Fish Guinea Bissau

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Fish Guinea Bissau Fantastic Popping and Jigging for Jacks , Tarpon , Snappers and many more . WWW.worldsportfishing . Superb Unspoilt fishing .

Come and join us on our desert island , 80kms of the West African coast . Wonderful scenery and gentle people , go to make Guinea Bissau one of the best fishing destinations on the planet . Ideal for singles , couples and groups . Just 6 hrs flying time from Uk via Lisbon.

Orango Island - Guinea Bissau Right guys, anyone who fancies a trip to one of the best Tropical sportfishing destination...

Orango Island - Guinea Bissau

Right guys, anyone who fancies a trip to one of the best Tropical sportfishing destination on the planet , for some popper, jigging ,livebaiting & trolling.

A fantastic chance to fish the Chimenees and Orango sand banks .
Drop me message if your interested and would like more specific information or call Richard 07977299980 to chat through the options .

Available weeks for some fantastic mixed fishing .

14th - 23rd Oct 23 1 boat
22nd - 31st Oct 23 2 boats
16th - 25th Nov 1 boat

we have other dates through dec - march if you would like a specific date let me know and I will see what can be done .

2 anglers sharing a room and boat £3380 each
3 anglers £2940 each

To include economy flights , transfers , Full board accomodation , 6 days fishing .
single rooms are available at an extra cost per night .

a couple of reviews

" Rob Shepherd
Our trip in November 2022 to Guinea Bissau was spectacular too (we did manage a few 'slightly' smaller Cobia 🤪), it's a fantastic place to visit with not only amazing fishing but the wildlife is stunning too."
"Last day here & had a belter of a day. Guitarfish, Jacks, Barracuda, Red Snapper, Grouper, Pompano, Cassava & bitten off by sharks. Saw flamingo, vultures, turtles, dolphins & a bait ball ripped apart by Jack Crevalle.
What a fishing holiday with my besties Mark & Grace Gluckstein
Special thanks to Pepe , Max , Hassan and Richard Sheard who made it all possible "

John Atkins

Guinea Bissau fishing with World…

Guinea Bissau fishing with World Sportfishing and Richard Sheard has again not failed to deliver on another great trip.This was my fourth time visiting and again this place did not fail to deliver and not only did we catch many many fish but again i managed to break the 100lb barrier this time with a 140lb nurse shark so thats four visits and every time i have broke the ton up WOW this place pound for pound has got to be one of the best places to catch such a variety of fish and even better they have now built some new huts on the beach which in my opinion are well worth the extra few pounds to make the trip even better.
We had a longer stay than the standard trip and boy did it pay off and as for our day at the chimneys a well known mark about 2 hours away from the island we had a real RED LETTER DAY catching so many fish and different species we were buzzing it was a day i will never forget ,We had jacks,snappers, cobia ,barracuda,stingrays,leer fish the action was non stop and we were still talking about it on the plane coming home a day i will never forget
The camp itself is fine with good food a a reasonably well stocked bar to help you relax after your exploits battling with fish in the sun what more could you ask for
Gripes not really any i suppose if i was really picky we were meant to have hot showers which at best were temperamental but T.I.A This is Africa not Palm beach and for me just a minor blip
I had two new P.BS as i said a 140lb nurse shark and a 85lb barracuda so again a very happy chap
Thanks to Richard and all at World Sportfishing for yet another great angling adventure and see you all soon

A review I wrote pre covid Hi all , just got back from another good weeks fishing on Orango . No Big Tarpon landed this ...

A review I wrote pre covid

Hi all , just got back from another good weeks fishing on Orango . No Big Tarpon landed this week , but two big fights from the usual big girls , made it an interesting afternoon for Darren and Dave .
However what has turned on is the Cobia bite . It was incredible last week with good sized fish 40kgs turning up alllover . Porco reef has been very consistant producing Big Snapper , Jacks , Lots of Cassava and the aforementioned Cobia . All these fish coming on a combination of Speed jigs , Soft baits and livebaits .
The Channel also conjured up Captainfish , Big Barras , Sharks , Jacks , Tarpon strikes , and some large guitarfish.
But the most amazing spot was a small offshore wreck we sometimes fish . We set off in the morning with the specific intention of fishing the West wreck , a lot further offshore , but a combination of wind over tide and apperence of a huge shoal of yahboys meant we had a decision to make , whether to push on and get very wet or to take the path of least resitance , catch a few liveys and head for the closer mark. Anyway sense prevailed , and we commenced and unequal battle to fill the live bait tank . Using very small sabikis , is the normal practice and often string after string will come into the boat filling the tank in very short order , however the big yahboy shoals are frequently harrased by packs of Spanish mackeral , thgis morning virtually every string of feathers was getting ripped to shreds , the smaller mackerals hitting swivels , leads and feathers , and the larger ones attacking the hooked but livebaits destined for the well.
Although Sabiki rigs are only £1.50 each , after you have thrown the 6th set to the aquatic wolves lin quick succession you start to worry about what you are going to use for the rest of the week , after a while we managed to hone our technique to dropping rigs only into the mass of the baits and then winding like mad , this meant that at least a couple of baits would make it to the boat and most of your hooks would stay in tact. Using this technique we managed a "well full " , Max agreeing it was enough , there was one score we had to settle before we left the shoal in peace . So small wedges and light wires were selected and the fun commenced , hit after hit , casted , jigged , however they were presented the wedges were smashed and some great little scraps ensued with Mackeral up to 11lb , if these things grey to 25lb we would never fish for anything else !!!.
Anyway score settled we headed off to the wreck . After a couple of short test drifts we set the position and dropped down a couple of livebaits . Well that was a waste of time because the fish came to us !!! . Within a minute there were 20 large cobias circling the boat , "wind up , wind up " and as the baits appeared from the gloom , the mayhem began . The first was smashed by a fish of 40kgs and the second by a slightly smaller but non the less respectable fish , as Dave and Darren fought the first two , I was amazed to see between 20 and 30 fish circling the boat , in amongst them where some of the biggest Cobia , I had ever seen , and Ive seen a few . First fish came in the boat , and after that every on was released , the action was fierce and chaotic as fish after fish hit livebait , leadhead jigs and stick baits , It really didnt matter what you threw at them they were so wound up they hit almost anything.
Another amazing thing was that at no point did we move the boat or reposition , as we passed the wreck , the fish were massed on the mark , almost filling the sounder , but as we drifted away they came with us. Even to the point that when we called our second boat over , it sat at a distance of 80 yds with no bite but when we called them over to us as soon as the dropped in at a distance of 15 yards they had a triple hook up . Again all good sized fish , probably the smallest would have been 18kgs , but most well above .
As the drift continued it became a hunt for the big fish , Max encouraging Darren and Dave to target only the largest amongst the school , which was great fun . pulling the baits and lures away from the smaller fish , snapping and smashing on the surface in an attempt to grab the baits . I tried to get some photos , but they are not particularly clear , but they give you the idea . Anyway at this point there was one big fish cruising around the boat , much bigger than anything else we had seen , but like most big fish it was retisant to take close to the boat , crusing along with the bait and then turning away at the last minute . During all of this fish were being caught and released all the time , a rough calculation at the end of the session , added up to around 30 -35 fish for 2 anglers on one drift .
These photos are of big fish , maybe 20-40kgs competing for a bait on the surface , sorry about the quality guys but the mood on the boat was manic , and there was so much going on with fish after fish , that as usual its all over and you remeber you havent taken any photos . Must use my go pro more !!!. Anyway it was at about that moment that Darren got a huge hit that sent him carreering to the back of the boat , it was a good fish , it didnt stop , charging off 200mts , before beginning that "cobia" rise to the surface , as it breached Max said "cest un gros " , anyway to cut a long story short after a lot of grunting , groaning deep dives , surface circles we boated the fish , and Max was right , it was huge , 57 kgs on the scale making it the biggest we have ever weighed .The current world record is 61.5kgs caught in Australia ,I believe . So a monster in my book !!. Ive seen one bigger but that one broke the leader .
Yep its an absolute horse of a cobia.
Well done guys . Fight time of 39mins , caught on a 30/50lb class I built for Dave , really nice to see your own rods perform and subsequent to that fight I have taken the two rods back home to add a longer top grip and shorten the lower section , not often do you get the chance to see them work with a good angler on a big fish .
Anyway not quite a world record but a superb fish none the less. More of the trip later .


Nice fight on lighter gear for Carl. Never know whats coming up next !!


Decent fight on light gear .Guinea Bissau


Nice videos from Carl and his son this week on Orango island Guinea Bissau . Couple of decent jacks , apparently they have had pretty manic fishing all week !!

Thank god for that

Thank god for that

Guinea Bissau - Orango island . Richards Guided trip - Excellent set of tides fishing will be excellent . Tarpon , Cobia...

Guinea Bissau - Orango island . Richards Guided trip - Excellent set of tides fishing will be excellent . Tarpon , Cobia , Sharks , Jacks , Snapper etce tec . Popping Jigging , Surf , Trolling , Livebaiting .
Two spaces left for the trip on the 14th - 24th Feb 2022 . I can do a bit of a deal , drop me a line . The situation as far as covid is concerned is that you need a PCR on departure and the same on your return { we arrange all that in Guinea Bissau } .
£2760 each . 2 anglers per boat { should be £3300 }

Just got back from the first post covid trip to Guinea Bissau with 6 clients , with another 5 joining us midway . Miracu...

Just got back from the first post covid trip to Guinea Bissau with 6 clients , with another 5 joining us midway . Miraculously enough we all survived !! . The fishing was difficult the first two days { biggish tides } but got really good as the week went on . Topped off by 3 quite spectacular days on and around the chimennees , mass attacks of Jacks , some superb Leerfish on poppers and stickbaits , a 40kg Cobia on a popper !! , mixed with rod breaking big stingers . Anyway more to the point , we had a PCR test in Guinea with results emailed to us , passed through airports with very little fuss and no luggage went missing , which considering how much stuff I took to set up for the beginning of the season was nothing short of miraculous .
Anyway a really good mix of nice fish for all , a few lost lures and Jigs plus several broken rods , I think everyone went away happy.
The family that turned up later in the week , seem to be having a great time with plenty of Killer rig fishing keeping the kitchen supplied with delicious Simpots and Dorade royale , they have had a propper species bash with over 19 species between the 3 kids so far and I must say that 10 year old anglers are far more appreciative of our efforts than the grouchy old adult anglers !!.
Anyway more turning up next week , so hopefully things are properly returning to normal.
Still have a few places left in November and December £2750 for 3 anglers in a boat and £3200 for 2 anglers in a boat include 7 days fishing , flights , transfers and full board accomodation.
Anyone interested drop me a pm.


This is fantastic , have you seen what lengths Royal air maroc airlines are preparing to do for their clients , Buy a ticket to Guinea Bissau and all this is included during the current period .

COVID-19 Assistance - Royal Air Maroc

Royal Air Maroc COVID-19 Assistance
In response to the current COVID-19 outbreak we are taking all necessary actions to provide you with the security and ease of mind when traveling to your next destination.
Cover on all Royal Air Maroc destinations
Book your flights on, or through the reservations center, or any of our retail offices or with your travel agent and you’ll automatically receive free COVID-19 Cover for Medical and Quarantine *expenses related costs..
The cover is valid from the first day of your trip up to 31 days, you will remain covered even if you travel onwards to another city.
Residents of USA, Canada, Israel and Turkey are not eligible for this coverage

* Pre-approval is subject to terms and conditions.
Summary of Cover
- 24/7 COVID-19 Assistance
- COVID-19 Emergency Medical Assistance up to 150,000 €
- Quarantine Accommodation Cost up to 100 € per day
- Repatriation costs in the event of death due to the pandemic.
- Applicable to all Royal Air Maroc passengers

Please read the full terms and conditions to find out more about our COVID-19 Assistance.
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How to use your Free COVID-19 Cover?
If you are diagnosed with COVID-19 during you travel in the country of destination, please contact our Royal Air Maroc COVID-19 Assistance Team immediately. It is mandatory to obtain the pre-approval from Royal Air Maroc COVID-19 Assistance Team, your expenses will only be settled directly with the clinic, hospital of other medical or non-medical facility. If you pay, you will not be able to claim these expenses later.
Please note you will not be covered for the cost of PCR tests.
By having your medical and quarantine expenses covered, you acknowledge and agree that your personal data, including sensitive personal data, needs to be processed by Maroc Assistance Internationale to evaluate your claim for expenses and arrange payment for those expenses.
This includes your name, e-ticket, passport details, results of Covid-19 testing and other medical information.

Another post from Nick from his March trip to Orango Parque Hotel Islas Bijagosmore fishing three cobia in the same day ...

Another post from Nick from his March trip to Orango Parque Hotel Islas Bijagos

more fishing
three cobia in the same day . first one was around the 18lb mark and was kept for the villagers next one was 30plus and released so was the last one which the deck hand put at 47kg which is a 100lb fish i would of said closer to 60lb and took over 30 minutes to get to the boat and defo the hardest fighting fish iv ever hooked totaly amazing the shear power totaly unforgetable day

Nick Epton sent us this from his trip last week a big thanks to the skipper who is prepping sushi on the boat "was total...

Nick Epton sent us this from his trip last week

a big thanks to the skipper who is prepping sushi on the boat "was totaly amazing" and Pepe the deck hand and english speaking guide plus some fish pictures 🦈🦈😎

Fed up with Christmas already . How about getting away from it all .Orango Island Guinea BissauI have 4 places sole use ...

Fed up with Christmas already . How about getting away from it all .

Orango Island Guinea Bissau

I have 4 places sole use of two 9mt sportfishers , 5 days boat fishing , 1 days beach fishing leaving UK on the 22nd Dec and returning on the 30th . Flights transfers Full board accomodation and fantastic fishing what better way to celebrate the festive season and all back in time to get paralytic on New years eve . A fantastic fishing trip away from all the hassle of christmas .

Total cost per angler £3550 .

Bear in mind thats Christmas week so half the price of other equivalent destinations .

Drop me a message if you want anymore details .



Busy this week in Guinea Bissau . If you would like to join us please message me . We have a few spaces left in Jan , Fe...

Busy this week in Guinea Bissau . If you would like to join us please message me . We have a few spaces left in Jan , Feb and April.

Mixed fishing in Guinea last week with a great mix of fish

Mixed fishing in Guinea last week with a great mix of fish

Ze and Assan are smashing it this week . Looks like Stephen and Peter are certainly on the fish this week . Orango , Gui...

Ze and Assan are smashing it this week . Looks like Stephen and Peter are certainly on the fish this week . Orango , Guinea bissau certainly gives a huge range of different species

Bijagos islands . Guinea Bissau .By far the cheapest all in package to a world class tropical inshore destination .A few...

Bijagos islands . Guinea Bissau .

By far the cheapest all in package to a world class tropical inshore destination .

A few great dates left to fish with the best skippers in the islands . We are really busy this season and the fishing has been nothing short of spectacular.

8th Dec 2019 - 18th Dec 2019
29th Dec 2019 - 6th Jan 2020
31st Jan 2020 - 8th Feb 2020
20th Feb 2020 - 1st Mar 2020
25th April 2020 - 2nd May 2020 { Short trip }
6th May 2020 - 16th May 2020

Options for groups of 2,3,4 anglers . { We can put single anglers with groups if required.

2 anglers per boat £3160 per angler
3 anglers per boat £2780 per angler
4 anglers per 10.5mt boat £2460 per angler

Based on a 9 day trip with 7 days fully guided fishing using out purpose built 9 or 10.5mt centre console sportfishers you can access an amazing variety of different ground and fish for a bewildering range of hard fighting sport fish .Price includes flights , transfers , All Food , accomodation , transfers , 7 days fishing.

This a safe and very welcoming enviroment , the island is a Unesco heritage site and is protected , we are the only operator fully licensed to fish in this national park area , the best fishing is right on our doorstep , so no 2 hr hour treks everyday to reach the fishing best fishing spots , or best fishing spots are 10 mins away !! .

World record size Tarpon inhabit these waters not to mention , Sharks , Trevally , Leerfish , Huge Cobia , Barracuda , Grouper to name but a few .

You can use pretty much any method to target fish in this prolofic area . Popping , Jigging , Fly fishing , Trolling , Livebaiting , deadbaiting , Surfcasting

Stunning unspoilt islands , Hippos , Dolphins , Manatees , miles of unihabited white sand beaches , it really is a privilege to visit one of the world last virgin fisheries .

Please message me , call me 07977299980 , or email us [email protected] for more details .

Snapper bashing yesterday

Snapper bashing yesterday

A few pics of Lee and Keith in Guinea Bissau last week

A few pics of Lee and Keith in Guinea Bissau last week

My new 9mt is all engined up and ready to go fishing in Guinea Bissau , look out fish here she comes !!!

My new 9mt is all engined up and ready to go fishing in Guinea Bissau , look out fish here she comes !!!

Lee Matthews said this about his Guinea Bissau trip Just returned,,,Mind blowing fishing ,,,Records there for sure,,,Sod...

Lee Matthews said this about his Guinea Bissau trip

Just returned,,,Mind blowing fishing ,,,Records there for sure,,,Sod the records thou,,Surface fishing for and CATCHING Leerfish,Snapper and Jacks on surface lures took me higher than ever,,,...Thanks Richard,,Surface fishing my new pursuit .



Rod Reynolds says - No place like it , going again end of April for a weeks beach fishing this will be my 4th visit a must for any serious angler .

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Bijagos islands . Guinea Bissau .By far the cheapest all in package to a world class tropical inshore destination .A few...

Bijagos islands . Guinea Bissau .

By far the cheapest all in package to a world class tropical inshore destination .

A few great dates left to fish with the best skippers in the islands . We are really busy this season and the fishing has been nothing short of spectacular.

8th Dec 2019 - 18th Dec 2019
29th Dec 2019 - 6th Jan 2020
31st Jan 2020 - 8th Feb 2020
20th Feb 2020 - 1st Mar 2020
25th April 2020 - 2nd May 2020 { Short trip }
6th May 2020 - 16th May 2020

Options for groups of 2,3,4 anglers . { We can put single anglers with groups if required.

2 anglers per boat £3160 per angler
3 anglers per boat £2780 per angler
4 anglers per 10.5mt boat £2460 per angler

Based on a 9 day trip with 7 days fully guided fishing using out purpose built 9 or 10.5mt centre console sportfishers you can access an amazing variety of different ground and fish for a bewildering range of hard fighting sport fish .Price includes flights , transfers , All Food , accomodation , transfers , 7 days fishing.

This a safe and very welcoming enviroment , the island is a Unesco heritage site and is protected , we are the only operator fully licensed to fish in this national park area , the best fishing is right on our doorstep , so no 2 hr hour treks everyday to reach the fishing best fishing spots , or best fishing spots are 10 mins away !! .

World record size Tarpon inhabit these waters not to mention , Sharks , Trevally , Leerfish , Huge Cobia , Barracuda , Grouper to name but a few .

You can use pretty much any method to target fish in this prolofic area . Popping , Jigging , Fly fishing , Trolling , Livebaiting , deadbaiting , Surfcasting

Stunning unspoilt islands , Hippos , Dolphins , Manatees , miles of unihabited white sand beaches , it really is a privilege to visit one of the world last virgin fisheries .

Please message me , call me 07977299980 , or email us [email protected] for more details .
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Image may contain: Darren Curtis, outdoor and water
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Funny thing titles, didn`t know how to describe the experience I have just been through but as it`s on real lure fish, n...

Funny thing titles, didn`t know how to describe the experience I have just been through but as it`s on real lure fish, none of this soft plastic stuff, here goes

Bissau is the third poorest country in the world, an ex Portuguese protectorate standing between Senegal and Liberia on the West African coast

An accumulation of estuaries and creeks merge into a sandy delta with Islands known as the Bijagos Islands a spattering of 88 palm-fringed-islands in the Atlantic Ocean, only 23 of them inhabited

To just say that these verdant tropical specks have miles of deserted, spectacular beaches, peculiar feats of nature like a rare herd of saltwater hippopotamuses, and unusual customs like one of the world`s few functioning matriarchies women have traditionally chosen their mates, with little right of refusal, on the island of Orango is to do them an injustice. Because to arrive in the Bijag`s after the three-hour ride in a small speedboat from the decrepit yet ingratiating capital of the country, Bissau, is to enter another world and another century.

Organised through World Sport fishing to get there is a flight to Lisbon and then a connection to Bissau.

An overnight on the side of the creek you then take the boat from and the 3 hour trip to get you to Accunda, a small island only a few hundred meters away from the larger Island of Orango

A base camp of thatched cottages, a bar and a table to eat from is all you need, all looked after by a French Host, Nico, complete in his faded Tenryu t shirt

It was high tide, with a rise and fall of over 3 m, and Sierra Mackerel and Jacks were busy in the channel between Orango and Acunda crashing the bait

What a welcome

The fishery itself is a lure fishermans paradise with shallow water, sandbanks, rocky promontories and shallow wrecks

Popping is the most popular method, with shallow runners and stick baits a close second.

I also used buck tail jigs for there durability and speed jigging the deeper faster runs between the Islands is very effective.

There is no need to use bait to have a good day but believe me a few hours popping a 200mm or 150mm popper at fast speed soon puts you the mood for a rest and a bit of lay down to do something else

There are vast shoals of baitfish on the banks and collection of bait is a straight forward affair using sabikis with all the hair cut off so only the hooks show.

Less straight forward is getting the correct type of bait as fish showed definite preferences and can afford to be as choosy as they want in there chose of prey.

Species include 3 species of jack in the Crevalle, Long fin and African Pompano as well as Leer fish

Various kinds of Snapper and Grouper inhabit the rocks and a fish I had come across before bait fish in Namibia called Kob there but also called Corvina,A fish related to the American Redfish.

Barracuda abound and there large amounts of sharks and rays for those who want to target them



I suppose you could call this HRF with k***s on.

I used 100g Alcedo Modularis spinning rods in 2.4 and 3.0m length. Together with Pro jigger reels and 300m of 60lb braid.

Leaders are 100lb to a ball bearing snap swivel

On recommendation I used cost effective Tsunami 150mm and 200mm poppers or Hokkaido super shad 180mm shallow runners.

All lures need there hooks and split pins removing and Owners ST trebles put on.

This is absolutely necessary as any other hook becomes the weakest link.

Very fast and fight on the surface, a beautiful Cobia from a shallow wreck on livebait

Very fast and fight on the surface, a beautiful Cobia from a shallow wreck on livebait

On the sandbanks it is as if you are casting into a washing machine of waves surf and foam.

The technique is motor the boat, a rugged 30ft twin 100hp open top about 50 m from the shallows and cast ahead and across the banks, cranking hard on the retrieve and giving the lure all the noise and pop you can.

Vast amounts of sand bank go by without a touch and then all hell breaks lose as a pack of jacks crash the poppers, often in the face of wave and in full view.

Those without a fish need to get there poppers into the maelstrom as quickly as possible to get a hit as the pack will follow the hooked fish often trying to tear the lure from the fish`s mouth.

How big to you want your Jack,one from the washing Machine .a swirl of white water on a bank

How big to you want your Jack,one from the washing Machine .a swirl of white water on a bank

Runs are hard and fast and long over shallow water with rods often having to be run all around the boat over and under other hooked fish.

Fights are long and fierce with the Jacks showing no mercy of the slack and weak.

Rods often snap and reels burn out .

Braid gets twisted and frayed and knots give way

The technique is short pumps and winds ,do not put the rod up too high.

Eventually the fish circles the boat pumping its tail in beat distinctive of Jacks. Before being tailed by armoured glove into the boat due to the blades on the side of the tail.

Some are released but some are kept for sushi lunch and for the village, which often rely on the camp for supper.

Fresh raw pompano for lunch.Sushi African style and really nice

Fresh raw pompano for lunch.Sushi African style and really nice

The local fisherman mainly targeting the mullet and smaller species for drying and smoking.

Rock fishing

Is drifting over patches of volcanic reef casting over the heads.

Snapper hit hard and fast and return with lure to the rocks with huge paddle tails even faster. Crash,bang,snagged €¦Ã¢‚¬¦as fast as you can say it

Shallow runners in white are preferred to poppers but again these fish crush lures and hooks like matchsticks.

A 20lb snapper is probably the hardest target available to lure anglers

Don`t even think about the 40 and 50lb fish that just play with you before spitting out the remains of your lure€¦..

Leerfish inhabit the sandbanks where you can catch them and the wrecks where you probably can not€¦..for the same reason as above.

Fairer game are Cobia ,a mix of catfish and shark that fight fair by screaming off on long and fast runs on the surface much like a lunatic Tope on steroids.

Living next to structure such as wrecks and rocks these are caught on lures but love a live drifted baitfish which they first kill with a fierce bite before returning to suck the victim in.

Other fish seen on the wrecks were Permit seen on the fin which are quite catchable on a calm day with fish bait on the surface or even a well presented fly.

Most spectacular of all was popping from a beach .

A spot discovered when a call of nature was urgently required earlier this year by one of the skippers.

Caught on a falling tide the trick is to look for activity along a large section of prime beach

Casting below Sierra Mackerel or baitfish activity produces spectacular results with pods of Pompano and Jacks ripping hooks off the lures as they fought for the honour of the fight

This is where I tried fly fishing by waiting until fish chasing the popper come in close

I have a video of a fly caught fish which shows the fight lasting over 45 minutes

This was on a 10 weight and over 300m of backing across the tidal stream was taken before the fish was turned and slowly pumped back over rocks and banks.

The fishery is full of different ways to fish and will satisfy the keenest type of angler, whatever preference or method he chooses to use. I even caught a 10 kilo Corvina at night beach casting in front of the camp restaurant.

Costs are very reasonable and you can even chose a shore fishing option only.

Its all a bit different from Bass and Wrasse but is a spectacular way to go fishing,which is what we all enjoy.

Hope you enjoy the photographs

Don`t hesitate to get in touch on [email protected] for more information and advice on Bissau

Enerjigger reels suvived the bashing and high work rate that popping and speed jiiging put on the internal parts no sweat

Enerjigger reels suvived the bashing and high work rate that popping and speed jiiging put on the internal parts no sweat
an Avet reel for trolling on a green line jigging rod

an Avet reel for trolling on a green line jigging rod
Modularis 100g spinning rods were even used for speed jigging with 300g jigs,they didnt break...

Modularis 100g spinning rods were even used for speed jigging with 300g jigs,they didnt break...
An aluminium pro reel isnt supposed to catch this type of fish but it was fun..

An aluminium pro reel isnt supposed to catch this type of fish but it was fun..
Not all the permit were big...

Not all the permit were big...
A local fishing boat,probably hundreds of year old and made from one tree.

A local fishing boat,probably hundreds of year old and made from one tree.
a little neach for lunch

a little neach for lunch
Sushi anyone

Sushi anyone
Oh No a big fish on a small 50g rod and aluminium pro,slowly does it

Oh No a big fish on a small 50g rod and aluminium pro,slowly does it
Half an hour later...... a 15 kilo fish

Half an hour later...... a 15 kilo fish
The famous chimneys wreck as seen in Robson Greens programme, a algae bloom spoiled our day

The famous chimneys wreck as seen in Robson Greens programme, a algae bloom spoiled our day
this guys sought us out from miles away and wanted to play,I samw turtles and dougons too

this guys sought us out from miles away and wanted to play,I samw turtles and dougons too
enerjigger braid ,modularis 100g and master fight braid all put to the test

enerjigger braid ,modularis 100g and master fight braid all put to the test


Tythe Farm



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