Observatory Hipparchos

Observatory Hipparchos ASTRONOMY CAFE - SELF SERVICE Νight observation

The Observatory Hipparchos of Rhodes focuses on the observation of the moon, the planets and the sun. Mr.

Beneath the 2.8 meters diameter dome is installed a Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain C11" (280mm) focal length F2800 mm with a focal ratio f/10 telescope on a equatorial mount EQ6. We offer visitors a memorable tour of the beautiful sky of Rhodes-Greece. On hot summer evenings we make observation in the stargarden with the following instruments. A refractor Skywatcher 120 ProSeries diameter 120mm and

650mm focal length with a focal ratio f/7.5 mounted telescope on equatorial mount and a large 40kg Dobson type focal length F1500 mm with a focal ratio f/5F telescope. We also available a small telescope or binoculars for rent. For the observation of the moon we use ND filters. The observatory is equipped with wireless internet and astronomical planetarium programs such as Celestia, Stellarium, observational astronomy becomes interesting in theory but particularly in practice. The observatory has eyepieces with diameter lenses 1¼ " and 2" with different focal lengths from 5mm to 50mm for various magnifications and additional magnifier type Barlow 1,5X and 3X. Measurements made by SQM in the area for the quality of the night starry sky showed values is 19,5 - 20 magnitude (mag / arc sec²).

Η πρόσβαση στο αστεροσκοπείο επιτρέπεται σε παιδιά μόνο άνω των 7 ετών. Access to the observatory allowed only for children older than 7 years. Zutritt zur Sternwarte nur für Kinder über 7 Jahre.

Вход в обсерваторию разрешён только с детьми старше 7 лет
Observation of photosphere at 540nm ( green). In a specially designed dark room for solar observations there are two solar telescopes with which the visitor can observe the solar disk. The solar refractor open- Fraunhofer airspace focal length 1500mm and 105mm diameter is equipped with a 2" prism Hershel filter Continuum at 540nm (green). With the help of long focal length of the instrument is extremely easy to observe formations of spot groups, shadows, the penumbra and the torches. Furthermore there is the option to view the solar image on projection screen (monitor) with a diameter of 100 centimeters . Solar telescopes have focused type crayford with steel runners and decimal division for precision focus. Chromosphere observation. (red)
Filter hydrogen (Ha) in 656,3nm with Front Etalon D = 60mm and BF10


With refractor ED80 Pro-Series diameter and 80mm focal length F600mm with focal ratio f/7.5 in combination with hydrogen filter Ha Front Etalon D = 60mm and BF10 in 656,28nm, we are able to see the chromospheres (the solar atmosphere). Rapid changes in the chromosphere, (within a period of even a few minutes), give us the opportunity to see extensive formations explosive projections (jets of glowing hydrogen with dimensions exceeding sometimes and 500,000 km !!!) and solar flares that are extremely violent phenomenon that occurs in the solar chromosphere. With the help of the regulator (tuner) hydrogen filter we can see the deeper layers of the atmosphere of the sun. The impressive chromospheric phenomena are rapidly evolving and are perceived observing within minutes. Sun spots, torches, projections and flares can be observed almost daily (weather permitting) through the optics but also through CCD camera and monitor. It is also possible from the visitor to take pictures. Ouranostatis – Heliostat – Celeostat - tracker

The horizontal tracker - double reflection Heliostat (and double mirrors) sends sunlight to fully darkened room for solar observation, at the installed solar instruments. Handling and driving the tracker is made from the solar observation room. With 4 flat mirrors made from Zerodur with a diameter of 4"(102mm) and flatness of lambda λ/10 mounted on a tracker. Due to the blackout during ophthalmoscopic observation, contrast is excellent with complete absence of disturbing diffused daylight. Visitors have an excellent image with high resolution when observing the solar disk. Solar telescopes are mounted horizontally on the solar bank and offer a comfortable observation without light reflections. Solar protection. Solar telescopes are equipped with protective filters radiation type IR/UV cut for safe and convenient solar observation. Observing the sunlight with the spectrograph - spectroscope

Although it is relatively rare for someone to observe the sunlight through a spectrograph, we however in amateur observatory of Rhodes Hipparchos allow guests to observe the analysis of sunlight with a high-resolution spectrograph (reflective barrier 1200 lines / mm 12,32Å / mm). The observer will notice the solar spectrum dotted by hundreds Fraunhofer absorption lines with a backdrop of breathtaking colors of the iris (the rainbow!!). Besides ophthalmoscopic observation, we can add a camera for photographing the solar spectrum. Acknowledgements to:

Mr. Volker Milde for his valuable advice in organizing and setting up the observatory. Aristides Voulgaris for the construction and technical support of the solar observatory. Also Astronomy & Space Volos Company and everyone who worked together to create and promote our website. We welcome you to the amateur observatory Rhodes Hipparchos for an experience of observational astronomy.




Object: The Rosette Nebula in SHO
Author: Harry Zampetoulas
Imaging telescopes: Williams Optics ZenithStar 61 APO f/5.9
Imaging cameras: ZWO ASI 1600MM-Cool
Mounts: Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro
Guiding telescopes: Williams Optics ZenithStar 61 APO f/5.9
Guiding cameras: ZWO ASI120mm Mini
Focal reducers: William Optics Adjustable Flattener Flat61
Software: Topaz Denoise AI · Photoshop · Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight
Filters: ZWO S2 36mm 7nm · ZWO O3 36mm 7nm · ZWO H-Alpha

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The sun today 1 September 2020. Coronado 60mm Ha with SkyWatcher ED 80 650mm, ZWO ASI 120 CCDCam

Απολαύστε απόψε την πανσέληνο κάτω απο τους Πλανήτες Δία και Κρόνο λίγο πιο αριστερά απο την Σελήνη (ανατολικά) Στις 21:...

Απολαύστε απόψε την πανσέληνο κάτω απο τους Πλανήτες Δία και Κρόνο λίγο πιο αριστερά απο την Σελήνη (ανατολικά) Στις 21:30 ανατολή Σελήνης.

Photo: Stergos Manolakas 05/07/20 Local time of Rhodes Greece 05:10 am COMET NEOWISEC/2020 F3

Photo: Stergos Manolakas 05/07/20 Local time of Rhodes Greece 05:10 am COMET NEOWISE
C/2020 F3

Planet Venus today morning @ 05:30 Observatory Hipparchos - Astronomy Cafe

Planet Venus today morning @ 05:30 Observatory Hipparchos - Astronomy Cafe

ΑΣΤΡΟΝΟΜΙΑ ΑΠΟ ΤΗΝ ΤΑΡΑΤΣΑ - ΜΕΝΟΥΜΕ ΣΠΙΤΙ. Την Παρασκευή 03/04/20 θα μπορέσουμε καιρού επιτρέποντος να παρατηρήσουμε απ...

ΑΣΤΡΟΝΟΜΙΑ ΑΠΟ ΤΗΝ ΤΑΡΑΤΣΑ - ΜΕΝΟΥΜΕ ΣΠΙΤΙ. Την Παρασκευή 03/04/20 θα μπορέσουμε καιρού επιτρέποντος να παρατηρήσουμε από την ταράτσα του σπιτιού μας, ή όσοι έχουν μπαλκόνι προς την δύση, την διάβαση του πλανήτη Αφροδίτη μέσα από το ανοιχτό σμήνος των Πλειάδων. Το φαινόμενο θα είναι ορατό από το σούρουπο μέχρι την δύση του πλανήτη στον δυτικό ορίζοντα. Μπορεί να παρατηρηθεί με γυμνά μάτια αλλά όποιος διαθέτει κιάλια ακόμα καλύτερα. Μην ξαφνιαστείτε εσείς που θα δείτε την Αφροδίτη με τα κιάλια ή με τηλεσκόπιο εάν την δείτε σαν μισοφέγγαρο. Η Αφροδίτη αυτή την εποχή βρίσκεται σε τέτοια γωνία από τον ήλιο (εκκεντρότητα) που για εμάς ως παρατηρητές από την Γή την βλέπουμε να φωτίζεται στο μισό της. Την επόμενη νύχτα Σάββατο 04/04/20 θα μπορέσουμε να δούμε ξανά την συνέχεια της διάβασης της Αφροδίτης και θα καταλάβουμε την κίνησή της στον ουρανό γιατί θα βρίσκεται οπτικά πλέον έξω από το ανοιχτό σμήνος των πλειάδων. Η Αφροδίτη αυτή την στιγμή είναι το λαμπρότερο σώμα στον ουρανό μετά το ηλιοβασίλεμα στα δυτικά. Ας ξεχαστούμε για λίγο από το παγκόσμιο πρόβλημα του κορωνοϊού και ας κοιτάξουμε ψηλά στον ουρανό.

Καλές παρατηρήσεις και καθαρούς ουρανούς Στέργος Μανώλακας




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Our Story

Νight observation The Observatory Hipparchos of Rhodes focuses on the observation of the moon, the planets and the sun. Beneath the 2.8 meters diameter dome is installed a Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain C11" (280mm) focal length F2800 mm with a focal ratio f/10 telescope on a equatorial mount EQ6. We offer visitors a memorable tour of the beautiful sky of Rhodes-Greece. On hot summer evenings we make observation in the stargarden with the following instruments. A refractor Skywatcher 120 ProSeries diameter 120mm and 650mm focal length with a focal ratio f/7.5 mounted telescope on equatorial mount and a large 40kg Dobson type focal length F1500 mm with a focal ratio f/5F telescope. We also available a small telescope or binoculars for rent. For the observation of the moon we use ND filters. The observatory is equipped with wireless internet and astronomical planetarium programs such as Celestia, Stellarium, observational astronomy becomes interesting in theory but particularly in practice. The observatory has eyepieces with diameter lenses 1¼ " and 2" with different focal lengths from 5mm to 50mm for various magnifications and additional magnifier type Barlow 1,5X and 3X. Measurements made by SQM in the area for the quality of the night starry sky showed values is 19,5 - 20 magnitude (mag / arc sec²). Η πρόσβαση στο αστεροσκοπείο επιτρέπεται σε παιδιά μόνο άνω των 7 ετών. Access to the observatory allowed only for children older than 7 years. Zutritt zur Sternwarte nur für Kinder über 7 Jahre. Вход в обсерваторию разрешён только с детьми старше 7 лет Observation of photosphere at 540nm ( green). In a specially designed dark room for solar observations there are two solar telescopes with which the visitor can observe the solar disk. The solar refractor open- Fraunhofer airspace focal length 1500mm and 105mm diameter is equipped with a 2" prism Hershel filter Continuum at 540nm (green). With the help of long focal length of the instrument is extremely easy to observe formations of spot groups, shadows, the penumbra and the torches. Furthermore there is the option to view the solar image on projection screen (monitor) with a diameter of 100 centimeters . Solar telescopes have focused type crayford with steel runners and decimal division for precision focus. Chromosphere observation. (red) Filter hydrogen (Ha) in 656,3nm with Front Etalon D = 60mm and BF10 http://www.astronomy.gr/main.cfm?module=article&id=1208&action=detail With refractor ED80 Pro-Series diameter and 80mm focal length F600mm with focal ratio f/7.5 in combination with hydrogen filter Ha Front Etalon D = 60mm and BF10 in 656,28nm, we are able to see the chromospheres (the solar atmosphere). Rapid changes in the chromosphere, (within a period of even a few minutes), give us the opportunity to see extensive formations explosive projections (jets of glowing hydrogen with dimensions exceeding sometimes and 500,000 km !!!) and solar flares that are extremely violent phenomenon that occurs in the solar chromosphere. With the help of the regulator (tuner) hydrogen filter we can see the deeper layers of the atmosphere of the sun. The impressive chromospheric phenomena are rapidly evolving and are perceived observing within minutes. Sun spots, torches, projections and flares can be observed almost daily (weather permitting) through the optics but also through CCD camera and monitor. It is also possible from the visitor to take pictures. Solar protection. Solar telescopes are equipped with protective filters radiation type IR/UV cut for safe and convenient solar observation. Observing the sunlight with the spectrograph - spectroscope Although it is relatively rare for someone to observe the sunlight through a spectrograph, we however in amateur observatory of Rhodes Hipparchos allow guests to observe the analysis of sunlight with a high-resolution spectrograph (reflective barrier 1200 lines / mm 12,32Å / mm). The observer will notice the solar spectrum dotted by hundreds Fraunhofer absorption lines with a backdrop of breathtaking colors of the iris (the rainbow!!). Besides ophthalmoscopic observation, we can add a camera for photographing the solar spectrum. Acknowledgements to: Mr. Volker Milde for his valuable advice in organizing and setting up the observatory. Mr. Aristides Voulgaris for the construction and technical support of the solar observatory. Also Astronomy & Space Volos Company and everyone who worked together to create and promote our website. We welcome you to the amateur observatory Rhodes Hipparchos for an experience of observational astronomy.

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