Jay Tours Travel services :
Jay Tours is a travel tour operator experienced in organising and managing coach excursion tours, airport and harbour transfers, and other special organisations as required by clients.
Jay Tours, with its spacious and air-conditioned coaches, provides first-rate transportation services. We always put the comfort and safety of our clients first, and make every effort to ensure that our clients enjoy and make the most of their stay in Rhodes.
Jay Tours provides a selection of coach excursion tours around the island of Rhodes designed to meet the differing itineraries, preferences and interests of our clients. We can provide excursion tours for both individuals and also for large groups.
Jay Tours' coach excursion tours can be classified into two groups :
Full-day excursions :
These excursions generally cover visits to the more distant southern destinations of the island, such as Lindos, Prasonisi, Monolithos and Siana. These tours may combine visits to beaches, historical sights and other destinations of interest.
Half-day excursions :
These excursions generally cover visits to two or more destinations of historical and/or general interest. Such destinations include Rhodes Old Town, Monte Smith Acropolis, Filerimos, Kallithea, Kamiros, Faliraki, Butterfly Valley, Bee Museum, and many others.
Coach excursion tours can of course be designed to meet the individual preferences and time schedule of clients. For example, half-day excursions can indeed be organised for Lindos, but in this case, time spent at this historical town will be limited and there will be little opportunity to visit a second destination.
Examples of excursions organised by Jay Tours can be found on the timeline of this page.
Jay Tours Travel hizmetleri
Jay Tours, gezi organizasyon ve idaresinde, havalimani ve gemi limani ile ilgili yolcu transferleri, ve musterilerden talep edilen ozel organizasyon calismalarinda tecrubeli bir seyahat operator.
Jay Tours, genis ve havalandirmali otobusleri ile birinci sinif tasima hizmetleri sunmaktadir. Her zaman musterilerin rahatligi ve guvenligini on planda tutup Rodos'ta kaldiklari suresince musterileri iyi vakit gecirmeleri ve zamani iyi degerlendirmelerini saglamak icin elinden geleni yapmaya hazir.
Jay Tours, musterilerin degisken organizasyonlari, tercihleri ve ilgi alanlarina gore dizayn edilmis Rodos adasi icinde cesitli gezi turlari sunmaktadir. Hem bireysel olarak hem buyuk gruplar icin gezi turlari duzenlemektedir.
Jay Tours'un gezi turlari asagidaki iki ana gruplarda yer almaktadir :
Tam gun gezi turlari :
Bu gezi turlari genellikle adanin daha uzak guney noktalara yapilan gezileri kapsamaktadir. Bu noktalardan Lindos, Prasonisi, Monolithos ve Siana ornek olmaktadir. Bu geziler plaji, tarihi yerleri, ve diger ilgi ceken noktalari iceren bir kombinasyondan olusabilirler.
Yarim gun gezi turlari :
Bu gezi turlari genellikle tarihi ve/veya genel ilgi iceren iki veya daha fazla noktalari kapsamaktadirlar. Bu noktalardan Rodos Eski Sehir, Monte Smith Acropolis, Filerimos, Kallithea, Kamiros, Faliraki, Kelebek Vadisi, Ari Muzesi, ve bircok baska yerleri ornek olarak sunmaktadir.
Gezi turlari tabi ki musterilerimizin kisisel tercihleri ve programlarina gore organize edilebilir. Ornegin, Lindos'a yarim gunluk turu ayarlanabilir, ama bu tarihi kasabada gecebilecek saatler kisitli kalir ve turda bir ikinci yere ugramak zor olabilir.
Jay Tours'un organize ettigi gezi tur ornekleri bu facebook sayfasinin timeline'de bulabilirsiniz.