Октябрь скоро! 😉 Пора собираться на дегустацию грузинских вин 🔥🍷
… Для меня лично, эти 4 матча открыли удивительного человека - Вилли Саньола! Какой он тренер и специалист - пусть спорят эксперты, но какой он ЧЕЛОВЕК! Я не знаю, как к нему относятся футболисты и члены команды сборной, но я увидел КАК он относится к ним! Это многого стоит❣️
Вилли подарил Грузии и футболу команду которая играет в ФУТБОЛ! Играет для болельщиков, для зрителей, для ценителей футбола, для страны, для себя.
Впереди ЧМ! Уверен, эта команда будет там играть! Потому, что без красоты игры, которую показала Сборная Грузии - футбол перестанет быть ФУТБОЛОМ! ⚽️
... პირადად ჩემთვის ამ 4 მატჩმა გამოავლინა საოცარი ადამიანი - ვილი სანიოლი! როგორი მწვრთნელი და სპეციალისტია - დაე, ექსპერტებმა იჩხუბონ, მაგრამ რა ადამიანია! არ ვიცი, როგორ უყურებენ მას ფეხბურთელები და ნაკრების წევრები, მაგრამ დავინახე, როგორ ის ექცევა მათ! ამას ფასი არ აქვს❣️
უილიმ საქართველოს და ფეხბურთს აჩუქა გუნდი, რომელიც თამაშობს ფეხბურთს! თამაშობს გულშემატ
Svaneti (Svan: Shuan, Lemshuaniera) is the highest mountainous historical-geographical region of Georgia. It is located in the northern part of Western Georgia, on the southern slopes of the Caucasus Mountains. It borders Racha to the east, Lechkhumi and Samegrelo to the south, Abkhazia to the west, and Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria to the north.
Surrounded by the Caucasus Mountains, with heights ranging from 3,000 to 5,000 meters, Svaneti is considered the most mountainous inhabited region of the Caucasus. Ten of the highest peaks in the Caucasus are located in Svaneti. Among them are the highest peaks in Georgia: Shkhara (5,201 m), Tetnuldi (4,974 m), Shota Rustaveli (4,960 m), Ushba (4,710 m), and Ailama (4,525 m).
Svaneti is divided into Upper Svaneti (the upper reaches of the Inguri River) and Lower Svaneti (the upper reaches of the Tskhenistsqali River). They are separated by the high Svaneti Range with the Latpari Pass. Upper Svaneti, in turn, was divided into two parts by the Baliani Range. Below the range was owned by the Dadeshkeliani princes, while the area beyond the range was known as Free Svaneti.
#Сванетия #Svaneti #Грузия #Georgia #Кавказ #Caucasus #ГорныеРегионы #MountainRegions #История #History #Путешествия #Travel #Природа #Nature #ВысокиеГоры #HighMountains #Шхара #Shkhara #Тетнулди #Tetnuldi #Ушба #Ushba
Медведица с медвежатами в заповеднике Лагодехи. Малыши растут с мамой до 1,5 лет и учаться выживать в лесу.
Лагодехский заповедник - это фантастический лес, красивейшие водопады, удивительное озеро Черных скал... место обязательное к посещению 🔥💚
Friends, we do not welcome conversations about politics in the group, because we do not divide people by nationality, citizenship, skin color or eye shape. 🤗
There is only Man and Inhuman.
And there is also Art! 😍
Georgian partying is international, and the «Mandili» trio is an additional confirmation of that! 💙💛
Друзі, ми не вітаємо у групі розмови про політику, бо не ділимо людей за національністю, громадянством, кольором шкіри чи розрізом очей. 🤗
Є тільки Людина та Нелюдина.
І ще є Мистецтво! 😍
Грузинське гуляння інтернаціональне, і тріо «Мандили» зайве тому підтвердження! 💙💛
#украинскиепесни #грузинскиепесни #грузиныпоют #тыжменяпидманула #украина #грузия #триомандили #ukraine #ukrainiansongs #geeorgiansingers #georgia
Georgian Trio “Mandili” and songs Lalebi 🧡
Грузинское трио «Мандили» с песней Лалеби 🧡
#мандили #грузинскиепесни #грузиныпоют #путешествиевгрузию #грузия #отпусквгрузии #georgiansongs #trio #mandili #georgianfolk #georgia #tourtogeorgia #georgiansinger #onmymindge
Кавказская Пленница
Смотрите и слушайте!
Новое прочтение классики!
Браво "Метехи"!
#песняпромедведей #кавказскаяпленница #метехи #грузиныпоют #грузия #многолосье #georgiansinger #georgia #onmymindge
MOMENTS that stay in your memory forever
Моменты остающиеся в памяти навсегда
წამები სამუდამოდ რომ გრჩება გულში
#Georgia #EURO2024 #firststep #GeorgiaGreece #ევრო2024 #ЕВРО2024
Gergeti Trinity
A Majestic Georgian Church with Rich History
High up on the stunning mountainside, standing proudly at an impressive altitude of 2170 meters near the foothills of Mount Kazbek, lies the picturesque village of Gergeti in Georgia. Amidst the awe-inspiring landscapes along the Military-Georgian Road, a remarkable sight awaits visitors—a magnificent architectural gem known as the Gergeti Tsminda Sameba Church, also referred to as the Gergeti Trinity.
Dating back to the 14th century, this cross-domed church holds a significant place in Georgian history and culture. Nestled above the charming village of Stepantsminda, on the right bank of the Chkheri River, a tributary of the Terek, the Gergeti Trinity Church offers breathtaking views and a glimpse into the region’s past.
While it has become a renowned tourist attraction, attracting countless visitors each year, few are aware of the church’s fascinating history and the legends that surround it. During tumultuous times of enemy invasions, the Gergeti Church served as a sanctuary for precious religious relics and the treasury. Safeguarded within its walls was the sacred cross of Saint Nino, the revered evangelist who brought Christianity to Georgia. Sadly, the church was forced to close during the Soviet era, only regaining its spiritual purpose towards the end of the 20th century.
Today, the Gergeti Trinity stands as a testament to the country’s enduring faith and architectural brilliance. Adjacent to the church, an ancient bell tower adds to the mystical aura of the surroundings. Constructed using sturdy stone blocks, the church’s walls are adorned with intricate reliefs, showcasing the craftsmanship of its creators. Stepping inside, one is greeted with a somber atmosphere, as narrow windows and the absence of electric lighting contribute to the dimly lit interior. While the modest décor offers few distractions, keen observers may spot fragments of ancient frescoes, providing a glimpse into
Rioni (Georgian: რიონი) is a river in Georgia, one of the largest in Transcaucasia. Length - 327 km. In the Svan language “rien” means “big river”. It begins on the slopes of the Greater Caucasus, near the Eden Glacier south of Mount Pasismta (3805 m) of the Main Caucasus Range. Below the city of Kutaisi it flows through the Colchis Lowland. It flows into the Black Sea near the city of Poti.
The ancient Greeks called the river Phasis (or Phasis; ancient Greek Φᾶσις), under this name it was first mentioned by Hesiod in his Theogony. Later, Apollonius of Rhodes, Virgil and Aelius Aristides mentioned the river as the easternmost limit of maritime navigation. In Plato’s Phaedo, in one of his dialogues, Socrates also mentions the river as the boundary of the ecumene: “Further, I am convinced that the Earth is very large and that we, who live from Phasis to the Pillars of Hercules, occupy only a small part of it; we crowd around our sea, like ants or frogs around a swamp, and many other peoples live in many other places similar to ours."
The river was also considered a natural border between Europe and Asia. Anaximander drew the border along the river Phasis (aka Rioni) in the Caucasus, and this agreement was also followed by Herodotus in the 5th century BC.
#sourceofriver #sourceofrioni #rioni #racha #georgiariver #river #georgia #рекигрузии #истокреки #истокриони #рача #грузия #река
Happy Epiphany
Today, January 19, the Epiphany of the Lord is celebrated in Georgia. This is a public holiday and a non-working day in Georgia.
С Крещением Господним
Сегодня, 19 января, в Грузии отмечают Крещение Господня. Это государственный праздник и нерабочий день в Грузии.
ნათლისღებას გილოცავთ
#Epiphany #ნათლისღება #Крещение #рекаиордан #jordanriver #религиозныепраздники #КрещениеХриста #baptismofchrist
Из всего что нам НЕОБХОДИМО, ДОСТАТОЧНО - только Любовь! ❤️ Уличное кафе «Шербургские зонтики» для белок и синичек. 🩵 Of all that we NEED, ENOUGH is only Love! ❤️ Street cafe “Cherbourg Umbrellas” for squirrels and titmice. 🩵 #cafe #streetcafe #squirrel #titmice #love #onmymindge #уличноекафе #белка #синица #зима #снег #любовь #завiруха
#newyear2024 #НочьВТбилиси #tbilisi #Georgia #onmymindge #newyearingeorgia #старыйновыйгод #тбилиси #newyear2024 #грузия #сновымгодом #happynewyear24 #happynewyear24
Счастливого Рождества 🎄🙏 АЛИЛО - грузинский Рождественский гимн #рождество #алило #мандили #трио #грузия #песнопение
Праздник на улице. Тбилиси
Грузия празднует Рождество
#рождество #танцынаулице #грузинскиетанцы #тбилиси #georgiandance #streetdance #tbilisi #georgia #onmymindge