Jones Login - Teithiau o Safon/Quality Coach Travel

Jones Login - Teithiau o Safon/Quality Coach Travel Coach Hire, Excursions, Shows & Concerts, Short Breaks & Door to Door Holidays from West Wales Third generation family company.

Established 1965 providing Coach Hire, Excursions, Shows & Concerts, Short Breaks, Door to Door Holidays from West Wales & Long Haul ABTA Bonded Worldwide Holidays.

New ExcursionLlandrindod Wells Christmas Market & Christmas Light Switch OnSaturday 30th November 2024Enjoy this more in...

New Excursion
Llandrindod Wells Christmas Market & Christmas Light Switch On
Saturday 30th November 2024
Enjoy this more intimate Christmas Market without the big city Christmas frenzy. Stalls, Food stalls, bar, Santa's Grotto, festive music, Funfair Rides and so much more.
Coach Seat = £19.00
Call 01437 563277 or book on line via the link below

Taith Newydd
Marchnad Nadolig Llandrindod a Chynnau Goleuadau Nadolig
Dydd Sadwrn 30 Tachwedd 2024
Mwynhewch y Farchnad Nadolig fwy cartrefol hon heb ornest Nadolig y ddinas fawr. Stondinau, Stondinau bwyd, bar, Groto Siôn Corn, cerddoriaeth Nadoligaidd, Reidiau Ffair Hwyl a llawer mwy.
Sedd Coets = £19.00
Ffoniwch 01437 563277 neu archebwch ar-lein drwy'r ddolen uchod

Late availabilityABBA VoyageSaturday 5th October 2024 (2 days / 1 Night)Book on line or call 01437 563277https://www.jon...

Late availability
ABBA Voyage
Saturday 5th October 2024 (2 days / 1 Night)
Book on line or call 01437 563277
Gafaeledd hwyr
ABBA Voyage
Sadwrn 5ed Hydref 2024 (2 ddiwrnod / 1 noswaith)
Archebwch ar lein drwy'r ddolen uchod neu ffoniwch 01437 563277

Door to door Feeders 1-4 waiting for the return of our Llandudno tour to our depot. Feeder 5 has already transferred pas...

Door to door Feeders 1-4 waiting for the return of our Llandudno tour to our depot. Feeder 5 has already transferred passengers in Cardigan.

We're going to The Royal Welsh Show tomorrowCoach Travel = £20.00Call 01437 563277 or book on line NO NEED TO PARK THE C...

We're going to The Royal Welsh Show tomorrow
Coach Travel = £20.00
Call 01437 563277 or book on line
Rydym yn mynd i'r Sioe Frenhinol yfory
Sedd ar y bws = £20.00
Ffoniwch 01437 563277 neu archebwch ar lein drwy'r ddolen uchod

Jones Login Day Excursions Royal Welsh Show Builth Wells Sioe Frenhinol Cymru

Only a couple of days remaining to guarantee a place our 'All Features Great & Small' tour in SeptemberCall 01437 563277...

Only a couple of days remaining to guarantee a place our 'All Features Great & Small' tour in September
Call 01437 563277 or book on line

Dim ond cwpl o ddyddiau ar ôl i warantu lle ar ein taith 'All Features Great & Small' Mis Medi
Ffoniwch 01437 563277 neu archebwch ar-lein

We're going to The Royal Welsh Show.Tuesday 23rd & Wednesday 24th JulyCoach Travel = £20.00Call 01437 563277 or book on ...

We're going to The Royal Welsh Show.
Tuesday 23rd & Wednesday 24th July
Coach Travel = £20.00
Call 01437 563277 or book on line

Rydym yn mynd i'r Sioe Frenhinol
Dydd Mawrth 23ain a Dydd Mercher 24ain o Orffennaf
Sedd ar y bws = £20.00
Ffoniwch 01437 563277 neu archebwch ar lein drwy'r ddolen uchod

Late availability extra tour.Arranged and operated in partnership with Whitland WICall 01437 563277 to book

Late availability extra tour.
Arranged and operated in partnership with Whitland WI
Call 01437 563277 to book

Tour of the week = Royal Welsh Show Taith y'r wythnos = Sioe Frenhinol CymruWe are going on Tuesday & WednesdayCoach Sea...

Tour of the week = Royal Welsh Show
Taith y'r wythnos = Sioe Frenhinol Cymru

We are going on Tuesday & Wednesday
Coach Seat = £20.00
Call 01437 563277 or book on line
Rydym yn mynd ar Ddydd Mawrth a Dydd Mercher
Sedd ar y bws = £20.00
Ffoniwch 01437 563277 neu archebwch ar lein

Coach Hire Excursions Shows Concerts Short Breaks Door to door Holidays

Two New Shows in The Wales Millennium Centre next yearJoseph & His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat& War HorseJoseph... = ...

Two New Shows in The Wales Millennium Centre next year
Joseph & His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat
War Horse

Joseph... = Saturday 26th July 2025
Coach Travel & Mid Stall Ticket = £80.00
Coach Travel & Raised Stall Ticket = £70.00

War Horse = Saturday 25th October 2025
Coach Travel & Raised Stall Ticket = £83.00

Call 01437 563277 or book on line via the links above

Dwy Sioe Newydd yng Nghanolfan Mileniwm Cymru y flwyddyn nesaf
Joseph & His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat
War Horse

Joseph... = Dydd Sadwrn 26 Gorffennaf 2025
Teithio a Tocyn Theatr Mid Stalls = £80.00
Teithio a Tocyn Theatr Raised Stalls = £70.00

War Horse = Dydd Sadwrn 25 Hydref 2025
Teithio a Tocyn Theatr Raised Stalls = £83.00

Ffoniwch 01437 563277 neu archebwch ar-lein drwy'r dolenni uchod


School Transport & 223 Service - Tuesday 2nd July
Llanfallteg Road Closure
YP1 & H42 will operate as normal. The school buses have been confirmed as being able to pass at their normal times

However, Service 223 will only travel as far as the Old School in Llanfallteg West, turn around and then travel via Llanddewi to Whitland.

Please share, and especially advise people who regularly use Service 223 and who are not social media users.

Diolch / Thanks

War Horse is coming back to The Wales Millennium Centre in Cardiff Saturday 25th October 2025Advance requests accepted w...

War Horse is coming back to The Wales Millennium Centre in Cardiff
Saturday 25th October 2025
Advance requests accepted with payment required after confirmation of date and prices. (After 4th July 2024)
Call 01437 563277 to express your interest

Mae War Horse yn dychwelyd i Ganolfan Mileniwm Cymru yng Nghaerdydd
Dydd Sadwrn 25 Hydref 2025
Derbynnir ceisiadau ymlaen llaw gyda thaliad yn ofynnol ar ôl cadarnhau dyddiad a phrisiau. (Ar ôl 4 Gorffennaf 2024)
Ffoniwch 01437 563277 i fynegi eich diddordeb


Route 682
Delayed this morning on Beag Road en-route to Maenclochog by BT offloading equipment.
Delayed by approx. 10 minutes

Only a few more days left to 'guarantee' ticket availability for WickedSaturday 9th November - Wales Millennium CentreCo...

Only a few more days left to 'guarantee' ticket availability for Wicked
Saturday 9th November - Wales Millennium Centre
Coach Travel & Show Ticket = £88.00
Call 01437 563277 or book on line via the link below

Dim ond ychydig ddyddiau eraill ar ôl i 'warantu' argaeledd tocyn ar gyfer Wicked
Dydd Sadwrn 9fed Tachwedd - Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru
Tocyn Teithio a Sioe = £88.00
Archebwch ar lein drwy's ddolen uchod neu ffoniwch 01437 563277


221 Service - Saturday 4th May
Due to the road closure in Llanboidy, tomorrow the 221 service will turn by Llanboidy Hall and travel via Ty Gwyn Farm, Glasfryn & Dyffryn Junction to Cwmfelin Mynach.

Two New Shows coming to The Wales Millennium Centre in 2025Kinky Boots - Staring Strictly's Johannes Radabe (22nd March)...

Two New Shows coming to The Wales Millennium Centre in 2025
Kinky Boots - Staring Strictly's Johannes Radabe (22nd March)
Chicago (10th May)

Bookings now being taken on line and on 01437 563277
Dwy Sioe Newydd yn dod i Ganolfan Mileniwm Cymru yn 2025
Kinky Boots - Yn serennu Johannes Radabe o Strictly (22 Mawrth)
Chicago (10 Mai)

Mae archebion yn cael eu cymryd ar-lein nawr ac ar 01437 563277


So nice to receive such a lovely thank you message following our Colours of Cornwall tour. Organising and operating tours such as this is a team effort, from setting up the tour with our wholesaler and visit locations, our bookings team here in the office, our engineering staff looking after our vehicles, the door to door feeder drivers and of course the tour driver. Thank you all.

Just a brief note following our trip to Cornwall.

A lovely trip, well planned and fitting in so much during the five days. We thought it might be too short (or too busy) but it turned out to be a really enjoyable break.

Although two of the five days involved travelling to and from Cornwall, both these journeys were planned with care and included comfort stops at the normal Motorway Services plus visits to the huge Sanders Garden World and the 'famous' Jamaica Inn.

Our second day was a trip to Trebah Gardens - really interesting and we never thought we could get excited by Bamboo! - and then Falmouth town. An early start the next day driving to Penzance to pick up the boat to get to the Isles of Scilly/. Driver Michael commented that the crossing might be a bit 'bouncy' and it was - but still enjoyable! Arriving at St Mary's, several of the group caught the bus for a short excursion around St Mary's. (Parked nearby the pickup bus stop was a community bus which displayed the sign 'Hostile and unreliable service' - but fortunately we didn't get that one!!!!). An hour or so to spend back in St Mary's and then the journey over to Penzance - return much calmer - in time for a late dinner.

Our third day was spent in St Ives (including visits to the Tate and also the Barbara Hepworth museum and garden. The latter is interesting and well worth a visit - the Tate just interesting! That day too we had a friendly and knowledgeable tour guide, Chrissie, complete with garlanded hat, plying us with stories of the history of the area and even a folk tale. Then the afternoon to look around St Ives town - or just sit in the sun and enjoy a Cornish Pasty or Cream Tea. We chose the cream tea!

And then our last day and time to travel home - tired but happy having had a really special time. Michael's driving (as usual) was excellent, the hotel wonderfully situated overlooking Fistral Beach. We had a large airy room with a view of the sea and beach. The food was both tasty and well presented - and the staff caring and helpful.

And, as a bonus, we had really good weather - dry and often sunny. What more could you want from a holiday!

I wanted to say Thank You for organising such a thoughtful trip.

Best wishes
P Goodman

Mor braf derbyn neges diolch mor hyfryd yn dilyn ein taith Lliwiau Cernyw. Mae trefnu a gweithredu teithiau fel hyn yn ymdrech tîm, o sefydlu'r daith gyda'n cyfanwerthwr a lleoliadau ymweld, ein tîm archebion yma yn y swyddfa, ein staff peirianneg yn gofalu am ein cerbydau, y gyrwyr drws i ddrws ac wrth gwrs y gyrrwr taith. Diolch i chi gyd.

Dim ond nodyn byr yn dilyn ein taith i Gernyw.

Taith hyfryd, wedi'i chynllunio'n dda ac yn ffitio i mewn cymaint yn ystod y pum diwrnod. Roeddem yn meddwl y gallai fod yn rhy fyr (neu'n rhy brysur) ond roedd yn seibiant pleserus iawn.

Er bod dau o'r pum diwrnod yn golygu teithio i Gernyw ac oddi yno, cynlluniwyd y ddwy daith hyn yn ofalus ac roeddent yn cynnwys arosfannau cysurus yn y Gwasanaethau Traffordd arferol ynghyd ag ymweliadau â Sanders Garden World a thafarn 'enwog' Jamaica.

Roedd ein hail ddiwrnod yn daith i Erddi Trebah - diddorol iawn a doedden ni byth yn meddwl y gallem ni gael ein cyffroi gan Bambŵ! - ac yna tref Falmouth. Cychwyn cynnar drannoeth gyrru i Penzance i godi'r cwch i gyrraedd Ynysoedd Sili. Dywedodd y gyrrwr Michael y gallai'r groesfan fod ychydig yn 'bouncy' ac roedd - ond yn dal yn bleserus! Wrth gyrraedd y St. Mary, daliodd nifer o’r grŵp y bws am wibdaith fer. (Roedd bws cymunedol wedi'i barcio gerllaw a oedd yn dangos yr arwydd 'Gwasanaeth gelyniaethus ac annibynadwy' - ond yn ffodus ni chawsom yr un hwnnw!!!!). Rhyw awr i dreulio yn ôl yn y St. Mary yna'r daith draw i Penzance - dychwelyd yn dawelach o lawer - mewn pryd ar gyfer swper hwyr.

Treuliwyd ein trydydd diwrnod yn St Ives (gan gynnwys ymweliadau â'r Tate a hefyd amgueddfa a gardd Barbara Hepworth. Mae'r olaf yn ddiddorol ac yn werth ymweld â hi - mae'r Tate yn ddiddorol! Y diwrnod hwnnw hefyd cawsom dywysydd cyfeillgar a gwybodus, Chrissie, yn gyflawn gyda het garland, yn ein pluo â straeon am hanes yr ardal a hyd yn oed chwedl werin Yna y prynhawn i edrych o gwmpas tref St Ives - neu dim ond eistedd yn yr haul a mwynhau Pastai Cernywaidd neu De Hufen!

Ac yna ein diwrnod olaf a'n hamser i deithio adref - wedi blino ond yn hapus wedi cael amser arbennig iawn. Roedd ein gyrrwr Michael (fel arfer) yn ardderchog, y gwesty wedi'i leoli'n wych yn edrych dros Draeth Fistral. Roedd gennym ystafell fawr awyrog gyda golygfa o'r môr a'r traeth. Roedd y bwyd yn flasus ac wedi'i gyflwyno'n dda - a'r staff yn ofalgar a chymwynasgar.

Ac, fel bonws, fe gawson ni dywydd da iawn – sych a heulog yn aml. Beth arall allech chi ei eisiau o wyliau!

Roeddwn i eisiau dweud Diolch am drefnu taith mor feddylgar.

Dymuniadau gorau
P Goodman

Our 'Colours of Cornwall' tour group are heading to The Isles of Scilly today. They have just been set down at the port ...

Our 'Colours of Cornwall' tour group are heading to The Isles of Scilly today. They have just been set down at the port and are on the ferry ready to leave.

Shows & Concerts 2024 & 2025All price quoted include Coach Travel & Theatre TicketSioeau a Chynherddau 2024 a 2025Mae'r ...

Shows & Concerts 2024 & 2025
All price quoted include Coach Travel & Theatre Ticket
Sioeau a Chynherddau 2024 a 2025
Mae'r prisiau yn cynnwys Teithio a Tocyn Theatr

Two new shows at The Wales Millennium Centre

Two new shows at The Wales Millennium Centre

We have secured tickets for this show!Rydym wedi archebu tocynnau am y sioe yma!

We have secured tickets for this show!
Rydym wedi archebu tocynnau am y sioe yma!



Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 12pm




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