Whale watching with hydrophone
Listen to the song of the whales. From the first floor, we are ready to spot whales, playful humpback whales, fin whales or bowhead whales.
Maybe they squish in krill, play in packs or swim close to the boat. Particularly photogenic are humpback whales with their characteristic tails, which come into view when they dive. The tail fins are strong, muscular and ideal for the powerful swimming strokes required to propel them forward. in total there are 16 whale species in Greenland.
You can never say exactly where and when the whales will appear, but with the skipper's local knowledge and the boat's special whale tracking equipment (hydrophone), there are optimal opportunities to experience the sea's large mammals. The contact with the local fishermen can also give us good indications about which way we should look for the day in question.
Read more: https://www.icecapexplore.com/2024/05/01/whale-safari/
Best Destinations To Travel
BEST Travelers of the World
Visit Greenland
Visit East Greenland
Travel Town - Merge Adventure
Adventure Tourism Group
Greenland Ice
Horsens - Hedensted - Skanderborg
Offentlig gruppe
6,2 tusind medlemmer
IceCap Explore
Whale watching with hydrophone
Listen to the song of the whales. From the first floor, we are ready to spot whales, playful humpback whales, fin whales or bowhead whales.
Maybe they squish in krill, play in packs or swim close to the boat. Particularly photogenic are humpback whales with their characteristic tails, which come into view when they dive. The tail fins are strong, muscular and ideal for the powerful swimming strokes required to propel them forward. in total there are 16 whale species in Greenland.
You can never say exactly where and when the whales will appear, but with the skipper's local knowledge and the boat's special whale tracking equipment (hydrophone), there are optimal opportunities to experience the sea's large mammals. The contact with the local fishermen can also give us good indications about which way we should look for the day in question.
Read more: https://www.icecapexplore.com/2024/05/01/whale-safari/
Best Destinations To Travel
Travel Town - Merge Adventure
Hotel Arctic ****
Greenland Ice
Visit Greenland
Luxury excursions in Disko Bay
Experience North Greenland from the lakeside in all its splendor and grandeur. Key words are quality and experiences in a special class.
Get on board the Targa 44 de luxe – Greenland's most luxurious excursion boat. The seats are airplane inspired and all have a panoramic view.
Book trips and read more:
Best Destinations To Travel
Travel Town - Merge Adventure
Hotel Arctic ****
Greenland Ice
Visit Greenland
IceCap Explore
Luxury excursions in Disko Bay
Experience North Greenland from the lakeside in all its splendor and grandeur. Key words are quality and experiences in a special class.
Get on board the Targa 44 de luxe – Greenland's most luxurious excursion boat. The seats are airplane inspired and all have a panoramic view.
Dreamy Greenland
Don't just dream, Live the dream!
Book through us at: http://icecaptours.com/
#ExperienceGreenland #Greenland #Ilulissat #IceCap #Bucketlist #Explore #Dreamy #IceBerg #Arctic #Whales #Nature #Wheretonext #ICeCapTours
Greenland ~
with its calm yet extraordinary beauty, you'd agree with me that it's a place you'd rather be.
Book through us at: http://icecaptours.com/
#ExperienceGreenland #Greenland #Ilulissat #IceCap #Bucketlist #Explore #Dreamy #IceBerg #Arctic #Whales #Nature #Wheretonext #ICeCapTours #TraveltheWorld #Arctic
Summer in Greenland
Make your 2020 worthy by experiencing the dreamy and surreal view of Greenland.
Book through us at: http://icecaptours.com/
#Greenland #Ilulissat #IceCap #Bucketlist #Explore #Dreamy #IceBerg #Arctic #Whales #Nature #Wheretonext #ICeCapTours #Traveltheworld
Beautiful Greenland
A glimpse of how majestically beautiful Greenland is.
Book through us at: http://icecaptours.com/
#Greenland #Ilulissat #IceCap #Bucketlist #Explore #Dreamy #IceBerg #Arctic #Whales #Nature #Wheretonext #ICeCapTours #Traveltheworld
Greenland ~
with its calm yet extraordinary beauty, you'd agree with me that it's a place you really shouldn't miss.
Book through us at: http://icecaptours.com/
#ExperienceGreenland #Greenland #Ilulissat #IceCap #Bucketlist #Explore #Dreamy #IceBerg #Arctic #Whales #Nature #Wheretonext #ICeCapTours #TraveltheWorld #Arctic
Greenland is the place you'll surely love
Why Greenland? Because why not?! You don't get to see ice bergs every day. So, book through us and experience Greenland.
Book through us at: http://icecaptours.com/
#ExperienceGreenland #Greenland #Ilulissat #IceCap #Bucketlist #Explore #Dreamy #IceBerg #Arctic #Whales #Nature #Wheretonext #ICeCapTours
Don't just dream, Live the dream!
Book through us at: http://icecaptours.com/
#ExperienceGreenland #Greenland #Ilulissat #IceCap #Bucketlist #Explore #Dreamy #IceBerg #Arctic #Whales #Nature #Wheretonext #ICeCapTours
IceCap Tours - Make your dream come true
A glimpse of how majestically beautiful Greenland is.
#Greenland #Ilulissat #IceCap #Bucketlist #Explore #Dreamy #IceBerg #Arctic #Whales #Nature #Wheretonext #ICeCapTours