Dear Clients & Friend’s,
Sadly, the time has come to bid farewell to Travallen Travel Events.
Over the past 54 years, my business has run successfully within the local community having been supported by many clients who have not just been patrons, but good friends. Many friendships have also been formed through Travallen Travel & Events and have also lasted many years. We have supported many local charities (for which I am immensely proud). and it saddens me that I will no longer be able to do so.
Our very last trip will be to Southampton for Snow White & The Seven Drawfs on 17th December 2023 when we will have the last laugh together.
Our website - www.travallen.co.uk will close on that day. Click on link below for last events.
I would like make a special mention to thank Hodges Coaches (Sandhurst) Ltd and their superb team of drivers who have served us so well over almost 20 years.
In conclusion, I would like to offer my sincere thanks to you and your families for your patronage and generous past loyalty. I cannot express how much this has been appreciated and I look forward to meeting when we are out and about in the future.
Finally, I would like to wish you all every best wish for the future
Geoff Allen
Travallen Travel & Events
10 Throgmorton Road, Yateley, Hants GU46 6FA
Telephone (01252) 877103 Mobile (07850) 504914
VAT registered number 572 4112 62
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.travallen.co.uk
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WELCOME TO TRAVALLEN TRAVEL & EVENTS WE GO FURTHER Travel with us now OUR SERVICES After 50 years in the industry, Travallen Travel & Events, has earned a reputation for excellent service that’s second to none. Its exclusive Day Excursion programme continues to operate alongside its ShortBreak Hol...