Reposted from @marielenatravels Have you seen these amazing carpets?
🫶🏽 First of all, my name is Marielena and at @marielenatravels I share my journey as I rediscover all of the rich traditions of my Guatemalan heritage ✨
🇬🇹 In Guatemala, there is a beautiful & unique tradition during Semana Santa (Holy Week). During this time, beautiful rugs called “alfombras” are made for the festivities using sawdust, flowers, and fruits - and WOW are they a sight to behold!
✝️ On the day of processions all throughout Lent, families & communities gather to construct these amazing works of art on the streets where the processions will walk. They are all unique and sometimes construction can began the previous night!
💐 They can be found all along the routes, so you have to explore where the procession will be throughout the day if you want to spot them all! You might even see the artists in progress as they build it.
🌌 One other interesting thing about these alfombras is that they are works of art designed to be destroyed. Each alfombra is a temporary work of art, and its beauty lasts only until the procession it was made destroys it.
👏🏽 The alfombras are truly one of the most unique and beautiful traditions in Guatemala!
Holy Week in Guatemala, Semana Santa in Antigua, Catholic Celebration, Easter Week, Things to do in Guatemala, Easter in Antigua | #travel #sustainabletravel #supportlocal #antiguaguatemala #easter #holyweek #lent #slowtravel #thisisguatemala #livelikealocal #guatemala
Reposted from @pablogalindo360guatemala Parque Centro América Quetzaltenango
#xela #guatemala #guate #guatemalaimpresionante #guatemalacity #explorandoguatemala.
Reposted from @guatemalaparaelmundo_ Cráter Azul, Petén Guatemala 🇬🇹💙
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Laguna del Chivo, San Juan Ixcoy, Huehuetenango, “ GUATEMALA “ 🇬🇹📍🌍🤩❤️
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Bulevar Liberación, Ciudad De Guatemala 🇬🇹🤩
Reposted from @guatemalaimpresionante_
#ciudaddeguatemala #guateimpresionante
Festival de barriletes gigantes de Santiago Sacatepéquez
Reposted from @pablogalindo360guatemala
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Hoy y siempre....
¿Cuántos conoces? 😍
Reposted from @viajaconnosotrosgt
El mirador Juan Diéguez Olaverri, Chiantla, @Reposted from @pablogalindo360guatemalaHuehuetenango
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Reposted from @chepexguate
¡Me hospedé en una cabaña sobre el mar! 😱🐠👍
Este es @lapescarestaurante un destino que no te puedes perder a las orillas del Caribe Guatemalteco, agarra las maletas porque si no conoces aún Izabal este es tu momento. ¡A viajar se ha dicho!
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Hay muchas aventuras que descubrir en nuestra bella Guate!
Tak’alik Ab’aj es reconocido como Patrimonio Mundial de la Humanidad 🤩
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📍El Asintal - Retalhuleu
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Rio Lagartero. Otro rincón hermoso de nuestra bella Guatemala. Ya fuiste?
Mirador De Chichicastenango 🇬🇹🤩
Reposted from @guatemalaimpresionante_
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Puente Río Dulce 🇬🇹🌎
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Cobán - Alta Verapaz
📸 @diegosolisgt
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