Some of our frequently asked questions… have a look below ⬇️ are these things that can help you plan a holiday whilst taking the worry of accessible access off your mind?
As a holiday cottage provider we often get a lot of questions about our facilities and other services in the area.
We are going to be answering some of these on a regular basis for you on our Social media pages, so if you have any questions at all that are not answered today, then please pop a comment below or send us a private message or email and we will do our best to answer it!
Many of our guests have access needs that very few holiday providers can cater for, it’s completely understandable that this can cause anxiety when booking somewhere to accommodate your needs- especially if you’ve never visited us before, or been let down in the past.
Now, we are not perfect, it’s impossible to be able to meet access needs for each and every individual BUT we have tried our best to think every cottage through to the best of its ability.. and every piece of access equipment we have is also our heard with a lot of thought after listening to our guests needs. We are always striving to improve though so every suggestion is welcome 😁