
Greekly Greekly is a one-stop travel agency based in Athens. We design and implement handmade trips in Greece holistic approaches to their psychosomatic wellbeing; 3. b.

•Greekly is a travel community of people who, in their lifelong quest for a smart and balanced way to spend their invaluable free time, appreciate the importance of 1. outdoor activities and everything that involves motion and aerobic training; 2. art and 4. quality food.
•On the basis of the above elements, Greekly constantly evolves an interactive platform of activities and collaborators in Gre

ece, from which every month a different multithematic excursion project emerges. Each project lasts a day or longer and is always unique!
•We are fully convinced that Greece is a land to fall in love with all year long, with landscapes rich in ever-changing beauties and people ready to offer unique and authentic life experiences to their visitors.
•Using each area’s and each season’s beauties as its starting point, Greekly adds additional elements and different approaches to life from beloved collaborators whom it appreciates for their knowledge of their field, as well as for their balanced attitude to life.
•Participants can choose between all-inclusive packages or à la carte activities, in order to create the program which best suits their needs and preferences.
•Our projects are baby, kids & pets welcome and eco-friendly.
•The design and support of Greekly’s excursions is often done in cooperation with other instututions or companies (such as municipalities, festivals, cultural associations, mountaineering clubs, schools and kindergardens, conservatoires, yoga/pilates studios, hotels etc), either as an integrated project or as an additional activity in a pre-existing event.

•Approaches which we love to combine:
1. Body-Mind Exercise:
a. activities: strolling, hiking, trekking, cycling, canyoning, rafting, sailing caving, visiting archaeological sites, mushroom hunting, wine tasting, beer tasting, bird watching, seminars or workshops with music, dance, circus, theatre, psychology, life coaching etc. games: treasure hunt, soccer in forest, orienting etc.
2. Body-Mind Healing: thermal baths, temazcal, yoga, pilates, feldenkrais, thai massage, shiatsu, biomatic anatomy, natural cosmetics seminars (deodorant, soap) etc.
3. Gastronomic Events: local or 'thematic' (greek, italian, japanese etc.) food in local places, with local or our own private chef
4. Art n’ Cultural Events: music, dance, theatre, outdoor cinema, storytelling, astronomy, land art etc. All of the above are suggested in places, which are near natural environments, where we can enjoy ideal conditions and high quality equipment.
•Η Greekly είναι μια ταξιδιωτική κοινότητα ανθρώπων που ασχολούνται 1. με τις outdoor δραστηριότητες και ό,τι σχετίζεται με την κίνηση και την αεροβική γυμναστική, 2. τις προσεγγίσεις που βοηθούν στο να αγαπήσουμε και να θεραπεύσουμε την ψυχοσωματική μας ολότητα, 3. την τέχνη και 4. την αυθεντική γαστρονομία, με στόχο την ισορροπημένη και ποιοτική χρήση του πολύτιμου ελεύθερου χρόνου.
•Με βάση τα παραπάνω, εξελίσσεται διαρκώς μια διαδραστική πλατφόρμα, από την οποία μία φορά το μήνα σχεδιάζονται και υλοποιούνται μονοήμερα ή πολυήμερα θεματικά projects στην Ελλάδα. Ο συνδυασμός και των 4 στοιχείων είναι ίσως μοναδικός παγκοσμίως, και κάθε πρόταση είναι μοναδική!
•Πιστεύουμε ακράδαντα ότι η Ελλάδα είναι μέρος να το ερωτευτείς όλες τις εποχές του χρόνου, με ατέλειωτες ομορφιές και βιωματικές εμπειρίες ζωής.
•Έχοντας ως αφετηρία τις ιδιαίτερες ομορφιές κάθε περιοχής & εποχής, συμπληρώνουμε επιπλέον στοιχεία από διάφορες προσεγγίσεις ζωής με αγαπητούς συνεργάτες.
•Οι συμμετέχοντες μπορούν να διαλέξουν ανάμεσα σε ολοκληρωμένα πακέτα (all included) ή επιμέρους δραστηριότητες (a la carte), έτσι ώστε να διαμορφώνεται το πρόγραμμα που ταιριάζει στις ανάγκες και στις προτιμήσεις τους.
•Τα projects είναι baby, kids & pets welcome και eco-friendly.
•Η σχεδίαση και υποστήριξη των εκδρομών γίνεται πολλές φορές σε συνεργασία ή αποκλειστικά για φορείς ή άλλες εταιρείες (όπως δήμοι, φεστιβάλ, πολιτιστικοί ή ορειβατικοί σύλλογοι, σχολεία, νηπιαγωγεία, ωδεία, studio yoga/pilates, ξενοδοχεία κ.ά.), είτε ως ολοκληρωμένη πρόταση, είτε ως συμπληρωματική δραστηριότητα σε κάποιο ήδη υπάρχον event.

•Προσεγγίσεις που αγαπάμε και συνδυάζουμε:
1. Body-Mind Exercise:
a. δραστηριότητες: βόλτα στο δάσος, πεζοπορία, ποδηλασία, διάσχιση φαραγγιού (canyoning), rafting, ιστιοπλοΐα (sailing), εξερεύνηση σπηλαίου, επίσκεψη σε αρχαιολογικούς χώρους, κυνήγι μανιταριών (mushroom hunting), οινογνωσία, ζυθογνωσία, παρατήρηση πουλιών, σεμινάρια ή εργαστήρια με μουσική, χορός, τσίρκο, θέατρο, ψυχολογία, life coaching κ.ά. b. παιχνίδια: κυνήγι θησαυρού, ποδόσφαιρο στη φύση (στημένο για εμάς), προσανατολισμός (orienting) κ.ά.
2. Body-Mind Healing: ιαματικά λουτρά, temazcal, yoga, yoganaplasis, πιλάτες (pilates), φέλντενκράις (feldenkrais), thai massage, shiatsu, βιωματική ανατομία, natural cosmetics seminars (deodorant) etc.
3. Gastronomic Events: τοπική ή θεματική κουζίνα (ελληνική, ιταλική, γιαπωνέζικη κ.ά.) σε αυθεντικά μέρη, με ή χωρίς δικό μας εξειδικευμένο μάγειρα
4. Καλλιτεχνικές & Πολιτιστικές Εκδηλώσεις: μουσική, χορός, θέατρο, υπαίθριο σινεμά (ακόμη και χωρίς παροχή ρεύματος), αφήγηση, αστρονομία, land art, κ.ά.

Τα παραπάνω προτείνονται σε χώρους κοντά στη φύση, με ιδανικές συνθήκες και ποιοτικό εξοπλισμό.

-Επενδύουμε στην όμορφη επικοινωνία και χαιρόμαστε όταν οι άνθρωποι ανοίγουν σαν τα μύδια!

Σας περιμένουμε να τα ζήσουμε από κοντά ή να σχεδιάσουμε ό,τι δέν έχει βάλει ο νούς σας!

🥳️ Field trip no 10.001!⏰In two months we’ll implement a handmade trip for a small team of old friends. Last week, they ...

🥳️ Field trip no 10.001!

⏰In two months we’ll implement a handmade trip for a small team of old friends. Last week, they asked us about a memorable, seaside, authentic meal, during a ‘go-go-go’ day they've chosen.

💡After a small brainstorming, we found the best spot during the best slot of their timetable. Since our last visit was 3 years ago, though, Nikos Aivatzidis field-tripped there to discuss, to see, to taste. All in all, he ended up eating a festivious meal with the whole team of this family-run restaurant 🐟

-We are now more than happy to offer this gastronomic experience 😍
-Get in touch at [email protected] to tailor your handmade trip.

Grape varieties grown in Greece

Grape varieties grown in Greece

We are very proud to plan and implement trips for Magdaleny Adamiak: every time is even better, like an old good...

We are very proud to plan and implement trips for Magdaleny Adamiak: every time is even better, like an old good friend or like the old good wine. During the last trip we wad all of the above and some more 😊🙏🥂❤️️👣

-Get in touch at [email protected] to tailor your handmade trip.


-Our 3rd review from our new partnership with kimkim ( One extra historious and gastronomical traveler, from Tasting History shared what he felt during his trip to Greece in September '23, under the title 'Designed a trip specifically for me' ❤️️:
'I’m so glad I was connected with Nikos at Greekly. I had some very specific requests for my trip and he was able to cater to them all. He even went above and beyond to change the schedule during the trip to accommodate my desire to see certain sites last minute. On top of that, his knowledge of and passion for Greece is truly infectious and took the trip to the next level for me.'

-Get in touch at [email protected] to tailor your handmade trip.

-Our second review from our new partnership with kimkim ( Three unique per...

-Our second review from our new partnership with kimkim ( Three unique personalities share what they felt during their trip to Greece in August '23, under the title 'Family Trip to Greece' ❤️️:

'Thanks to Nikos, my family and I had a fantastic trip to Greece. We did, saw, and learned so much in our short time in Greece that we never would have been able to do without his guidance. By finding hotels with the best breakfasts, recommending excellent restaurants, and suggesting unique excursions he made sure we had the best experience possible. Nikos was very responsive throughout the entire planning phase as well as throughout the trip to ensure everything was in accordance with our expectations and ran smoothly. While we were in Santorini, we encountered a conflict with our boat cruise. Nikos immediately made phone calls and proposed an alternative plan that ended up being one of the highlights of our trip. He is very passionate about providing the best service possible.'

-Get in touch at [email protected] to tailor your handmade trip.

Thanks to Nikos, my family and I had a fantastic trip to Greece. We did, saw, and learned so much in our short time in Greece that we never would have been able to do without his guidance. By finding hotels with the best breakfasts, recommending excellent restaurants, and suggesting unique excursion...

-Our first review from our new partnership with kimkim: unique personal...

-Our first review from our new partnership with kimkim:
-Two unique personalities share what they felt during their trip in Greece during April '23, under the title 'The PERFECT romantic and memorable Greek adventure' ❤️️

-Get in touch at [email protected] to tailor your handmade trip.

What a phenomenal, exciting, beautiful, romantic, and memorable adventure! I still marvel at Nikos' ability to plan the perfect and unique experience for us. At every turn, he asked the right questions to create so many of these special little moments for us all throughout this incredible countr...

The Guardian's article about Sifnos hiking paths: -slow time tourism-lower emissions-more income to the local societyWe ...

The Guardian's article about Sifnos hiking paths:
-slow time tourism
-lower emissions
-more income to the local society

We embrace sustainable tourism and we love to promote such destinations.

-Get in touch at [email protected] to tailor your handmade trip.

On the islands of Sifnos and Kythera, the revival of beautiful, traditional walking routes offers a greener, more sustainable way forward for tourism

'There is an always an inner journey when travelling'.Couldn't agree more with The School of Life!https://www.theschoolo...

'There is an always an inner journey when travelling'.
Couldn't agree more with The School of Life!,JU6H,38GR74,2FG5Z,1

-Get in touch at [email protected] to tailor your handmade trip.

Read our article - Travel as Therapy - an Introduction. The School Of Life has a huge collection of interesting articles, read now.

Yesterday there was a very unique concert of electronic music on Delos island:

Yesterday there was a very unique concert of electronic music on Delos island:

Delos is one of the 'Cyclades' islands (in the Aegean sea) in the centre of them. The whole island is an archaeological site only. It's very rare to have a concert there, as the state usually doesn't allow such events.

Many people say Delos has the best light in the world, so there is probably a beautiful light there :)
(seriously, is there any person on earth who's been in every place of the world 'measuring' the quality of light?)

The musicians (Jeff Mills, Jean-Phi Dary & Prabhu Edouard) are a unique blend of musical influences from the USA, Africa & India.


-Get in touch at [email protected] to tailor your handmade trip.

TOMORROW COMES THE HARVEST στη Δήλο, featuring Jeff Mills, Jean-Phi Dary & Prabhu EdouardΠαγκόσμια Πρεμιέρα: Πέμπτη, 20 Ιανουαρίου στις 9μμ.Ο μάγος της ηλεκ...



After hundreds of online events & meetings during the year, we thought of hitting the great outdoors for our annual Xmas get-together. A great trip in the…

Our latest TripAdvisor review from super traveller Naemi from Switzerland: 'Ein Roadtrip durch Griechenland mit einem er...

Our latest TripAdvisor review from super traveller Naemi from Switzerland: 'Ein Roadtrip durch Griechenland mit einem erfahrenen Guide – was will man mehr?
Durch Nikos lernte ich viele Orte kennen, die ich sonst nie bereist hätte. Wieder mal ein einem Zelt zu übernachten war ein Erlebnis. Am Morgen aufzuwachen und den Blick über die verschiedenen Hügeln schweifen zu lassen, war extrem schön.
Ich erfuhr viel über die griechische Kultur und ass in typisch griechischen Tabernas (hier ass ich zudem die besten Pommes, die ich je gegessen habe).
Als Weinliebhaberin freute ich mich sehr über den kurzen Abstecher in einen Weinkeller.
Der Trip war unvergesslich und hatte alles was man sich wünschen kann – von Meer, zu Berge bis hin zu Kultur – kulinarisch wie auch geschichtlich.
Sehr gerne wieder einmal ein Trip mit Nikos mit viiiiielen Pommes:-)'.

-Read all our TripAdvisor reviews here:
-Get in touch at [email protected] to tailor your handmade trip.

Our latest TripAdvisor review from super traveller Ioanna from Greece: 'Συνάντησα την ομάδα Greekly στον τόπο μου, το Με...

Our latest TripAdvisor review from super traveller Ioanna from Greece: 'Συνάντησα την ομάδα Greekly στον τόπο μου, το Μεσολόγγι και ακολούθησα το πρόγραμμά τους.
Όλο το πρόγραμμα ήταν σχεδιασμένο με φοβερό τρόπο και αυτό φάνηκε από το ότι δε μας απασχόλησε καμία στιγμή το οτιδήποτε, οι εμπειρίες διαδέχτηκαν η μία την άλλη με πολύ φυσικό τρόπο.
Κατάλαβα επίσης ότι είχε προηγηθεί ποιοτική έρευνα απ την ομάδα διοργάνωσης, καθώς γνώρισα μέρη και γεύσεις που ως ντόπιος δεν είχα αντιληφθεί ότι υπάρχουν στην περιοχή μου.
Σίγουρα θα ακολουθήσω την ομάδα και σε επόμενες εκδρομές'.

-Read all our TripAdvisor reviews here:
-Get in touch at [email protected] to tailor your handmade trip.


Trias 16

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00




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