "safe" site for the burial of HIGH level waste for "up to 1 million years" and this is the only geology left in the UK that they have not mined and under the Geo Park status the NMandD leaflet states that "the status does not imply any restrictions on economic activity, including planning, development and farming practices.

IF they were being open and honest and just tell us that they are looking for a suitable place here and work with us to ensure that our Island remains safe forever from whatever they intend to do then there would be no problem. But they are not being transparent and they cannot give us any assurance for the "forever" yet the government continues to produce nuclear fuel and waste 24/7.

So if you live in this area be aware of any boreholing and geologists working and do not be afraid to ask them questions and if they cant answer, ask them for a contact who can answer.
Please share any fundings here.

We already know that they have been boreholing over Fathom Mountain (Cooleys) as part of the Southern Relief Road. Is there anymore boreholing going on around our District?

No wonder why the government made it illegal to grow yet many linked to the government have invested interest in its pro...

No wonder why the government made it illegal to grow yet many linked to the government have invested interest in its production and control in the uk!
Eg Philip May

Our real history...Can our Ports in the North and South give us the truth now? Would they repeat the same?

Our real history...
Can our Ports in the North and South give us the truth now? Would they repeat the same?

The Mass Graves of Ireland

Ireland starved because its food, from 40 to 70 shiploads per day, was removed at gunpoint by 12,000 British constables reinforced by the British militia, battleships, excise vessels, Coast Guard and by 200,000 British soldiers (100,000 at any given moment) The attached map shows the never-before-published names and locations in Ireland of the food removal regiments ( Thus, Britain seized from Ireland's producers tens of millions of head of livestock; tens of millions of tons of flour, grains, meat, poultry & dairy products; enough to sustain 18 million persons

The Food Removal

From Cork harbor on one day in 1847 2 the AJAX steamed for England with 1,514 firkins of butter, 102 casks of pork, 44 hogsheads of whiskey, 844 sacks of oats, 247 sacks of wheat, 106 bales of bacon, 13 casks of hams, 145 casks of porter, 12 sacks of fodder, 28 bales of feathers, 8 sacks of lard, 296 boxes of eggs, 30 head of cattle, 90 pigs, 220 lambs, 34 calves and 69 miscellaneous packages.

On November 14, 1848 3, sailed, from Cork harbor alone: 147 bales of bacon, 120 casks and 135 barrels of pork, 5 casks of hams, 149 casks of miscellaneous provisions (foodstuff); 1,996 sacks & 950 barrels of oats; 300 bags of flour; 300 head of cattle; 239 sheep; 9,398 firkins of butter; 542 boxes of eggs.

On July 28, 1848 4; a typical day's food shipments from only the following four ports: from Limerick: the ANN, JOHN GUISE and MESSENGER for London; the PELTON CLINTON for Liverpool; and the CITY OF LIMERICK, BRITISH QUEEN, and CAMBRIAN MAID for Glasgow. This one-day removal of Limerick's food was of 863 firkins of butter; 212 firkins, 1,198 casks and 200 kegs of lard, 87 casks of ham; 267 bales of bacon; 52 barrels of pork; 45 tons and 628 barrels of flour; 4,975 barrels of oats and 1,000 barrels of barley.

From Kilrush: the ELLEN for Bristol; the CHARLES G. FRYER and MARY ELLIOTT for London. This one-day removal was of 550 tons of County Clare's oats and 15 tons of its barley.

From Tralee: the JOHN ST. BARBE, CLAUDIA and QUEEN for London; the SPOKESMAN for Liverpool. This one-day removal was of 711 tons of Kerry's oats and 118 tons of its barley.

From Galway: the MARY, VICTORIA, and DILIGENCE for London; the SWAN and UNION for Limerick (probably for transshipment to England). This one-day removal was of 60 sacks of Co. Galway's flour; 30 sacks and 292 tons of its oatmeal; 294 tons of its oats; and 140 tons of its miscellaneous provisions (foodstuffs). British soldiers forcibly removed it from its starving Limerick, Clare, Kerry and Galway producers.

In Belmullet, Co. Mayo the mission of 151 soldiers 5 of the 49th Regiment, in addition to escorting livestock and crops to the port for export, was to guard a few tons of stored meal from the hands of the starving; its population falling from 237 to 105 between 1841 and 1851. Belmullet also lost its source of fish in January, 1849, when Britain's Coast Guard arrested its fleet of enterprising fishermen ten miles at sea in the act of off-loading flour from a passing ship. They were sentenced to prison and their currachs were confiscated.

The Waterford Harbor British army commissariat officer wrote to British Treasury Chief Charles Trevelyan on April 24, 1846; "The barges leave Clonmel once a week for this place, with the export supplies under convoy which, last Tuesday, consisted of 2 guns, 50 cavalry, and 80 infantry escorting them on the banks of the Suir as far as Carrick." While its people starved, the Clonmel district exported annually, along with its other farm produce, approximately 60,000 pigs in the form of cured pork.

When a project has been delayed 10 years since approval, isn't it time to readdress the environmental and social impact ...

When a project has been delayed 10 years since approval, isn't it time to readdress the environmental and social impact of any new features and any changes to the original plans?

Or does this plan fit into the new definition of sustainability where income can be offset against a negative impact on social and environmental factors?

If you don't take responsibility yourself for your world, those you point the finger at will make it so bad that you hav...

If you don't take responsibility yourself for your world, those you point the finger at will make it so bad that you have no choice. So how bad will you let it get?

From where KiG all started back in 2015. To protect our heritage, environment and people. Since then the Royal Castle ha...

From where KiG all started back in 2015.

To protect our heritage, environment and people.

Since then the Royal Castle has been renamed to drop the "Royal" so things are looking up again to see this back again.

This Castle is included in the Scottish Bruce Trail for it is here that the then Scottish King, Robert the Bruce married Catherine de Burgh. His brother Edward, a short-term King of Ireland resided in the Castle too.

Did you know that the lease on this Castle was more than St Johns in Carlingford?

So much significant history here yet it is hidden away...

Reopening of Greencastle Royal Castle*

After two years of closure we are pleased to report that Greencastle Royal Castle has reopened to visitors. The castle will be open from 10am – 4.30pm each Friday, Saturday and Sunday until mid-September. Entrance is free so why not pay a visit to this special castle and enjoy spectacular views of Carlingford Lough from the tower?

They are sun flowers...

They are sun flowers...

Here are some interesting facts about the dandelion flower:

The dandelion is the only flower that represents the 3 celestial bodies of the sun, moon and stars. ☀️ 🌙 ⭐️. The yellow flower resembles the sun, the puff ball resembles the moon and the dispersing seeds resemble the stars.

The dandelion flower opens to greet the morning and closes in the evening to go to sleep. 😴

Every part of the dandelion is useful: root, leaves, flower. It can be used for food, medicine and dye for coloring.

Up until the 1800s people would pull grass out of their lawns to make room for dandelions and other useful “weeds” like chickweed, malva, and chamomile.

The name dandelion is taken from the French word “dent de lion” meaning lion’s tooth, referring to the coarsely-toothed leaves. 🦁

Dandelions have one of the longest flowering seasons of any plant.

Dandelion seeds are often transported away by a gust of wind and they travel like tiny parachutes. Seeds are often carried as many as 5 miles from their origin!

Animals such as birds, insects and butterflies consume nectar or seed of dandelion.🐦 🐛 🐜 🦋 🐝.

Dandelion flowers do not need to be pollinated to form seed.

Dandelion can be used in the production of wine and root beer. Root of dandelion can be used as a substitute for coffee. 🍷 🍺

Dandelions have sunk their roots deep into history. They were well known to ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, and have been used in Chinese traditional medicine for over a thousand years.

Dandelion is used in folk medicine to treat infections and liver disorders. Tea made of dandelion act as diuretic.

If you mow dandelions, they’ll grow shorter stalks to spite you.

Dandelions are, quite possibly, the most successful plants that exist, masters of survival worldwide. 💪

A not so fun fact: Every year countries spend millions on lawn pesticides to have uniform lawns of non-native grasses, and we use 30% of the country’s water supply to keep them green.

Bee Happy Gardens 🐝

Read more:

THEY CALL THEM WILDFIRES - BUT THEY ARE MANMADE - FOR MONEYAll over the UK over the last four days fires have been start...


All over the UK over the last four days fires have been started in our forests. This is not a coincidence. Trees are our most precious asset alongside water.

Every year landowners are paid subsidies for cleared land and the deadline is looming for their applications. Every year we are told about the dangers of starting fires in the woods yet it is not us, it is the political system that is to blame here. Look at these posts; how can a fire start accidently all over the UK over the same few days? On the same mountain, how can there be three separate fires at the same time?

If you live near a mountain please be vigilant looking out for smoke and ring the fire brigade immediately. Although most brigades follow the same agenda and allow the burning without attributing any culpability on the landowmers even thoufh it happens every year at this time in the same places.

Make these people accountable!!
These forests are our legacy for our children! There will be no earth without trees!
We have the responsibility of protecting our trees, the government has betrayed us yet again.

Be safe but be protectors!!!

PREPPINGWe are living at a time of great change. A change that is essential for the future of our planet. To influence c...

We are living at a time of great change. A change that is essential for the future of our planet.
To influence change for all people inclusively, many will endure hardship to forget the destructive systems that have appeared throughout our lives in a subliminal way but making us forget the natural world around us. From the education system to the political system, health and monetary systems, plus others have distracted and divided us.

Times will become more difficult but we can live (not just survive) if we plan and learn how to live WITH the world around us.

Think about what you are throwing away, the seeds, stones and pips that are potential life and a medicinal or food source. Learn to grow plants indoors and out. Learn how to forage and to keep warm with candles and bricks. Build a local community and share responsibilities, knowledge and activities. Source clean water or find out how to filter water without energy. Keep containers as you will need them in the future. Learn how to make compost and to use the decomposing phase to heat water. Learn what permaculture is. Learn about natural medicines and wean yourself off chemical ones.

Start now so you are ready when things become too difficult within the regimes we live under. Nothing is lost by learning and you and the world around you will both gain.

If you have a tip, a recommendation, a recipe or an invention to help us all, share it with others.
Many have already started...

What are you waiting for?

You will find the answer to LIFE, in LIFE...

You will find the answer to LIFE, in LIFE...

"Fungi lie at the base of the food webs that support much of life on Earth. About 500m years ago, fungi facilitated the movement of aquatic plants on to land, fungal mycelium serving as plant root systems for tens of millions of years until plants could evolve their own. This association transformed the planet and its atmosphere – the evolution of plant-fungal partnerships coincided with a 90% reduction in the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Today, most plants depend on mycorrhizal fungi – from the Greek words for fungus (mykes) and root (rhiza) – which weave themselves through roots, provide plants with crucial nutrients, defend them from disease and link them in shared networks sometimes referred to as the “wood wide web”. These fungi are a more fundamental part of planthood than leaves, wood, fruit, flowers or even roots.

We are destroying the planet’s fungal networks at an alarming rate.

“Fungi are largely invisible ecosystem engineers.
🍄 🌱 🌏
If we want to tackle the climate crisis, we need to address a global blindspot: the vast underground fungal networks that sequester carbon and sustain much of life on Earth."

A powerful and underappreciated ally in the climate crisis? Fungi
Toby Kiers and Merlin Sheldrake The Guardian

Nothing has changed... Muddywaters of jurisdiction means noone really is taking responsibility for the protection of our...

Nothing has changed... Muddywaters of jurisdiction means noone really is taking responsibility for the protection of our beautiful Lough... What this means is: WE ARE RESPONSIBLE, as a collective.

"it won't affect us in our lifetime" said one NI MLA.

"it won't affect us in our lifetime" said one NI MLA.

The entire UK inventory of high-level waste from fuel reprocessing could be disposed of in seven boreholes averaging 4.85km depth spread over an area less than three football pitches. This is the claim of Sheffield University’s Prof Fergus Gibb who has co-authored a study that sets out a design ....

Sometimes the answer is staring at us,right in our faces.  It is up to us to open our eyes and BE THE CHANGE!

Sometimes the answer is staring at us,right in our faces. It is up to us to open our eyes and BE THE CHANGE!

It seems that under the guise of "Climate Change" schools are now monitoring co2 levels in classrooms for the first time...

It seems that under the guise of "Climate Change" schools are now monitoring co2 levels in classrooms for the first time in history!
We exhale co2 as it is produced by the carbon in our bodies and is needed to maintain healthy blood circulation. It causes no harm externally to us unless oxygen levels deplete dramatically which would be an even greater problem and highly unlikely.
The problem now is that schools across the UK have taken this so called problem to a new level and are monitoring co2 levels and even keeping windows wide open all day, in the middle of winter!
If you are a teacher or a parent of a pupil, why not start a "bring a plant to school day" where each child is responsible for their own plant and who learns and teaches others about the benefits from their plant?

Isn't this how and what children should be learning in school?




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