NEW LIFE TV Series Premieres on GTV at 6 pm tonight
Alpha, Beta, Delta.
The novel corona virus still rages on and has mutated into variants now given Greek names. The delta variant has led to a third wave in many countries and is said to be more infectious and virulent.
Vaccinations have begun; yet until we reach that critical herd immunity, we must maintain vigilance and follow the time tested COVID protocols.
Enter the ADEPAS, a progressive and forward-looking family. How do they traverse this new world order?
Don't miss out on this entertaining and educative series
#NewLifeSeries #Nyansapo #CoronaLifeSeries #CoronaVirus #Covid #StaySafe #HandWashing #SocialDistancing #FaceMask
#NationalCovid19TrustFund #WorldBank #GAMASanitation #MinistryOfWaterAndSanitation #DailyGraphicGhana
The layman and business growth
Haters are always going to hate.
Is it a crime to look attractive at your workplace?
Remember #EnoMercy, Roselyn Afua Ngissah in #Solutions? She tried to destroy Mama Sweet's waakye business with underground methods.
Re-watch all her hilarious antics of business growth and destruction only on #KenteTV
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