Hajj Hajj Hajj
Preparation for Hajj
1. The intention (Niyyah) for Hajj must be pure and sincere for the sake of Allah(Swt) only, and not for any other worldly motives.
2. In the Hajj a muslim should follow the way the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) performed Hajj. This is following (the Sunnah).
3. Hajj must be done with Halaal(Lawful) funds, for Hajj done with Haraam(Un-Lawful) funds is haraam and is not permitted. Some of the scholars even said that Hajj is not valid in this case, and one of them said: “If you do Hajj with money whose source is haraam, you have not done Hajj but your camel has.”
4. It's also recomended:
a. to repent of past sins and clear all the dues, (Huquq-un-Naas).
b. to write his will and prepare for the journey.
c. to make ammendments in all severed ties of kinship.
This will cleanse all the distractions, so that the mind is easily turned towards Allah(Swt).
5. One who is intending to perform Hajj should avoid whatever Allaah has forbidden in general, whether in Hajj or at other times, such as immorality and sin, haraam speech, haraam deeds, missing the fardh salaat, listening to music and so on. He should also avoid that which Allaah has forbidden particularly in Hajj, such as al-rafath (in*******se with women), and shaving the head. He should also avoid wearing that which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade us to wear in ihraam. In general, one should avoid everything that is forbidden when in ihraam.
6. The pilgrim should also be kind, generous and easy-going with his wealth and in his actions. He should treat his brothers well as much as possible. He must avoid annoying or disturbing the Muslims, in the holy places and marketplaces, or in the crowded conditions of the mataaf (the area around the Ka’bah where tawaaf is performed) and the mas’aa (the place where saa’i is performed) and around the jamaraat, and in others.
This journey differs from all other worldly journeys. One should remember the majesty of the House and the Absolute Owner, and that one has chosen to leave family, friends, and possessions for the lofty and noble purpose of visiting a House, which the Almighty has designed as a sanctuary for all people.
These are all things that are obligatory for the pilgrim, or that he must do. The best way to achieve that is to travel with a knowledgeable person who can remind him about his religion. If that is not possible, then he should read the books of the scholars before going for Hajj, so that he can worship Allaah(Swt) with knowledge.
Before Starting the Journey:
It's highly recomended to offer 2 Rakah of Nafl prayer in the house before setting out on the Journey. Remember to thanks Allah(Swt) for the blessed opportunity and make dua for Allah(Swt)'s Mercy, Protection and Acceptance of Hajj. Also, ask Allah(swt) for making your journey easy, safe and enligtening.