Diskobay Tours

Diskobay Tours Tours in the area of Ilulissat

Local guides
- Dogsledding
- Sailing
- Hiking

& Souvenirs in our shop Turistoperatør - Hundekennel

Aluunnguit Diskobay Tours 2025-ip aasaanerani takornarissanik angallassisussanik pissarsiorput. Inussiarnersumik Team Di...


Diskobay Tours 2025-ip aasaanerani takornarissanik angallassisussanik pissarsiorput.

Team Diskobay Tours 😍

Tanngaappugut ❤️ Qujavugut ❤️Team Diskobay Tours

Tanngaappugut ❤️ Qujavugut ❤️

Team Diskobay Tours

🇬🇱 Qaammatip suliffeqarfia: Diskobay Tours

Diskobay Tours Sulisitsisunit qaammami matumani qaammatip suliffeqarfiattut toqqarneqarsimavoq. Sumiiffigisaminni Ilulissani suliffeqarfik immikkuullarissunik misigisassaqartitsisarpoq, takornarissallu Kalaallit Nunaata pinngortitaa kulturialu qanimut misigisinnaavaat. Piujuartitsinermik tunngaveqarneq najugaqavissunillu sulisoqarneq aallaavigalugu angallassinerit piviusorsiortut ingerlanneqartarput, takornarissallu ilaatigut qimmit qimuttut Kalaallit Nunaata oqaluttuarisaaneranut pingaarutaat paasisaqarfigisarlugu.

Suliffeqarfiup sumiiffimmi inuiaqatigiit qanimut suleqatigisarivai, taamaalilluni angallassineq takornarissanut iluaqutaaginnarani illoqarfinnut ingerlatsitsiffiusut aamma iluaqutaassaaq. Diskobay Toursittaaq Kalaallit Nunaata kulturikkut kingornussaani qimmit pingaaruteqassusaat aamma pingaartillugu piujuartinneqarnissaat suleqataaffigaat.

Allaatigisaq atuaruk, Diskobay Toursillu Kalaallit Nunaanni takornariaqarnerup ineriartortinneqarnerannut suleqataasimanera paasisaqarfigalugu.

Allaatigaq uani atuaruk: https://sulisitsisut.gl/kl/nyheder/diskobay-tours-sulisitsisuni-qaammatip-suliffeqarfia/

🇩🇰 Månedens virksomhed: Diskobay Tours

Diskobay Tours er udnævnt som månedens virksomhed hos Grønlands Erhverv. Fra deres base i Ilulissat tilbyder virksomheden unikke oplevelser, der bringer turister tættere på Grønlands natur og kultur. Med fokus på bæredygtighed og lokal arbejdskraft skaber de autentiske ture, hvor gæster blandt andet kan opleve slædehundens betydning i Grønlands historie.

Virksomheden arbejder tæt sammen med lokalsamfund og sikrer, at deres ture gavner både besøgende og de grønlandske byer, hvor de opererer. Diskobay Tours er desuden engageret i at bevare slædehundens rolle som en vigtig del af Grønlands kulturarv.

Læs artiklen og få indblik i, hvordan Diskobay Tours bidrager til udviklingen af turisme i Grønland.

Se hele artiklen her: https://sulisitsisut.gl/nyheder/diskobay-tours-maanedens-virksomhed-hos-groenlands-erhverv/


Puuki Pottery by Lena A Olsen 🐦‍⬛❤️ 🎁🎄

Tiittorfiit iverutit
Lækre krus og øreringe

Qivi, tupaallaatigeqisumik :  The 25 Best Places to Go in 2025-ni taavatigut. Pilluarnaq

Qivi, tupaallaatigeqisumik : The 25 Best Places to Go in 2025-ni taavatigut. Pilluarnaq

Trek through remote mountains, or cruise through aquamarine seas.

Aluukkut Suli umiatsiarput ingerlavoq. Sapaatiuppat seqerngup tarrinnera ;)Qimmit piareersimapput, qimmigut nalunngisagu...

Suli umiatsiarput ingerlavoq. Sapaatiuppat seqerngup tarrinnera ;)
Qimmit piareersimapput, qimmigut nalunngisagullu qimmii - qimusserneq misilikkusukkussi bookersinnaavusi ;)

Hi there
Our boat is still in the water. Next tour watching the sunset on sunday ;)
Our dogs and other mushers dogs er ready - if you would like to try dogsledding, it is easy booking.

Vores båd er stadig i vandet. Næste tur er solnedgangen på søndag ;)
Vores hunde er klar til ture og det samme gælder andre kuskes hunde - så hvis du har lyst til at prøve kræfter med hundeslædekørsel, så er det nemt at booke.

Team Diskobay Tours

😅They misunderstood a little part regarding the "no need to use the sleddogs"... The use of dogs for fishing and hunting...

They misunderstood a little part regarding the "no need to use the sleddogs"... The use of dogs for fishing and hunting is very important in some areas of Greenland

A great way to experience a place is to see it through the eyes of a local, someone with true insider knowledge. In Ilulissat, a homegrown

Next week. 14-20. october 2024 Please remember, we might change the schedule due to the weather.Næste uge. 14-20. oktobe...

Next week. 14-20. october 2024
Please remember, we might change the schedule due to the weather.

Næste uge. 14-20. oktober 2024
Husk at der kan komme ændringer i skemaet, pga. vejret.

See you in our office, online and hopefully on our boat

Team Diskobay Tours

Just a heads up to all in Ilulissat. We have two EXTRA tours the following days... Also room at the Sunset Icefiord Sail...

Just a heads up to all in Ilulissat.
We have two EXTRA tours the following days...

Also room at the Sunset Icefiord Sailing and Northern Light Icefiord Sailing on all departures ;)

Book online, send us a text or call us.
Transfer to boat leaves from our office-parkinglot Kussangajaannguaq 44 (midtown) 15 minutes before the tour starts. If you go to the harbour on your own, meeting point is the southside of the harbour 15 minutes before departure time.


Hi everyone We have got lots of fun tours on the schedule the upcoming week. Feel free to share with friends, maybe they...

Hi everyone

We have got lots of fun tours on the schedule the upcoming week.
Feel free to share with friends, maybe they would love to join us on tour :)

Team Diskobay Tours


Our 4 puppies are 1 month now, they are so playful and love to cuddle.
You can visit them by booking a Meet N Greet with us 🐾🐶

Join us on tour

Join us on tour

Wuhuu - a new week beginning and we are looking forward to welcoming you on our tours!Team Diskobay Tours John, Mamarut,...

Wuhuu - a new week beginning and we are looking forward to welcoming you on our tours!

Team Diskobay Tours
John, Mamarut, Frank, Nivé and the 53 sleddogs


Kussangajaannguaq 44


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Vores historie

Turoperatør med base i Qasigiannguit. Med udgangspunkt i vores smukke by kan vi tilbyde magiske slædeture, smukke sejl- og vandreture. Vi samarbejder bredt, er fleksible og er lokalt forankret. Hos os er du sikret service, godt humør og masser af slædehunde hele året.