Getaway Guatemala

Getaway Guatemala If you like adventure, extreme sports and making new friends come and discover the mystique and magi

We organize trips and excursions from Guatemala City to different parts of the country. If you want to have a good time, to get out of the city, do something different, meet people from different countries and discover the most extreme corners of Guatemala, GET AWAY WITH US!


Organizamos viajes y excursiones desde la ciudad de

Guatemala hacia diferentes puntos del país. Si queres pasartela bien un rato, salir de la ciudad, hacer algo diferente, conocer personas de distintos países y conocer los rincones más extremos de Guate. ¡ESCAPATE CON NOSOTROS!

Why I decided to travel around my own country with Getaway GuatemalaFirst of all, the good energy that I receive back fr...

Why I decided to travel around my own country with Getaway Guatemala

First of all, the good energy that I receive back from nature and from the people when I travel in Guatemala's urban areas, is something that I still can't describe well. Is a mix of happiness, inspiration, and responsibility. ✨✨✨

Secondly, I really like the emotion that preparing for a trip gives me. Even if my weeks sometimes can be busy and stressful, making all the arrangements and preparations for the trip, has always given me excitement and something to look forward to. I get inspired in my daily routine, because of my next future adventure. 🥾🏕🏖🏖

And the third reason, which I found most important, is that by traveling I found a way to support the economy and education in Guatemala.

Sometimes tourism is sometimes lucrative, and not sustainable for locals, it is not well managed, this can impact badly the local population. In Getaway Guatemala we try hard to do responsible tourism, paying fair services for locals, and respecting their traditions and culture.

Regarding education and how we support it... When I was a girl, I had the opportunity to go to school, and university, and even go outside Guatemala, to continue studying. This is not the reality of Guatemala youth. 59.3% of Guatemalan girls and boys are poor. Which means they don't go to school or stop going at the age of 10 or less. 5,133 girls in the age range of 10-14 got pregnant every day.

That's the main reason, all the incomes from Getaway Guatemala trips, are 100% to support education, to support more girls and boys to continue studying.

People that know me, know that I have always supported many boys and girls through their education, and I will continue supporting it, the much as I can. However, Getaway Guatemala is a special one. I think it can benefit many, supporting directly local communities, youth education, and personally, we are receiving the happiness that nature, people, and traveling always give you.

Looking forward to Getaway Guatemala next adventure...

¡Traveling for the youth, for Guatemala!All incomes go to support youth education in GuatemalaThis travel is for the gir...

¡Traveling for the youth, for Guatemala!
All incomes go to support youth education in Guatemala

This travel is for the girls in Guatemala! The girls we can study 💪 too! As Angelica says...Las niñas podemos estudiar!

We miss the smiles, we miss feeling welcome, we miss the humbleness and the caring...       Always  motivated after shar...

We miss the smiles, we miss feeling welcome, we miss the humbleness and the caring...

Always motivated after sharing time with a local guide in Guatemala rural communities, their knowledge and the passion for what they do is inspiring, learning from their local knowledge is priceless.

Re-Set, Re-adjust, Re-start, Re-focus...As many times as you need to! Yaxha is an archaeological Mayan-Site located in t...

Re-Set, Re-adjust, Re-start, Re-focus...As many times as you need to!

Yaxha is an archaeological Mayan-Site located in the northern part of Guatemala

This is me... Someone captured me in this photo being happy.Getaway Guatemala was created because I found it a way to co...

This is me... Someone captured me in this photo being happy.

Getaway Guatemala was created because I found it a way to continue being in touch with Guatemala, to help my country, and especially a way to support local communities with ecotourism.”

In my experience sharing knowledge and experience with local communities has always brought me knowledge, broader perspectives, joy, and happiness.

And for you what have you got from local communities in Guatemala?

Photos by @ Hawaii, Santa Rosa, Guatemala

Happy Weekend! Some times is so difficult for me to decide between the beautiful lake Atitlan or the amazing Pacific in ...

Happy Weekend! Some times is so difficult for me to decide between the beautiful lake Atitlan or the amazing Pacific in Guatemala. Wich one you would choose if you could?

@ Guatemala City, Guatemala

Someone just asked me... Which is the biggest festivity in Guatemala? We do have many festivities but definitely, one im...

Someone just asked me... Which is the biggest festivity in Guatemala? We do have many festivities but definitely, one important one is easter. Easter is named Semana Santa for us and it is characterized by processions and beautiful and colored rugs.

Curious Fact: The rugs are made with different designs that combine the Mayan and the Catholic believes. The art-making of each rug takes approximately 12 hours. The rug is offered by the people as a grateful sign to god, called ´´Ofrenda´´ The ofrenda (the rugs) are just for that precise moment the procession pass. The rugs and their art are destroyed after the religious followers carrying the processions step on them. So you MUST admire the art of the rugs before the procession pass in front of you.

The photos were taken by who is probably the person that most known about this tradition. Follow him to know more about this fantastic tradition!

Photo of the san dust taken by Kaitlyn Barrett of @ Guatemala City, Guatemala

Mi trabajo en        Hola, mi nombre es Wendy Pérez, tengo 19 años. Trabajo en Getaway Guatemala desde hace un año y est...

Mi trabajo en

Hola, mi nombre es Wendy Pérez, tengo 19 años. Trabajo en Getaway Guatemala desde hace un año y estoy capacitándome como guía y redes sociales. Me gusta mucho mi trabajo en por qué me dedico a crear publicaciones de las costumbres de la Costa Sur en donde se encuentra el lugar en donde vivo, mi aldea llamada Desde que empecé a trabajar he aprendido mucho sobre cómo mostrar a muchas más personas mis raíces, costumbres y tradiciones. Me siento orgullosa de ser chapina, y me gusta comunicar a personas de otras aldeas, a otros guatemaltecos y a visitantes extranjeros por qué vale la pena conocer Guatemala.

My work in

Hi, my name is Wendy Pérez, I'm 19 years old. I have been working in Getaway Guatemala for almost a year. I am learning to manage social media accounts and to write publications. I have always like to write, as one of my dreams is to study Literature. I like my work in why I dedicate myself to create publications of the traditions of Guatemala. I also enjoy a lot to write about the South Coast of my country, the place where I live. My village is called . (Small village in Guatemala of 200 families). Since I started working I have learned a lot about how to show others my roots, customs, and traditions. I am proud of being a Guatemalan. I like to think that with my publications, I am communicating and sharing to other people from other countries why it is worth to come and visit Guatemala.

Summer now!!! Cheapest Summer Travel: 24 Best Places To Go Now!     getawayguatemala        What to do for your 2 a 3 we...

Summer now!!!
Cheapest Summer Travel: 24 Best Places To Go Now!

What to do for your 2 a 3 weeks summer break?! Forbes classified as one of the top places to visit for this summer. Or maybe this winter ❄ as in Guatemala is always summer 🙊🍍🥥 and don't forget “Guatemala is one of the cheapest places to travel this 2019 summer”

Do you want to know what is the magic about Antigua Guatemala?! Would you want that we plan with you, your next getaway break? We can make the plan for you and put you in contact with local guides so we can come with you and share with you our knowledge of Guatemalan history and culture.

Contact us: Getaway Guatemala specializes in fair tourism and community development.
This article was written by from

Travel experts share the cheapest places to travel this summer.

Siembra de Ajonjolí      Actividad económica importante para la gente de la Costa Sur! ¿Quien son orgullosos agricultore...

Siembra de Ajonjolí

Actividad económica importante para la gente de la Costa Sur!
¿Quien son orgullosos agricultores 🙋🏽‍♀🙋🏽‍♂👨‍🌾?

En la costa sur de Guatemala, los agricultores siembran ajonjolí ya que las condiciones del clima, favorecen la cosecha de este cultivo.

Tiempo de siembra: El tiempo perfecto de siembra es a mediados de julio, ya que se necesita lluvia para el crecimiento de la mata.

Elección de semilla: Las semillas más conocidas son la Ramita y Chibocotón (chicote con corona), la Ramita es más popular ya que es breve (nacimiento más rápido).

Elección y preparación de tierra: Este proceso es en donde se elige que tierra puede ser más fértil a la hora de sembrar. Luego un tractor lleva una rastra la cual hace orificios en la tierra para sembrar. Es recomendable sembrar después de dos lluvias.

Siembra: Para esto es utilizado una sembradora, herramienta con un pequeño recipiente que lleva las semillas. En cada agujero se siembran alrededor de 4 a 5 semillas. Por último con el pie y arena se cierra el agujero.

Deshiervar: Después que a nacido la planta, se va a ver para ver si es necesario arrancar la hierva mala de raíz con un azadón pero con mucho cuidado de no llevar con ella alguna planta de Ajonjolí.

Abono: Un mes después de que ya ha crecido y deshiervado la siembra está se abona. Se abona dos veces, una al mes y otra a los dos meses.

Cosecha: El último proceso lleva a cabo cortar las plantas con un machete casi desde raíz, después de hacen pequeños montos de la siembra llamados "Burros". Un día después de haber cortado la siembra, se lleva un zaran y un leño, se toma un pequeño monto dé Ajonjolí con una mano y con la otra el leño, es necesario golpear para que caiga cada semilla de cada cajuela. Por último se sarandea para que caiga solo la semilla y se aparta de la basura.

Venta: Luego de acabar de sacar todas las semillas y basura, las semillas se encostalan, se pesan y luego se vende. El precio varía cada año y se vende entre Navidad y Año Nuevo. Los agricultores tienen así la ganancia para el inicio del nuevo año.

Ya es tradición de algunos sembradores probar su cosecha ya sea en dulce como la Shankaka o apartar para los tradicionales tamales.

¿Ya listos para la siembra de este año?! Mucha suerte y abundancia en la cosecha.

Autor: Wendy Perez
Edición: Lucía García

En el municipio de Coban, AltaVerapaz se encuentra el rio Negro Chixoy y la comunidad Río Negro. Río Negro una comunidad...

En el municipio de Coban, AltaVerapaz se encuentra el rio Negro Chixoy y la comunidad Río Negro. Río Negro una comunidad maya víctima del conflicto armado interno y la construccion de la represa Chixoy. A pesar de todo la Comunidad de Río Negro está viva y comparten con sus visitantes su historia.

Para llegar a la comunidad, hay que entrar por la hidroeléctrica Chixoy y coordinar una lancha para atravesar la represa. Para recibir a los visitantes la comunidad cuenta con una cabaña de descanso y se organizan para preparar comida.

Estar con ellos, conocerlos y estar conscientes de su testimonio es un paso más para que la historia no se repita.

Apoyemos el turismo comunitario, puedes llamar a los encargados comunitarios: Sebastian Iboy Osorio +502 30098919 o a Rogelio Chen al +502 45364434.

In the municipality of Coban, there is the Negro Chixoy river and the Río Negro community. Río Negro a Mayan community, victim during the internal armed conflict and the construction of the dam.
The community of Río Negro is alive and they share their history with visitors.

To get to the community, we have to enter through the Chixoy hydroelectric plant and coordinate a boat to cross the dam. To welcome visitors, the community has a rest community cozy house and they organize themselves to prepare food. But, the most important is that the people of Río Negro tell their testimony. Listen to their testimony is the first step we need to take so this story will never be repetaed.

Let's support community tourism, you can call Sebastian Iboy Osorio +502 30098919 or Rogelio Chen at +502 45364434

P.S Thanks Laura Kuurne and

Photography by: Laura Kuurne


Si vas a Semuc Champey te doy una lista de las mejores actividades para hacer.
1. Disfruta del turismo que ofrecen los guías locales.
2. Visita la cueva K'an Ba. El nombre de la cueva se deriva del idioma Q’eqchi’ que significa “K’an” – amarillo-, y “Ba'”– taltuza.
3. Salta desde el culumpio que se encuentra frente a la cueva K'an Ba.
4. La foto obligada en el mirador.

Semuc Champey proviene del idioma Q'eqchi “El agua que se esconde debajo de las piedras”

If you go to Semuc Champey, I give you a list of the main activities you can do.
1. Hire a local guide, its fun to exchange knowledge with them.
2. Visit the cave call K’an Ba.
3. Jump from the swing in front of K’an Ba.
4. Do not forget your picture with the falls on behind.
"Semuc Champey" means "The water that hides under the stones".

Vale Valeria Lanuza

P.S Thanks and Sara DG for joining me in this

¡Getaway to    ! El papaturro es una pequeña y acogedora aldea en la costa sur de Guatemala. Si queres una aventura, def...

¡Getaway to !
El papaturro es una pequeña y acogedora aldea en la costa sur de Guatemala.
Si queres una aventura, definitivamente te recomendamos un recorrido en lancha desde el papaturro hasta la aldea El Hawaii.
Los lancheros locales te pueden llevar por los manglares donde podes hacer y tomar muy buenas fotos!!! Aqui una foto de Mario y Juan excelentes personas locales.

Getaway to !
El papaturro is a small and cozy village on the southern coast of Guatemala.
We recommend a boat trip from El Papaturro to the village of El Hawaii.
The fisherman’s can take you through the mangroves where you can do and take very good pictures. Here is a picture of Mario and Juan, excellent local people.

  tiene muchos lugares escondidos que tienen el poder de robarte el corazón. Conocés las cataratas los Amates en Santa R...

tiene muchos lugares escondidos que tienen el poder de robarte el corazón. Conocés las cataratas los Amates en Santa Rosa? Querés escaparte a los Amates? Vamos con Getaway Guatemala!
Fotografía por: Fredy Sanchez

Guatemala has many hidden places that have the power to steal your heart. Do you know The Amates Waterfalls in Santa Rosa? Let’s go to Los Amates! Getaway with us to Los Amates!

Photography by: Fredy Sanchez

¡Getaway to    ! Ubicado en Chiquimula, a una altura de 1500msnm, el volcán Ipala esconde una laguna en su cráter.  La m...

¡Getaway to !
Ubicado en Chiquimula, a una altura de 1500msnm, el volcán Ipala esconde una laguna en su cráter. La mejor forma de sentirse cerca del . ¿Quieres visitar ipala? Escríbenos.

Getaway to Guatemala! Definitly, the best way to feels close to heaven. Located in chiquimula, with a height of 1500 msnm, Ipala volcano hides a lagoon in its crater, a natural landscape that will surprise you. Do you want to visit ?
Write to us!

Quien quiere visitar  ?Who wants to visit   ?

Quien quiere visitar ?
Who wants to visit ?

Lagunas de Sepalau son cuatro impresionantes lagunas kársticas de aguas cristalinas color turquesa, rodeadas por un misterioso paisaje de piedras y bosque.




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