We are business mentors and developers offering full training and support in multi level network marketing. Providing you with the opportunity to have an independent home based business under the umbrella of a long standing highly successful global company. You can work from home, when it suits you to work, no more office politics, endless e mails or mind numbing meetings. We are looking for three
types of people.
1. People who are interested in earning £300 - £500 by simply recommending our natural product range - daily care, sports and mobility, weight management, skincare and make up, supplements and health products.
2. People who are looking to earn £800 - £2,000 working with a team, mentoring and coaching them full training and support is available on an ongoing basis - no experience necessary.
3. People like us, people who are looking for a £50,000 - £100,000 income with all the trappings of a blue chip company such as company car, worldwide travel and profit share scheme helping us drive the company forward in a leadership role. We are not interested in your past only your future you will need to be hard working, self motivated - a people person with a will to succeed and a burning desire to help others if this description fits you are just the sort of person we are looking for, just the sort of person we want to work with to help you achieve your full potential. AWARDS Manager, Eagle Manager, Car Plan Achiever for the past 4 years, European Rally Qualifiers, A Forever VIP and one of the Top Ten Business Builders in the North of England with businesses in 7 other countries as well as here in the UK. I have always had a will to succeed, my driving force is most certainly my family...my two grown up children and our four wonderful grandchildren....they are my reason for doing this business as it gives me time and flexibility to be where I need to be when I need to be there. I love helping people and watching them grow and develop as their business and their confidence begin to flourish, seeing them achieve recognition for their hard work is one of the best things about this business. In short Forever gives people hope and it gives people choices. If you want to know more about us and our business and whether it matches what you are looking for please give me a call....~Christine on 07763122731 or e mail me at [email protected] or message me on facebook. FINANCIAL FREEDOM FOREVER