This is how #winter and #christmas🎄 feels like in #Chania. Don't you love it? How is #christmastime in your #hometown?
A big thank you to for the amazing video and for covering the whole #celebrations2022🎇.
#christmas2022 #christmastree #christmasdecor2022
The side of #Crete, the #authentic, the #timeless, the #unique. The side of Crete that we love and want to show to you, too!
So, be our guests!🥰
We are welcoming the new year in the most unique way.
For the 4th time in the row, your love and support has awarded us the status of #airbnb #Superhost!
Without you, this small dream of ours wouldn't have been true!
Now you now well! While in west Chania, there is a safe bet for your stay!
Castello Villa and its family!
Σας ευχαριστούμε πολύ για την αγάπη και την υποστήριξή σας!
...4/4 #superhost και συνεχίζουμε!
Thank you very much for your love and support!
...4 out of 4 times #superhost and we keep going!
#travel #safe #vacations #holidays #seeyousoon #private #villa #unique #experience #creta #greece #west #chania
Για ακόμη μία φορά και χάρη στην αγάπη σας! ❤️
Third time in a row and all this thanks to you! ❤️
#Superhost #travel #safely #seeyousoon #private #villa #unique #experience