Steampunk or goth, all are welcome on "Doctor Cranks World Famous Ghost Walk "! And thank you so much to these two ladies. When my voice went, they gave me a piece of whitby rock to suck. Made such a difference!
Nice walk last night. However, we were joined by this large, black devil dog....Coco! As always, being a sausage dog, she had an attitude. Despite her owners best efforts to keep her quiet, she voiced her opinion whenever she felt like it. Normally I would ask them to take the pooch to one side until it quietened down, but last night I just let her have her say. I can, and will, forgive sausage dogs anything. Always.
Just a big thanks to everyone who joined me this year on my walks. I missed most of the year due to a motorcycle racing crash, but I'm now 100% back and ready for another year of spooky stories, terrible punchlines, and all round daftness! I'll leave you with a group of victims from the other night. All the best, Doctor Crank!