Merry Christmas and all the best in 2023 wish you Hana and Kostas
Wishing you the very merry Christmas and the best New Year 2022 we could possibly get. Hopefully we will see some of you again during the summer. Cannot wait! Your friends Hana and Kostas#Christmas #christmas #christmastime #christmas2021 #wishes #wishes2021 #wishesforyou #greece #greece🇬🇷 #greecelover #greecetravel #thassos #thassosisland #thassosgreece #thassosislandgreece #thassos_island #thassos_greece
look for
There may still be February but we are already getting ready to welcome you once again in Eva Apartments in the season 2021!
Make sure to contact us in time to get the right time period and best offer by direct booking.
See you soon!
Hana and Kostas
Drazí přátelé,
sice je teprve Únor, ale my se již připravuje na letní sezónu 2021! Pokud máte v plánu k nám letos přicestovat, nezapomeňte nás kontaktovat včas a zajistit si tak termín, který Vám nejvíce vyhovuje a také nejvýhodnější cenu za apartmán pokud rezervaci uzavřete s námi přímo.
Těšíme se!
Hanka a Kostas
Merry Christmas from Eva apartments. Merry Christmas from Thassos....
For the rest of the summer season 2020 we offer to all our guests staying at least 6 nights and longer 1 night FREE!
* valid for all new reservations
* free night will be added to your reservation to extend your stay - cannot
be used to get further discount
#offer #free #freenight #discount #summer #summeringreece #thassos #thassosisland #limenaria #island #sun #sea #fun #beach #welcome
Summer 2020 in Eva Apartments. We offer two-bedroom apartments for up to 5 guests. Great for families and group of friends.
For more informations and availability please contact us!
[email protected]
#summer #summeringreece #thassos #thassosisland #apartments #vacation #holidaysingreece #sun #fun #island #beach #accomodation #offer #privateapartments #forrent #greekholidays
Tomorrow, 15.6 we will finally open our door for the first time in season 2020! The weather looks great and we are ready! Do you have your reservation? This year we have even better prices than ussual so make sure to contact us in time. Till the end of June we offer for every stay 7 and more nights one night FREE.
#thassos #thassosisland #thassosalwaysready #limenaria #apartments #accomodation #summer #beach #summerfun #sun #holidays #vacation #greece #summeringreece #summer2020
Dear friends,
after the annoucment of our prime minister Mitsotakis yesterday we have good news! Our apartments will re-open again from 15.6 2020!
Greece also sign agreement with several countries in the Balkan region and northern Europe about no needs to provide negative tests for covid-10 and no quarantine.
Also the flights will start operate internationally. From 15.6 to the end of June only to and from Athens airport but from 1.7 2020 also other airports will operate including our Megalos Alexandros airport in Kavala.
Hope this news made your day!
We are more than happy to see you soon and ready to offer you the best service, holiday experience and prices as well. Contact us!
Iconic summer 2020 is loading.....Do not forget to book your stay in Eva Apartments before we go on-line in the next weeks to have a chance to enjoy discounted prices for direct bookings and better availability.
For more informations send us message or email ([email protected])
#thassos #accomodationthassos #thassosgreece #greece #thassosisland #accomodationinprivateapartmens #apartments #holidays #holidayswithfamily #holidayswithfriends #limenaria #bookyourholidays
We just started to accept reservation for the summer 2020. Plan your holiday stay ahead and secure your dates! We will be happy to welcome you in our house. Hana and Kostas
summer is not over
Come to enjoy some of the last summer sun rays of the summer 2019! Special prices available - mininum stay 3 nights.
One-bedroom apartment - 30 Euro per night/apartment
Two-bedroom apartment - 55 Euro per night/apartment