Raw Arctic

Raw Arctic Nestled in the stunning landscapes of Nuuk, we are your gateway to unforgettable wildlife experiences in the Arctic.

Where the wild rivers run.Deep in Greenland’s backcountry, three rivers carve their way through untouched valleys, teemi...

Where the wild rivers run.
Deep in Greenland’s backcountry, three rivers carve their way through untouched valleys, teeming with Arctic char. Camp Isua isn’t just a place—it’s an experience. A ten-day journey where the landscape paints itself anew with every sunrise, where the cast of your line is met with silence, and where the Arctic wilderness humbles even the most seasoned anglers.

Guided by experts. Powered by nature.
Are you ready?

📍 Camp Isua, Greenland
📅 10th July – September
🔗 Link in Bio

Greenland is more than ice - it’s a land of striking contrasts. In winter, a blanket of snow covers the landscape, but b...

Greenland is more than ice - it’s a land of striking contrasts. In winter, a blanket of snow covers the landscape, but beneath it, Arctic flora waits for its moment to thrive.

When summer arrives, Nuuk fjord transforms into a vibrant green wilderness, where life flourishes.


Not all adventures need preparing – but every adventure needs a beginning.

We’re excited to introduce our new website—designed to make your next trip easier than ever!

Find your next tour on our interactive map

Now you can explore all our tours on an interactive map, making it easier than ever to find the perfect trip in Greenland. From fishing, fjord cruises under the northern lights, to cozy cabin stays, your next Arctic journey is just a click away.

Start your adventure here: www.rawarctic.com

Summer in Greenland is stunning, but winter is something else - silent, raw, and boundless. A world of crisp air, and en...

Summer in Greenland is stunning, but winter is something else - silent, raw, and boundless. A world of crisp air, and endless snow.


Nunarput Nuan 🇬🇱

Tamaginni siunissami piujuaannartitsineq - Sammen om en bæredygtig fremtid.
(Dansk længere nede)

Maannamut Raw Arctic-imi angusagut assorsuaq tulluusimaarutigaagut – Pinngortitamut asanninnerup aammalu inuiaqatigiinnit nuannersorsuarnit taperserneqartuarnerup tunngavilerpaa sinnattorisimasamik piviusunngortitsisinnaanerput. Angusatta killiffia tikissimassanngikkaluarparput, taamak pikkoritsigisunik qujanartigisunillu nunaqavissunik takornarialerisunik allanillu suleqateqarsimmangitsuugutta – taakkuuppummi immikkuullarilluinnartumik misigisaqartitserusunnitsinnik paasinnillutik piviusunngortitsiniarnitsinni avitseqatiginnittut. Taamak suleqatigiinneq nukittorsartuarusupparput – taamaasillutalu siunissami qilanaaralugu takorluukkatsinniippoq takornarialerinermik ilinniarsimasunik piukkunnaatilinnik atorfinititsisarnissaq. Taamaasillutami suleqatigiinnitsigut Kalaallit Nunaanni takornarialerineq pitsaasutsimigut ulloq maannamut suli takuneqarsimanngitsoq angusinnaassagatsigu. Aalasuliamik isiginnaaqataagit, taamaasillutillu akisussaaffilimmik misigisassarsiortitsineq aammalu nunagisatsinni qanoq ineriartortitsinersugut malinnaaffigalugu.

Maannamut illinersioqataallutik ornitatsinnut tussaasimasunut qujangaarpugut.

Vi er utroligt stolte af, hvad vi har opnået med Raw Arctic – en drøm, der blev til virkelighed gennem vores kærlighed til Grønlands natur og støtte fra vores fantastiske lokalsamfund.

Vores rejse har kun været mulig takket være samarbejdet med dygtige lokale operatører og mennesker, der deler vores passion for at skabe unikke oplevelser. Vi ønsker at fortsætte med at styrke dette samarbejde og ser frem til at ansætte endnu flere lokale talenter, så vi sammen kan løfte turismen i Grønland til nye højder.

Se med i videoen og hør, hvordan vi arbejder for at kombinere ansvarlighed, eventyr og lokal udvikling.

Tak til alle, der har været en del af vores rejse indtil nu.

Greenlandic Arctic Char at its finest.

Greenlandic Arctic Char at its finest.

Discover the beauty of the Nuuk fjords during the winter months, where some of the oldest ice in the world is waiting to...

Discover the beauty of the Nuuk fjords during the winter months, where some of the oldest ice in the world is waiting to be explored. These fjords, connected to the ice sheet, capture icebergs as they break away and drift through the icy waters.
Each day brings a new and ever-changing landscape, as the ice constantly shifts and reshapes its surroundings.

During the colder months, the fjords freeze entirely, creating a serene and almost surreal environment that few get to witness. As part of your journey, you can even collect a piece of iceberg to use as ice cubes in your drink — a small but memorable reminder of the Arctic’s raw and untouched nature.

Join us for this one-of-a-kind experience, and see firsthand how the Nuuk fjords come alive in winter.

Book your Ice Fjord tour now at rawarctic.com and immerse yourself in the incredible Arctic landscape.

As we step into 2025, we’re already looking forward to summer and getting back to fly fishing in our incredible back cou...

As we step into 2025, we’re already looking forward to summer and getting back to fly fishing in our incredible back county!

We’re excited to welcome new and returning guests this summer. Whether you’re here to catch your first Arctic char or perfect your cast, we’re ready to make it a trip you won’t forget!

Here’s to another great year ahead - see in the rivers in 2025!

Rasmus, Casper & Isak, are the driving force behind everything we do. Their dedication, hard work, and unique passions h...

Rasmus, Casper & Isak, are the driving force behind everything we do. Their dedication, hard work, and unique passions have shaped our company into what it is today!

Isak brings a deep connection to nature, always appreciating Greenland’s incredible landscape. Casper’s expertise and enthusiasm for fly fishing ensure our clients experience the best this sport has to offer. And Rasmus, with his love for sailing he ensures of de levering exceptionel experiences in Greenland’s waters.

Together, they’ve build a company that opens doors to Greenland in an authentic and professional way. Whether working with tourists, locals, or other operators, they stay grounded, approachable, and focused on delivering quality experience!

Thank you, Rasmus, Isak, & Casper!

Merry Christmas - Juullimi Pilluaritsi! 🎄🇬🇱We wish everyone a warm and joyful holiday season! These pictures are from th...

Merry Christmas - Juullimi Pilluaritsi! 🎄🇬🇱

We wish everyone a warm and joyful holiday season!

These pictures are from the heart of Nuuk’s old town, where the orange Christmas Stars light up the windows.

The Christmas Star has become a cherished tradition here in Greenland. You’ll see its glow in almost every window across the cities in Greenland. A tradition brought to Greenland by the Christian brotherhood Herrnhutters in 1733.

May your holidays be filled with laughter, love, and light! From all of us to all of you, Merry Christmas!

Fly casting is the heartbeat of fly fishing. It’s one of those things that feels so simple in theory but can be so trick...

Fly casting is the heartbeat of fly fishing. It’s one of those things that feels so simple in theory but can be so tricky to truly master. There are so many moving parts - timing, technique, the wind, and even your own mindset.

People often say you don’t need to be a great caster to catch fish - and that’s true. But the cast is about so much more than just catching fish.
It’s about the connection between you, the rod, the line, and the wild waters of Greenland. It’s about finding that rhythm, feeling the line shoot out, and watching it land perfectly on the surface.

Every cast is a chance to learn, a chance to improve, and a chance to experience the beauty of fly fishing in its purest form.

Join us for an exhilarating 1-day guided fly fishing tour, catching Arctic Char in the remote crystal clear rivers. This...

Join us for an exhilarating 1-day guided fly fishing tour, catching Arctic Char in the remote crystal clear rivers. This day tour perfectly blends breathtaking scenery, expert guidance and an unforgettable fishing experience.

Start the day with a serene boat ride to the location, where you will meet our expert fly fishing guide.
Spend the day fly fishing while enjoying the peace and tranquility of the remote backcountry.
As the day comes to a close, we start the return journey, sailing back to Nuuk.

Find out more or book your journey at RawArctic.com today!

Sometimes, we forget how small we truly are until we stand next to nature’s giants. In Greenland even the tallest buildi...

Sometimes, we forget how small we truly are until we stand next to nature’s giants.

In Greenland even the tallest buildings are nothing in comparison to our towering mountains and immense icebergs that dominate the landscape.

Every detail matters, from tying the perfect fly to setting up the line just right. The wilderness demands your focus, a...

Every detail matters, from tying the perfect fly to setting up the line just right. The wilderness demands your focus, and in return, it offers moments of pure serenity.

The craft is in the details. A strong knot, a well-tied fly, and a steady hand are the bridge between you and the Arctic waters.

Today, Greenland celebrates the opening of its first international airport in Nuuk — a monumental step forward for trave...

Today, Greenland celebrates the opening of its first international airport in Nuuk — a monumental step forward for travel and connection.

This milestone brings Greenland closer to the world and strengthens ties within our country. With direct flights from Copenhagen to Nuuk in just 4 hours and 20 minutes, exploring Greenland is now more accessible than ever.

Starting in summer 2025, new routes will also link Nuuk with Billund, Aalborg, and New York, opening even more possibilities.

This is more than just international travel; it’s about connecting Greenland’s communities in a land where boats and planes are our lifelines. A new chapter begins today — welcome to Greenland 🇬🇱

One of the best things about winter is the return of the Northeren Lights.These beautiful displays happen when particles...

One of the best things about winter is the return of the Northeren Lights.

These beautiful displays happen when particles from the sun meet Earth’s magnetic field, but seeing them in person feels more magical than scientific.


Reflecting on our first summer season, we’re proud of what we’ve achieved together. This season brought us closer to nature and allowed us to share incredible experiences with our guests through our unique tours. In just a few months, we’ve gained valuable insights into working with local and international partners and creating strong collaboration within our team, both with longtime members and those who joined us recently at Raw Arctic. We’re grateful for your support and excited to continue this journey with you. Here’s to the future and more shared adventures. Follow along!

Join us on a rock ptarmigan hunt in Greenland’s wild landscape! From following their tracks, listening to their calls to...

Join us on a rock ptarmigan hunt in Greenland’s wild landscape! From following their tracks, listening to their calls to finally spotting them amid the snowy landscape - each moment filled with anticipation.

With their snowy-white feathers, ptarmigans have mastered the art of winter camouflage, making them almost invisible in the snow covered landscape.

Come share in a tradition that connects us to Greenland’s land and history🕊️


Kissarneqqortuunnguaq 27 505



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