Since 2007, Boo Productions has emerged as one of the most successful Greek Productions companies, producing numerous award‐winning TV commercials and working with the top advertising agencies and a large pool of creative talent. During the past 15 years, BOO has been awarded numerous prizes at the domestic Advertising Awards and has been included in SHOTS 2010 with a commercial for the Greek mark
et. Our clients include Upset!, Leo Burnett (Athens), Mac Can Ericsson, Lowe Athens, Bold and Ogilvy, to name but a few. BOO PRODUCTIONS was founded in April 2007 when
four award winning producers with a combined total of
over 30 years of experience in filmmaking, decided to
join forces and form a dynamic venture. Combining
their former experience and shared enthusiasm with
the view to offering integrated production services, Boo
became one of the premier production companies in
Greece. The individual formers backgrounds include countless
commercials for the domestic and international
market, as well as more than 15 features, including
three foreign film line and executive production (for
directors Peter Bogdanovich, Jonathan Nossiter,
Pierre-Alain Meier). Their repeated collaboration with
various foreign directors from Europe and the USA,
as well as their several travels to shoot abroad for
Greek clients, has expanded their know-how and has
kept their finger on the pulse of universal film
production issues, techniques and expertise.