Travel in Khashuri

Travel in Khashuri Khashuri is a municipality of Georgia, in the region of Shida Kartli.

The church of Tsromi is an early medieval church in village Tsromi, in the vicinity of town Khashuri, in Shida Kartli re...

The church of Tsromi is an early medieval church in village Tsromi, in the vicinity of town Khashuri, in Shida Kartli region of Georgia. It is situated at the center of the village, along the right side of the river Mtkvari (Kura).

According to the southern façade, the temple construction dates to the years 626–634, when it was built during the reign of Stephen II of Iberia. The monument was strongly affected and got even worse during the earthquake in 1940. Now the temple is fortified.

The domed temple represents a beautiful monument of Georgian architecture, distinguished by complex, but harmonious composition. Its artistic importance is comparable with Jvari Monastery in Mtskheta. At the same time it contains sings being the basis of the further development of Georgian church architecture of the Middle Ages. Actually from this very moment begins the life of original Georgian architecture.

The temple is a ″drawn-inside cross″ type; the basis of its plan is an equiangular cross. It is the first Georgian church, where the dome rests on four free pillars. It also gave freedom to walls and opened new perspectives in the Georgian architecture.

The exterior is modestly decorated. The eastern facade is the most distinguished, cut with two deep triangular niches. Such niches by the side of the apse appeared for the first time in Tsromi to later become characteristic Georgian temple decoration.

The interior is illuminated through high windows in the dome and each cross arm. The temple decoration is scant. The conch of the temple altar was decorated with contemporaneous mosaic, depicting Christ and two apostles, the reserved fragments of which are kept in the Museum of Art of Georgia since 1930s. The prothesis and the sacristy are in eastern part, on the altar sides. Each of them has cross-shaped and octangular vaults.

The stairs in the northern corner lead to the choir above the narthex, meant for nobility, women and singers.

Youth Culture and Post-Soviet Transformations in Khashuri

Youth Culture and Post-Soviet Transformations in Khashuri

Youth Culture and Post-Soviet Transformations in Khashuri

In Soviet times, Khashuri was known under the name Stalinisi, and as an industrial town producing glass and woven products. Khashuri Railway Station and the city’s central location in Georgia made Khashuri a major transportation node. However, after Soviet collapse, these economic and infrastructural relationships disintegrated. This affected the micro economy in Khashuri, and a process of abandonment begun. When people couldn’t find jobs in the city, they started migrating both within Georgia and to abroad. The landscape in Khashuri is now characterized by abandoned factories, and the Soviet legacy is still visible.

Being presented as one of the most forgettable cities in Georgia by lecturers, we wanted to look behind the “dull” and “uninspiring” surface of the city and investigate how the inhabitants themselves perceive their hometown. In particular, we wanted to learn more about the everyday life of the young inhabitants, their living conditions and plans for the future.

How, if at all, do the remnants of the past influence the young population’s ideas of the future? What factors are keeping them stay, when everyone else are apparently moving away? Is there any signs of remigration? Thus, our main research question was “what factors contribute to the young generation’s feeling of attachment to homeland?”


Youth Culture and Post-Soviet Transformations in Khashuri

Youth Culture and Post-Soviet Transformations in Khashuri

Description of problem In Soviet times, Khashuri was known under the name Stalinisi, and as an industrial town producing glass

ხაშურის ტურისტული პოტენციალი – მწვანე ბანაკის ჩანაწერები

ხაშურის ტურისტული პოტენციალი – მწვანე ბანაკის ჩანაწერები

2019 წლის 17-27 ივლისს, ხაშურის მუნიციპალიტეტის დაბა სურამში, საქართველოში ლიეტუვის რესპუბლიკის საელჩოს ხელშეწყობით ...

სურამში ახალგაზრდული მწვანე ბანაკი გაიმართა

სურამში ახალგაზრდული მწვანე ბანაკი გაიმართა

2019 წლის 17-27 ივლისს, ხაშურის მუნიციპალიტეტის დაბა სურამში, საქართველოში ლიეტუვის რესპუბლიკის საელჩოს ხელშეწყობით ...

Surami Fortress and Sweet Nazuki

Surami Fortress and Sweet Nazuki

Traveling in Georgia is very interesting as each place has its own story behind it. All stories and places are unique and exciting. For example, by mentioning the sweets named Nazuki, Georgians think of a small town called Surami, where this Georgian sweet bread with cinnamon comes from, and a famou...

Nazuki (Georgian Spice Bread) Recipe

Nazuki (Georgian Spice Bread) Recipe

Bread-baking is intimidating to some, what with the kneading and the rising. But this recipe is so simple, anyone can do it. Plus, it's really, really tasty.

Nazuki - Sweet Georgian cinnamon bread with raisins,,Nazuki is Georgian spicy sweet bread. This scrumptious treat is mad...

Nazuki - Sweet Georgian cinnamon bread with raisins

,,Nazuki is Georgian spicy sweet bread. This scrumptious treat is made in different parts of Georgia, but nazuki from , Khashuri (Surami), a small town in Shida Kartli Region, stands out with its exceptional taste. Every Georgian and tourist alike who passes beautiful Surami road is unable to resist a good loaf of homemade sweet bread exhibited by the locals in front of their homes. Traditionally, nazuki is baked in a tone, a Georgian cylindrical clay stove, but one can bake nazuki at home in the oven as well. Here we present an easy recipe for delicious homemade nazuki".

რატომ დავისვენოთ ხაშურში? :)

რატომ დავისვენოთ ხაშურში? :)

ხაშურის ხსენებისას ქართულ საზოგადოებას ხშირად არ აქვს სწორი ასოციაცია. ხაშური რატომღაც ცენტრალური მაგისტრალი.....

Koditskaro Lake,  კოდიწყარო – ხაშურის მიმალული მშვენიერება (ფოტოები)

Koditskaro Lake,

კოდიწყარო – ხაშურის მიმალული მშვენიერება (ფოტოები)

თქვენი აზრი ჩვენთვის მნიშვნელოვანია! გაგვიზიარეთ თქვენი მოსაზრება!

ეტაპობრივად შემოგთავაზებთ სურამის, ქვიშხეთის და სხვა საკურორტო ზონების ,,ფრეიმებს". :) გთხოვთ გადახვიდეთ ბმულზე და დააყე...

ეტაპობრივად შემოგთავაზებთ სურამის, ქვიშხეთის და სხვა საკურორტო ზონების ,,ფრეიმებს". :) გთხოვთ გადახვიდეთ ბმულზე და დააყენოთ ის. :)

Travel in Khashuri

Travel in Khashuri

წინამდებარე ფოტოებზე წარმოდგენილია ფოტოგრაფ ბადრი ვადაჭკორიას მიერ სხვადასხვა დროს გადაღებული ხაშურის მუნიც....


Koditskaro lake, Khashuri, Georgia

Koditskaro lake, Khashuri, Georgia

Koditskaro lake

Koditskaro lake

თქვენი აზრი ჩვენთვის მნიშვნელოვანია! გაგვიზიარეთ თქვენი მოსაზრება!

Kindereisenbahn Chaschuri--------Die Kindereisenbahn Chaschuri war eine etwa 1,7 km lange, ringförmige Schmalspur-Kinder...

Kindereisenbahn Chaschuri
Die Kindereisenbahn Chaschuri war eine etwa 1,7 km lange, ringförmige Schmalspur-Kindereisenbahn im Waldpark Zemo Seri (georgisch ზემო სერი, russisch Земо сери) bei der georgischen Stadt Chaschuri. Die Bahn war wohl vom 1. September 1984 bis mindestens 1989 in Betrieb und wurde danach abgebaut.

Bau der Strecke und der Stationen
Der Bau der Strecke begann im Jahr 1982. Viele Unternehmen der Stadt und ihrer Umgebung waren daran beteiligt. Im Herbst 1982 wurde die 1,7 km lange, ringförmige Strecke verlegt und drei Stationen gebaut. Das Hauptgebäude befand sich in unmittelbarer Nähe des Parkeingangs. Der Bau der Strecke dauerte fast zwei Jahre.

Beschaffung der Lokomotiven
Bereits 1982 wurden drei Diesellokomotiven Gr-282, Gr-307 und Gr-318 aus den Bahnbetriebswerken Wapnjarka und Rudnyzja des ukrainischen Schmalspurnetzes Hajworon zum Bahnbetriebswerk von Chaschuri überführt. Es ist aber nicht überliefert, ob sie alle für die Kindereisenbahn Chaschuri bestimmt waren, oder auf drei verschiedenen Strecken eingesetzt werden sollten, wie der Kindereisenbahn Poti und der Kindereisenbahn Rustawi. Letztendlich wurde wohl nur die Lokomotive Gr-307 auf den Berg zur Kindereisenbahn transportiert, und die beiden Schwesterlokomotiven wurden im Bahnbetriebswerk von Chaschuri eingelagert.

Die feierliche Eröffnung der Strecke fand erst am 1. September 1984 statt. Ein paar Tage später erschien ein kleiner Artikel in der Zeitung Junger Kommunist (russisch Юный коммунист), der von diesem Ereignis berichtete. Zum Zeitpunkt der Eröffnung der Strecke hatte keine der drei Stationen einen Namen. Sie sollten im Rahmen eines Wettbewerbs von den jungen Eisenbahnmitarbeitern ausgewählt werden. Anders als bei den meisten anderen Kindereisenbahnen wurde der erste Zug von einem Erwachsenen und nicht einem jugendlichen Eisenbahner gefahren. Er war ein Maschinist mit vierzig Jahren Erfahrung, ein Veteran der transkaukasischen Eisenbahn.

Der erste Zug der Kindereisenbahn bestand aus einer Lokomotive ТU2 und Pafawag-Wagen PV40. Vermutlich war es die Diesellokomotive TU2-048. Nach den Daten aus dem Archiv des Zentralen Fernschreibers des Eisenbahnministeriums der UdSSR sollte sie 1983 nach Tiflis überführt werden, wurde wohl aber zumindest vorübergehend in Chaschuri eingesetzt.

Die Kindereisenbahn war wohl bis mindestens 1989 in Betrieb. Während des Militärputsches von 1991 und des darauf folgenden Bürgerkrieges wurde die Strecke zerstört und nicht wieder aufgebaut.

Diesellokomotive Gr-307
Vermutlich Diesellokomotive ТU2-048
Möglicherweise auch die Diesellokomotiven Gr-282 und Gr-318
Mindestens drei Pafawag-PV40-Personenwagen


ხაშურის ხსენებისას ქართულ საზოგადოებას ხშირად არ აქვს სწორი ასოციაცია. ხაშური რატომღაც ცენტრალური მაგისტრალი.....

Kvishkheti----------------------The village Kvishkheti is located in the Khashuri district of the Shida Kartli region in...

The village Kvishkheti is located in the Khashuri district of the Shida Kartli region in the Republic of Georgia. It is situated between the Likhi mountain range to the west and the Trialeti range to the east, and the Mtkvari River flows nearby.

Kvishkheti's historical significance mainly comes from the 17th and 19th centuries.

At the beginning of the 17th century Abbas I, Shah of Iran, drove the Turks out of Armenia, Kartli (Iberia) and Kakheti. The Turkish yoke was superseded by that of Iran. But in 1609 Kartli (Iberia) was invaded by the Turks and Crimean Tatars. They took prisoner Tevdoré, the priest of the village of Kvelta, and ordered him to show them the way to the residence of King Luarsab II (1605-1615). Tevdoré took the enemy astray and at the cost of his own life gave the king time to prepare for war. The enemy was routed in the battle of Kvishkheti. Giorgi Saakadze, governor of Tbilisi, distinguished himself in the battle.
During the 19th century, Kvishkheti is said to have been a haven for Georgian culture during an intense period of russification. Specifically the summer residence of nobleman Dmitri Kipiani became a place of summer rest for many prominent Georgian writers, such as, Ilia Chavchavadze and Vazha-Pshavela.


Soon! Touring page about municipality of Khashuri. :) 👌💗

When traveling through the village of Kvishkheti, Shida Kartli region, you might get lucky to stumble upon this marvello...

When traveling through the village of Kvishkheti, Shida Kartli region, you might get lucky to stumble upon this marvellous sight that frequently graces the village after rainfall.

Photo by Achi Inasaridze
Source: Geographer Diary

When traveling through the village of Kvishkheti, Shida Kartli region, you might get lucky to stumble upon this marvellous sight that frequently graces the village after rainfall. Photo by Achi InasaridzeSource: Geographer Diary


Surami Fortress
Subsequently, Surami declined but retained its lively trading post as well as the fortress which was reconstructed in the 16th and 17th centuries. By the mid-18th century, according to Prince Vakhushti, Surami had 200 households of Georgians, Armenians and Jews. In the 1740s, Surami was used by Prince Givi Amilakhvari as his base against King Teimuraz II and Persians. After the prince’s surrender in 1745, the fortress was demolished, but later restored and exploited by the Russo-Georgian troops in anti-Ottoman operations during the Russo-Turkish War (1768–1774). After the Russian annexation of Georgia in 1801, Surami housed a military post and was later popularized as a mountain climatic resort. In 1926, it acquired the status of "urban-type settlement"

The Legend of the Suram Fortress
An old legend has it that the walls of the Surami Fortress owe their sturdiness to the fact that they have a man buried within them – a mother’s only child by the name of Zurab. According to the legend’s narrative, the original builders had constant trouble putting up the walls of the fortress. No matter how well they built it, the walls kept crumbling for no apparent reason. A fortune-teller told them that the walls would not hold unless a young man, an only child, was bricked up within them. It was very hard for Zurab’s mother to part with her son, but she agreed to it out of love for her homeland (and a probably touch of old-fashioned pagan beliefs). She was present as her son was being buried alive by workers, calling to him until he was no longer able to respond. True to the prophecy, the walls of the fortress held after Zurab’s sacrifice.

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Likhi, the same Surami range divides Georgia in two parts – Western and Eastern Georgia. Here passes the main expressway...

Likhi, the same Surami range divides Georgia in two parts – Western and Eastern Georgia. Here passes the main expressway of the nation s-1 (E60/E97), as well as Tsipi railway and Rikoti auto tunnels. On the Southern slopes of the range, several km away to the South-West from Khashuri is situated health and spa resort of Surami. Surami presumably was founded in II c. BC Since the Antique times, during centuries, thanks to convenient geographic location, Surami has been a point and important town on the ancient trade route – Great Silk Road. Caravan routes rising from Kartli, Imereti and Samtskhe merged here. In XII-XIII cc. Surami was the seat of Kartli Eristavi (Ruler) while Surami Fortress was the Ruler’s defense facility and strategic fortification. From the end of XIX century (since 1872) across territory of Surami has run Poti-Tbilisi railway line which lost its function after construction of a tunnel under Surami slope. Today railway line is used for local transit only. Surami is children profile resort. Its natural treatment factors are dry, subtropical air and deciduous forest spreading around the resort on 120 ha mixed with embedded coniferous forest tract. There are also many mineral water springs in the settlement. As a resort Surami has gained its name since the end of the XIX century. During Turkish-Russian war several military hospitals were operated here. It was discovered then that Surami climate had a positive impact on patients who had malaria. Step-by-step Surami became a popular haunt. Since 1948 it gained the status of a resort of local
importance where several sanatoria and rest-houses were operated. It is worth mentioning that in 1938 children’s orphanage was
opened in Surami where 300-400 children who lost parents in the Second World War found their shelter.

1. Surami Fortress. XI c. Located on the bank of river Suramula, in the Southern part of the settlement. Complex includes wall, fortress, tower, palace and St. George Church dating XI-XII cc. As every Fortress this fortification also had a secret tunnel, leading into the depth of 12-16 m and connected with river Suramula. The Surami Fortress was one of the important reinforced facilities in the nation and mentioned in the Annals as a ‘Strong Tower’. The Fortress is in the heart of a legend telling that omnipotence of the Fortress derives from the young man who was the only offspring buried alive in the walls of the Fortress. According to the hearsay, from the wall where Zurab was buried even now mother’s crystal-clear tears leak drop-by-drop.

Location: foot-hill of Southern slope of Likhi range
Distance: 7 km away from Khashuri, 50 km away from Gori, 115 km away from Tbilisi
Sea level: 750 m
Landscape: hillocky
Climate: moderately continental, winter cold, nearly no snow, mean temperature in January -9 degrees; summer warm, mean temperature in August 20,2 degrees centigrade
Average annual precipitation: 781 mm
Average comparative annual humidity: 70%
Duration of annual sunny light: 2300 h.
Natural treatment factors: low mountain climate and slightly sulfide hydro-carbonate, magnesium-sodium mineral waters with general mineralization 0,6 g/dm3, 68 mg/ dm3 containing silicon acid
Types of therapy: passive climate therapy and mineral water baths
Diseases for treatment: chronic diseases of bones, functional disorders of peripheral nervous system, skin, cardiovascular and nervous system


Khashuri is a town in a central part of the country and the 9th biggest city of Georgia. Khashuri Municipality administrative centre. It is located on Shida Kartli plain, on the Suramula riverside, 700 metres (2,300 feet) above sea level.
Khashuri is first mentioned in a 1693 document. Modern Khashuri was founded in 1872 as a modest railway stop called "Mikhaylovo" after Grand Duke Michael Nikolaevich of Russia, Viceroy of the Caucasus. In 1917, it was renamed Khashuri. Granted city status in 1921, it was known as Stalinisi after Joseph Stalin from 1928 to 1934. In the 19th century after the leading Tbilisi-Poti main line, Khashuri gradually became a major transportation node. The railways and highways were heading towards Borjomi and Akhaltsikhe. It was declared a town in 1921. The population of the town is 26,135 (2014).There is a rail transport, glass container, food industry enterprises, educational and cultural institutions (public theater, a museum of local lore). The 18th-century tower, St. John and St. Marine's churches are preserved in the town.

Khashuri Regional Museum--------Khashuri, Kostava Street 2

Khashuri Regional Museum
Khashuri, Kostava Street 2

Tourist objects in Georgia

Khashuri-Surami Trip 👍

Khashuri-Surami Trip 👍




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Travel in Khashuri

Khashuri (Georgian: ხაშური [xɑʃuri]) is a town in the central part of Georgia and is the 9th largest settlement in Georgia. It is the administrative centre of Khashuri Municipality. It is located on the Shida Kartli plain, on the Suramula riverside, 700 metres (2,300 feet) above sea level.

Khashuri is first mentioned in a 1693 document. Modern Khashuri was founded in 1872 as a modest railway stop called "Mikhaylovo" after Grand Duke Michael Nikolaevich of Russia, Viceroy of the Caucasus. In 1917, it was renamed Khashuri. The town was granted city status in 1921. It was known as Stalinisi, after Joseph Stalin, from 1928 to 1934. In the 19th century after the leading Tbilisi-Poti main line, Khashuri gradually became a major transportation node. The railways and highways were heading towards Borjomi and Akhaltsikhe. It was declared a town in 1921. The population of the town is 26,135 (2014).[1] There is rail transport, glass container, food industry enterprises, educational and cultural institutions (public theatre, a museum of local lore). The 18th-century tower, St. John and St. Marine's churches are preserved in the town. There are the Urbnisi and Ruisi Diocese pulpit and residence in Khasuri.
