Akropoditi DanceFest

Akropoditi DanceFest Akropoditi DanceFest started in Syros island in July 2013 by Akropoditi Dancetheatre
The first Inte We are eager to welcome you to our next Festival!

Ο θεσμός του Φεστιβάλ Χορού Akropoditi DanceFest, ιδρύθηκε στη Σύρο τον Ιούλιο του 2013 από το Χοροθέατρο Ακροποδητί, Αστική μη κερδοσκοπική Εταιρία, με έδρα την Ερμούπολη της Σύρου.
Το πρώτο Φεστιβάλ Χορού, Akropoditi DanceFest 2013, πραγματοποιήθηκε τον Ιούλιο του 2013 (15 – 28/07/13) στο Κέντρο Χορού, σύγχρονης έκφρασης και δημιουργίας Ακροποδητί, που λειτουργεί από τον Ιανουάριο του 2013 στην

οδό Ηρώων Πολυτεχνείου 84, στην Ερμούπολη της Σύρου.
Το Φεστιβάλ έχει διάρκεια δεκαπέντε ημέρες και περιλαμβάνει δεκαήμερα, πενθήμερα και διήμερα εκπαιδευτικά εργαστήρια, παρουσιάσεις και προβολές από τους προσκεκλημένους διδάσκοντες και τους συμμετέχοντες των εργαστηρίων, παραστάσεις χορού και χοροθεάτρου, ανοιχτούς αυτοσχεδιασμούς και παράλληλες δράσεις σε όλο το νησί. Το Φεστιβάλ φιλοξενεί καλλιτέχνες από την Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό, συνδυάζοντας θεωρητικά και πρακτικά εργαστήρια με ποικίλο περιεχόμενο.
Τα εργαστήρια, ανάλογα με το περιεχόμενό τους, απευθύνονται σε αρχάριους, σε ερασιτέχνες ή σε επαγγελματίες του χώρου του χορού και του θεάτρου και ο κάθε ενδιαφερόμενος, μπορεί να επιλέξει συνδυασμό εβδομαδιαίων εργαστηρίων καθώς και ανεξάρτητα εργαστήρια που διεξάγονται μέσα στα Σαββατοκύριακα.

Ελάτε στην Ερμούπολη να μοιραστούμε το ίδιο πάτωμα, την ίδια αμμουδιά, να χορέψουμε, να συζητήσουμε, να ανταλλάξουμε γνώσεις και εμπειρίες αλλά και να προσεγγίσουμε νέους τρόπους επικοινωνίας, έκφρασης και παρατήρησης.

Σας περιμένουμε με μεγάλη χαρά στο επόμενο Φεστιβάλ μας! Akropoditi DanceFest started in Syros island in July 2013 by Akropoditi Dancetheatre, a Non-Profit Organisation, registered in Syros. The very first dance festival, Akropoditi DanceFest 2013, took place in July 2013 (15 – 28/07/13) at the Dance Center, expression & creation in contemporary arts, which exists since January 2013 at Iroon Polytechneiou 84, in Hermoupolis of Syros island. The festival lasts fifteen days and includes 10-day, 5-day and 2-day workshops, presentations and video projections from both the teachers and workshop participants, dance and dancetheatre performances, open jams and more throughout the island. The festival hosts artists from Greece and abroad, combining theoretical and practical workshops with diverse content. The workshops, depending on their content, are aimed at beginners, amateurs or professionals of dance and theater, and each participant may choose a combination of weekly workshops and independent workshops carried out over the weekends. Join us in the town of Hermoupolis to share the same dance floor, same beach, to dance, to talk, to exchange knowledge and experiences but also to discover new ways of communication, expression and observation.

Το Ανοιχτό Κάλεσμα του 12ου Akropoditi DanceFest 2025 έφτασε στο τέλος του.Η θεματική με τίτλο “Age-Fully-Present” είχε ...

Το Ανοιχτό Κάλεσμα του 12ου Akropoditi DanceFest 2025 έφτασε στο τέλος του.
Η θεματική με τίτλο “Age-Fully-Present” είχε μεγάλη ανταπόκριση και με αυτόν τον τρόπο μας δίνεται η ευκαιρία στο 12ο Akropoditi DanceFest 2025, να στρέψουμε την προσοχή μας στην ενεργή παρουσία του ώριμου σώματος στις παραστατικές τέχνες αλλά και σε έργα με σχετική θεματολογία. Με όχημα τα έργα που θα επιλεχθούν αναμένουμε την πραγματοποίηση ενός Φεστιβάλ όπου θα ενθαρρύνει το σώμα όλων μας -ανεξαρτήτως ηλικίας- να θυμηθεί ότι μπορεί να είναι παρόν και ενεργό.

Σας ευχαριστούμε θερμά που αγκαλιάσατε την φετινή μας θεματική και ανανεώνουμε το ραντεβού μας για τον Ιούλιο του 2025.

Λάβαμε αιτήσεις από ανεξάρτητους/ες καλλιτέχνες/ιδές όπως και από ομάδες της Ελλάδας και του εξωτερικού. Όλοι/ες οι αιτούντες και αιτούσες, επιλεγέντες/είσες και μη, θα λάβουν ηλεκτρονική απάντηση μέχρι τις 10/01/2025.

Σας ευχόμαστε καλή χρονιά με υγεία και δημιουργία!

The Open Call for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025 has come to an end.
The response to this year's theme, "Age-Fully-Present," was great, allowing us the opportunity to focus on the active presence of the mature body in the performing arts, as well as projects related to the theme. Using the selected pieces as inspiration, we hope to host a Festival that will inspire everyone’s body—regardless of age—to remember that it is capable of being present and active.

We sincerely appreciate your participation in this year's Open Call and look forward to seeing you in July 2025.

We have received applications from independent artists and companies from both Greece and abroad. All applicants will receive a response via email by January 10, 2025.

We wish you a happy, creative, and healthy New Year!

12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025
12th International Dance and Performing Arts Festival in Syros Island
10th – 20th July 2025


photo by Lida Touloumakou for the 10th Akropoditi DanceFest 2023. Thomas Hauert (sweet) (bitter)

Still going onOPEN CALL for performances for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025  Age-fully-present Apply now!until Decem...

Still going on
OPEN CALL for performances for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025 Age-fully-present
Apply now!
until December 1st, 2024
Akropoditi DanceFest Syros Island

Ανοιχτό κάλεσμα για συμμετοχή παραστάσεων στο 12ο Akropoditi DanceFest 2025

OPEN CALL12th International Dance and Performing Arts Festival in Syros is open for applications.Where: Akropoditi Dance...

12th International Dance and Performing Arts Festival in Syros is open for applications.
Where: Akropoditi DanceFest, Syros Island, Greece
When: 10th – 20th July 2025
Deadline for applications: 1st December 2024
Dancing Opportunities
OPEN CALL for performances for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025 Age-fully-present

12th International Dance and Performing Arts Festival in Syros is open for applications. Where: Akropoditi DanceFest, Syros Island, Greece When: 10th – 20th July 2025 Deadline for applications: 1st December 2024 Age-fully-present The body grows and changes: it is the body of all of us.As time goes...

OPEN CALL for performances for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025  Age-fully-presentSubmission dates: Friday 1st Novembe...

OPEN CALL for performances for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025 Age-fully-present

Submission dates:
Friday 1st November 2024 – Sunday 1st December 2024

all entries should be submitted to the Festival’s official site: https://akropoditi.com/dancefest/en/open-call-en/

OPEN CALL for performances for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025
12th International Dance and Performing Arts Festival in Syros Island (10th – 20th July 2025)

Ανοιχτό κάλεσμα για συμμετοχή παραστάσεων στο 12ο Akropoditi DanceFest 2025

OPEN CALL for performances for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025  Age-fully-present Submission dates: Friday 1st Novemb...

OPEN CALL for performances for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025 Age-fully-present

Submission dates:
Friday 1st November 2024 – Sunday 1st December 2024

OPEN CALL for performances for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025
12th International Dance and Performing Arts Festival in Syros Island (10th – 20th July 2025)


The body grows and changes: it is the body of all of us.
As time goes by, our body becomes more and more present; a presence which becomes richer as it evolves, matures and transforms. Not only does it constantly acquire new skills but it is also met with new needs. It guards memories and secrets, it becomes an integral part of our world. Through life journey and its experiences, the body becomes more fragile but also more resilient, transforming into a diverse landscape that carries within it all the seasons and all the visible and invisible marks of the journey.
Yet, there comes a time when the body -our body- is perceived as withdrawn, hidden, placed beyond sight, receding. It is cast aside. It remains alone.
In our call for this year’s event, we focus on the active presence of the mature body in the performing arts and reach out to artists who either include older performers in their work on stage or propose projects related to this theme (mature age, the relationship between age and presence in general, and specifically the performing arts, etc.).
The International Dance and Performing Arts Festival Akropoditi Dancefest the last five years has been hosting on a permanent basis movement and expression workshops addressed to people of mature age which usually conclude with an open presentation or performance. Due to the festival’s constant and unwavering commitment towards the encouragement of participation of older adults in the performing arts, this year we aim to support and encourage the interaction of artists of different generations and our primary aim is to emphasize the importance of the presence of the body and its exposure, as well as the utilisation of all its expressive means without age limitations. We also desire to set the ground for and contribute to, as far as possible, a redefinition of the perception of aesthetics, as well as determine the intentions and goals of an artistic work. In the case of projects dealing with the concept of mature age, the participation of older adults is not a prerequisite. However, all proposals should present a clear reference to the concept and purpose of the artistic work and the work itself should meet the current description. In the case of projects where older adults do participate in the project, proposals may involve mixed works with the participation of performers of different ages or works involving exclusively older performers with long experience as well as emerging and mature artists. We look forward to receiving your proposals!

Application period starts on 1st November 2024 until 1st December 2024 and all entries should be submitted to the Festival’s official site: https://akropoditi.com/dancefest/en/open-call-en/

OPEN CALL for performances for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025  Age-fully-present OPEN CALL for performances for the ...

OPEN CALL for performances for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025 Age-fully-present
OPEN CALL for performances for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025
12th International Dance and Performing Arts Festival in Syros Island (10th – 20th July 2025)


The body grows and changes: it is the body of all of us.

As time goes by, our body becomes more and more present; a presence which becomes richer as it evolves, matures and transforms. Not only does it constantly acquire new skills but it is also met with new needs. It guards memories and secrets, it becomes an integral part of our world. Through life journey and its experiences, the body becomes more fragile but also more resilient, transforming into a diverse landscape that carries within it all the seasons and all the visible and invisible marks of the journey.
Yet, there comes a time when the body -our body- is perceived as withdrawn, hidden, placed beyond sight, receding. It is cast aside. It remains alone.

In our call for this year’s event, we focus on the active presence of the mature body in the performing arts and reach out to artists who either include older performers in their work on stage or propose projects related to this theme (mature age, the relationship between age and presence in general, and specifically the performing arts, etc.).

The International Dance and Performing Arts Festival Akropoditi Dancefest the last five years has been hosting on a permanent basis movement and expression workshops addressed to people of mature age which usually conclude with an open presentation or performance. Due to the festival’s constant and unwavering commitment towards the encouragement of participation of older adults in the performing arts, this year we aim to support and encourage the interaction of artists of different generations and our primary aim is to emphasize the importance of the presence of the body and its exposure, as well as the utilisation of all its expressive means without age limitations. We also desire to set the ground for and contribute to, as far as possible, a redefinition of the perception of aesthetics, as well as determine the intentions and goals of an artistic work.

In the case of projects dealing with the concept of mature age, the participation of older adults is not a prerequisite. However, all proposals should present a clear reference to the concept and purpose of the artistic work and the work itself should meet the current description.

In the case of projects where older adults do participate in the project, proposals may involve mixed works with the participation of performers of different ages or works involving exclusively older performers with long experience as well as emerging and mature artists.

We look forward to receiving your proposals!

Submission dates:
Friday 1st November 2024 – Sunday 1st December 2024

Αll entries should be submitted to the Festival’s official site: https://akropoditi.com/dancefest/en/open-call-en/

Syros Culture OPEN CALLS Culture Moves Europe On the Move Dancing Opportunities Dancetheater.gr | Tα Πάντα για τον Χορό

photo by Loukia Batsi for the 2nd Akropoditi DanceFest 2014

OPEN CALL for performances for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025  Age-fully-present OPEN CALL for performances for the ...

OPEN CALL for performances for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025 Age-fully-present
OPEN CALL for performances for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025
12th International Dance and Performing Arts Festival in Syros Island (10th – 20th July 2025)


The body grows and changes: it is the body of all of us.
As time goes by, our body becomes more and more present; a presence which becomes richer as it evolves, matures and transforms. Not only does it constantly acquire new skills but it is also met with new needs. It guards memories and secrets, it becomes an integral part of our world. Through life journey and its experiences, the body becomes more fragile but also more resilient, transforming into a diverse landscape that carries within it all the seasons and all the visible and invisible marks of the journey.
Yet, there comes a time when the body -our body- is perceived as withdrawn, hidden, placed beyond sight, receding. It is cast aside. It remains alone.
In our call for this year’s event, we focus on the active presence of the mature body in the performing arts and reach out to artists who either include older performers in their work on stage or propose projects related to this theme (mature age, the relationship between age and presence in general, and specifically the performing arts, etc.).

Submission dates:
Friday 1st November 2024 – Sunday 1st December 2024

Αll entries should be submitted to the Festival’s official site: https://akropoditi.com/dancefest/en/open-call-en/

photo by Lida Touloumakou for the 10th Akropoditi DanceFest 2023. Thomas Hauert (sweet) (bitter)

OPEN CALL for performances for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025  Age-fully-present OPEN CALL for performances for the ...

OPEN CALL for performances for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025 Age-fully-present
OPEN CALL for performances for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025
12th International Dance and Performing Arts Festival in Syros Island
(10th – 20th July 2025)


The body grows and changes: it is the body of all of us.
As time goes by, our body becomes more and more present; a presence which becomes richer as it evolves, matures and transforms. Not only does it constantly acquire new skills but it is also met with new needs. It guards memories and secrets, it becomes an integral part of our world. Through life journey and its experiences, the body becomes more fragile but also more resilient, transforming into a diverse landscape that carries within it all the seasons and all the visible and invisible marks of the journey.
Yet, there comes a time when the body -our body- is perceived as withdrawn, hidden, placed beyond sight, receding. It is cast aside. It remains alone.
In our call for this year’s event, we focus on the active presence of the mature body in the performing arts and reach out to artists who either include older performers in their work on stage or propose projects related to this theme (mature age, the relationship between age and presence in general, and specifically the performing arts, etc.).

Submission dates:
Friday 1st November 2024 – Sunday 1st December 2024

Αll entries should be submitted to the Festival’s official site: https://akropoditi.com/dancefest/en/open-call-en/

OPEN CALLS Dancing Opportunities Open Call

OPEN CALL for performances for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025  Age-fully-present  OPEN CALL for performances for the...

OPEN CALL for performances for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025 Age-fully-present
OPEN CALL for performances for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025
12th International Dance and Performing Arts Festival in Syros Island
(10th – 20th July 2025)


The International Dance and Performing Arts Festival Akropoditi Dancefest the last five years has been hosting on a permanent basis movement and expression workshops addressed to people of mature age which usually conclude with an open presentation or performance. Due to the festival’s constant and unwavering commitment towards the encouragement of participation of older adults in the performing arts, this year we aim to support and encourage the interaction of artists of different generations and our primary aim is to emphasize the importance of the presence of the body and its exposure, as well as the utilisation of all its expressive means without age limitations. We also desire to set the ground for and contribute to, as far as possible, a redefinition of the perception of aesthetics, as well as determine the intentions and goals of an artistic work.
In the case of projects dealing with the concept of mature age, the participation of older adults is not a prerequisite. However, all proposals should present a clear reference to the concept and purpose of the artistic work and the work itself should meet the current description.
In the case of projects where older adults do participate in the project, proposals may involve mixed works with the participation of performers of different ages or works involving exclusively older performers with long experience as well as emerging and mature artists.
We look forward to receiving your proposals!

Submission dates:
Friday 1st November 2024 – Sunday 1st December 2024

Αll entries should be submitted to the Festival’s official site: https://akropoditi.com/dancefest/en/open-call-en/

OPEN CALL for performances for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025  Age-fully-present OPEN CALL for performances for the ...

OPEN CALL for performances for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025 Age-fully-present
OPEN CALL for performances for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025
12th International Dance and Performing Arts Festival in Syros Island
(10th – 20th July 2025)


The body grows and changes: it is the body of all of us.
As time goes by, our body becomes more and more present; a presence which becomes richer as it evolves, matures and transforms. Not only does it constantly acquire new skills but it is also met with new needs. It guards memories and secrets, it becomes an integral part of our world. Through life journey and its experiences, the body becomes more fragile but also more resilient, transforming into a diverse landscape that carries within it all the seasons and all the visible and invisible marks of the journey.
Yet, there comes a time when the body -our body- is perceived as withdrawn, hidden, placed beyond sight, receding. It is cast aside. It remains alone.
In our call for this year’s event, we focus on the active presence of the mature body in the performing arts and reach out to artists who either include older performers in their work on stage or propose projects related to this theme (mature age, the relationship between age and presence in general, and specifically the performing arts, etc.).

Submission dates:
Friday 1st November 2024 – Sunday 1st December 2024

Αll entries should be submitted to the Festival’s official site: https://akropoditi.com/dancefest/en/open-call-en/

photo by Lida Touloumakou for the 10th Akropoditi DanceFest 2023. Thomas Hauert (sweet) (bitter)

OPEN CALL for performancesfor the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 202512th International Dance and Performing Arts Festival in...

OPEN CALL for performances
for the 12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025

12th International Dance and Performing Arts Festival in Syros Island
10th – 20th July 2025


Submission dates:
Friday 1st November 2024 – Sunday 1st December 2024
Αll entries should be submitted to the Festival’s official site: https://akropoditi.com/dancefest/en/open-call-en/


Ανοιχτό κάλεσμα για συμμετοχή παραστάσεων στο
12ο Akropoditi DanceFest 2025

12ο Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ Χορού και Παραστατικών Τεχνών στη Σύρο
10 - 20 Ιουλίου 2025


Ημερομηνίες υποβολής αιτήσεων:
Παρασκευή 1 Νοεμβρίου 2024 – Κυριακή 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2024

Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι/ες καλλιτέχνες/ιδες και ομάδες, μπορούν να συμπληρώσουν την αίτηση για συμμετοχή της παράστασής τους στο Φεστιβάλ στην επίσημη ιστοσελίδα του Φεστιβάλ: https://akropoditi.com/dancefest/el/opencall-applicationform/

photo by Lida Touloumakou for the 10th Akropoditi DanceFest 2023. Thomas Hauert (sweet) (bitter)

Heading for12th International Dance and Performing Arts Festival in Syros Island12th Akropoditi DanceFest 202510th – 20t...

Heading for

12th International Dance and Performing Arts Festival in Syros Island
12th Akropoditi DanceFest 2025
10th – 20th July 2025

Syros Culture Aegean Islands


Iroon Polytechniou 84


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