The Manto's Islet, also known as the Island of Holy Mary, situated in the southern part of St. George's Bay. It is a captivating coastal landform that stretches across approximately 800 meters. During the summer, when the sea levels permit, a narrow sandy tombolo connects the islet of Manto with the island of Naxos. The Manto’s islet and tombolo serves as a remarkable natural laboratory for studying coastal processes and understanding the interplay between geomorphology and hydrodynamics. Its importance extends beyond scientific research, as it provides an attractive destination for visitors to explore and appreciate the beauty of coastal landscapes. Additionally, Manto holds historical and archaeological value since there are pieces of evidence for human activity there and in the surrounding area from the deep prehistory to the 1950s, and even today. Lastly, it is one of the prime locations to witness the breathtaking sunset, adding a touch of awe-inspiring beauty to its already mesmerizing charm