Our Story
Hellenic Seaplanes S.A. will have as its primary objectives the following elements:
1. To establish and operate more than100 water aerodromes in all around Greece (islands & mainland).
2. To provide service and absorb unmet demand in three key traffic categories: unserved and under-served routes on which high demand currently exists or can be developed, serving key niche markets where demand is either unmet or poorly served and meeting peak traffic demands on certain key regional, seasonal, and variable routes where very high load factors can be predicted despite existing, but lower-quality, competition.
3. To implement an organizational and marketing strategy that will, beginning in the first year of flight operations, achieve average passenger load factors in the 80 - 90 percent range, depending on route and season, and increasing thereafter to the 90-100 percent range, thereby maximizing revenues and return on investment while minimizing risk.
4. To be pioneer, the first seaplane company that develop route network for seaplane in Greece. At this time no direct competition exists. Currently there is not a single seaplane registered in Greece for commercial use. Hellenic Seaplanes S.A. is going to be the first licensed operator permitted to offer any kind of floatplane passenger service in the entire country.
5. To achieve a good net operating profits of flight operations & hydrodrome management.
6. To achieve the projected results starting with ten Twin Otter Series 400 aircraft, growing to twenty by the end of the first year of operations, obtained on either a dry-lease or purchase basis and incrementally expanding the fleet size and scope on a dry-lease or purchase basis to at least double its initial capacity by the beginning of the third year of operations to accommodate projected passenger and cargo growth in the business plan's out-years.
7. To gear operations, and present a professional, serious, growth-oriented image from the outset, that will set the stage for reasoned, planned expansion, mirroring growth rates projected for the first year of operations, and that will enable Hellenic Seaplanes to extend its country scope into a larger and international seaplane company with the neighboring countries.
8. As an element critical to achieving the company’s other key objectives, is to identify and develop key alliances, cooperation’s, associations, and partnerships with other seaplane companies.