Tuesday September 21, 2021:
“LEPROSY: the spiritual condition of the 21st Century Church”. 1.6.
“LARGE CROWDS FOLLOWED JESUS as he came down the mountainside. Suddenly, a man with leprosy approached him and knelt before him. “Lord,” THE MAN SAID, “IF YOU ARE WILLING, YOU CAN HEAL ME AND MAKE ME CLEAN.” JESUS REACHED OUT AND TOUCHED HIM. “I AM WILLING,” HE SAID. “BE HEALED!” And instantly the leprosy disappeared. Matthew 8:1-3, NLT. (Emphasis added)
In the previous editions, I tried to relate leprosy to the spiritual state of the 21st Century church by using the children of Israel in both the wilderness and the promise land to typify today’s church. And also used the personality of Naaman to typify the state of the 21st Century Church. We discovered that; Naaman like most of has was a very influential person, he was religiously correct like most of us, he had such an unapparelled stature, the only thing that made him despicable was his leprosy just as sin makes us despicable before God. His uniform and social standing couldn’t conceal his leprosy, likewise our position in the church or society cannot conceal our sins for long. In today’s edition, we are going to delve into our main text above.
The above biblical text reveals that, a large crowd followed Jesus as he descended from the mountain just as millions of us are claiming to be followers of Jesus but with our personal motives and agenda. The crowd who followed Jesus all had their reason for following. Some followed Jesus because of what they would eat or stand to gain, others also followed because of what they would see and gossip about and the last group are those who genuinely loved him. These groups put together forms the large crowd that followed Him. Also, not everyone of the crowd had a personal encounter with Jesus except those who desired and dared to meet him.
Among the crowd were also l***rs but not all of them got cleansed. Because they have become comfortable and used to their situation. To them, once they follow Jesus, their daily bread is assured. Even if Jesus doesn’t multiply bread and fish, by all means someone from the crowd might drop something for them. Therefore, it was okay for them to hang around Jesus, since it cost them nothing. Some of us in the 21st century church has the same disposition. We have become so comfortable and used to sin. It has become our normal practice to the extent that we no longer find it reprehensible to talk about them. We have become the crowd that followed Jesus in the above text.
When the l***r in the above text realized his despicable state and got tired of his situation, he left the crowd to personally meet Jesus to see him out of his leprous state. He defied the reaction of the crowd and focused on how to get out of his predicament. One thing he saw that eluded the crowd was that he saw Jesus as the only one who has a permanent solution to his problem. He was fed up with always trying to cover up just to mix with the crowd. For how long will he continue to deceive himself and the crowd. Therefore, he confidently approached Jesus.
Beloved, for how long are we going to put on a façade to deceive ourselves and others with our two-facedness. We are humble, holy and pious in church on weekends and ferocious beats at home and workplace on weekdays. Sometimes, our immediate families and close associates finds us interesting on how our leprosy suddenly get cured when we step into the church and then returns again when we get home or workplaces. Let us get weary of our leprosy and meet Jesus genuinely and our leprosy will be cleansed for good. God bless us all as we continue in the next edition. Shalom!
Lord Jesus, I thank you this day for my life. I thank you for making me realize the blight of my spiritual condition. I am sincerely tired of deceiving myself. Forgive me Lord! Holy Spirit, please help me, teach me, lead and convict me each time I fall into sin. This I pray in the name of Jesus! Amen!
Author: REV. SOLOMON LUTTERODT WORD-360 is an initiative of Excellence Restoration Chapel that is focused on ministering to the whole Body of Christ through Life-Transforming daily devotionals. PLEASE CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW TO FOLLOW US ON FACEBBOK https://web.facebook.com/WORD360.DAILYDEVOTIONAL