Discover Georgia powered by m&i
The Calligraphy Masterclass was more than just pen and paper; it was a metaphor for the intricacies of building relationships. Just as each stroke contributes to the beauty of the final piece, every interaction, conversation, and connection during the event contributed to the larger picture of networking success.
Participants discovered the rhythm and flow of calligraphy, much like the rhythm of meaningful networking. Through shared experiences and a collective appreciation for the craft, participants found common ground and built bridges that extended beyond business cards and handshakes.
The partnership between M&I Events and BTL Georgia showcased the power of collaboration, as well as the potential of blending creativity with networking. By fostering an environment that celebrated both cultural enrichment and business growth, the event demonstrated how MICE experiences can be transformed into lifelong memories.
Discover Georgia powered by m&i
The Calligraphy Masterclass was more than just pen and paper; it was a metaphor for the intricacies of building relationships. Just as each stroke contributes to the beauty of the final piece, every interaction, conversation, and connection during the event contributed to the larger picture of networking success.
Participants discovered the rhythm and flow of calligraphy, much like the rhythm of meaningful networking. Through shared experiences and a collective appreciation for the craft, participants found common ground and built bridges that extended beyond business cards and handshakes.
The partnership between M&I Events and BTL Georgia showcased the power of collaboration, as well as the potential of blending creativity with networking. By fostering an environment that celebrated both cultural enrichment and business growth, the event demonstrated how MICE experiences can be transformed into lifelong memories.
Discover Georgia powered by m&i
The Calligraphy Masterclass was more than just pen and paper; it was a metaphor for the intricacies of building relationships. Just as each stroke contributes to the beauty of the final piece, every interaction, conversation, and connection during the event contributed to the larger picture of networking success.
Participants discovered the rhythm and flow of calligraphy, much like the rhythm of meaningful networking. Through shared experiences and a collective appreciation for the craft, participants found common ground and built bridges that extended beyond business cards and handshakes.
The partnership between M&I Events and BTL Georgia showcased the power of collaboration, as well as the potential of blending creativity with networking. By fostering an environment that celebrated both cultural enrichment and business growth, the event demonstrated how MICE experiences can be transformed into lifelong memories.
Discover Georgia powered by m&i
The Calligraphy Masterclass was more than just pen and paper; it was a metaphor for the intricacies of building relationships. Just as each stroke contributes to the beauty of the final piece, every interaction, conversation, and connection during the event contributed to the larger picture of networking success.
Participants discovered the rhythm and flow of calligraphy, much like the rhythm of meaningful networking. Through shared experiences and a collective appreciation for the craft, participants found common ground and built bridges that extended beyond business cards and handshakes.
The partnership between M&I Events and BTL Georgia showcased the power of collaboration, as well as the potential of blending creativity with networking. By fostering an environment that celebrated both cultural enrichment and business growth, the event demonstrated how MICE experiences can be transformed into lifelong memories.
Accelerating Business Progress
👉ღონისძიებამ გააერთიანა ადგილობრივი და საერთაშორისო კომპანიები, შექმნა თანამშრომლობისა და ინოვაციების გარემო.
🙌განვიხილეთ ჩვენი კოლექტიური მისია და გამოვავლინეთ მთელი რიგი ინიციატივები, რომლებიც შექმნილია საქართველოში საქმიანი მოგზაურობის გარემოს გასაუმჯობესებლად.
BTL Georgia
საქართველოს დამსაქმებელთა ასოციაცია/Georgian Employers' Association (GEA)
Kreba • კრება
#btlgeorgia #networkingevent #MICETourism #businesstravel
🚀The ITB Berlin event has come to a successful end and we are proud to have represented Georgia as the host country.
💫Our team had the opportunity to share our country's rich cultural heritage, breathtaking landscapes, and warm hospitality with attendees from around the world. We are grateful for the connections we made and look forward to welcoming new visitors to Georgia.
Thank you, ITB Berlin!
#ITB2023 #VisitGeorgia #travel #Leisure #tourism
WhatsApp Video 2022-10-01 at 7.51.26 PM
IUSTI-Europe 2022
✅ Organizer BTL Georgia •
WhatsApp Video 2022-10-01 at 7.51.24 PM
IUSTI-Europe 2022
✅ Organizer BTL Georgia •
WhatsApp Video 2022-10-01 at 7.51.17 PM
IUSTI-Europe 2022
✅ Organizer BTL Georgia •
WhatsApp Video 2022-10-01 at 7.51.16 PM
IUSTI-Europe 2022
Orgnizer BTL Georgia •
WhatsApp Video 2022-10-01 at 7.51.21 PM
IUSTI-Europe 2022
✅ Organizer BTL Georgia •